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avivajazz  jazzaviva

10 Web trends to watch in 2010 - 6 views

    10 web trends to watch in 2010

website designing company in rohini - 0 views


website designing company in rohini webexpert seo services

started by ogeninfo on 05 Apr 17 no follow-up yet
Graham Perrin

Computer scientists create a multilingual search engine - 14 views

  • Computer Scientists Create a Multilingual Search Engine
  • Mar. 18, 2010
  • query a contents repository written in Interlingua
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • questions formulated in any language
  • answer in the language in which the question was formulated
  • Interlingua is a language-independent contents representation
Espreson Media

Win Trip to Goa: MSN India new Marketing campaign for Hotmail - 2 views

    Hotmail is not Hot at all compared to Gmail and Yahoo! Microsoft is on the way to make it hot by launching a catchy marketing campaign. This type of marketing campaign for a Email provider is new to all of us. The campaign catch line is: "Create a new Hotmail account & win a trip for two to Goa!"
Hendy Irawan

WebORB for PHP : Connect Flex, Flash, AJAX and Silverlight clients with PHP «... - 0 views

    WebORB for PHP is a robust FREE and OPEN SOURCE multi-protocol development and runtime environment that is designed to effortlessly connect Flex, Flash, AJAX and Silverlight clients with PHP classes and data from relational databases via PHP backend. WebORB for PHP The goal of WebORB for PHP is to enable a new generation of web applications with enhanced UI capabilities, robust client-server communication, streamlined data synchronization, transaction services support and real-time messaging, all at a reasonable cost that delivers fast time to market.
Javier Mejia Torrenegra

Sistemas integrales para la automatización de bibliotecas basados en software... - 0 views

    La automatización hace muchos años dejó de ser una moda y se convirtió en una necesidad para las bibliotecas. La tecnología se transformó en una herramienta indispensable para el buen desempeño de los procesos y servicios, así como para el intercambio de información con otras bibliotecas. Entre los avances tecnológicos con un mayor impacto sobre las unidades de información se encuentra Internet, un medio de intercambio de información con potencialidades insospechadas, del que las bibliotecas pueden aprovecharse para difundir sus colecciones a diversas partes del mundo.
Julie Weishaar

It's the Social Media Strategy Struggle - 0 views

    Interesting article about social media strategy
Gordon Herd

How Privacy Vanishes Online, a Bit at a Time - - 15 views

    Interesting article on online privacy.
    This is scary!
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