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Graham Perrin

Adobe, AIR and open source: changes to, and expectations of, WebKit - 1 views

  • Adobe Open Source
  • WebKit
  • to render HTML and execute JavaScript in Adobe® AIR™
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • Our plan is to contribute our changes back to the WebKit community
  • currently working on getting the code smoothly integrated
  • conversation at
  • Our modification can be found within the Perforce depot.
  • integrate our changes back into the WebKit source repository at
  • the WebKit shared library will not contain any platform specific code
  • For the near term, WebKit will have platform specific code
  • to rasterize vector graphics generated by the HTML renderer
  • Project Plans
  • we use Cairo Source for WebKit
  • we use CoreGraphics
  • 2008-06-03
    Adobe, AIR and open source: changes to, and expectations of, WebKit
    Will AIR applications be deployable in Google Chrome OS? Or, is this possibility reduced by Adobe's changes to WebKit? When and how will Adobe's changes to WebKit become available at Defocusing from Adobe: is there now less platform-specific code within WebKit? How soon might the goal — no platform-specific code — be realised?
Anna Taylor

Open Source Content Management: One Big Happy (Disfunctional) Family - 1 views

    Content management systems have effectively replaced much of the tedious HTML and CSS work that was required to make changes to a website. A custom theme for your CMS still takes time and an experienced professional to execute, but business owners no longer face the hassle of learning code or paying a developer for ongoing changes for simple adjustments to content.
Anna Taylor

Top Open Source ERP Software - 0 views

    Several types of open source ERP software can be downloaded online, and many are completely free of charge. Following are the top ten open source ERP systems available today.
Girja Tiwari

CRM is available in the Web 2.0 - 0 views

    CRM is available in the Web 2.0.About the new instant messaging a real-time communication with the many prospective customers and business partners is of course possible (fast as in the known ICQ). The new CRM system have interfaces.......Read Full Text
Girja Tiwari

Advantages of Email Archiving - 0 views

    Advantages of Email Archiving. E-mails are the postal communication tools of our time. The big advantage is the speed of creation, sending and reception world wide. Another advantage is that in contrast to the telephone message......Read Full Text

Web Designers Kit : Business analytics graphs free psd - 0 views

    Business analytics graphs free psd


    Joomla offers a user friendly environment, which makes it easy to develop every kind of website for every business type either small or big. There are various factors which are considered as key achievement for the developers trust in Joomla
    Joomla offers a user friendly environment, which makes it easy to develop every kind of website for every business type either small or big. There are various factors which are considered as key achievement for the developers trust in Joomla
Mike Chelen - 0 views

  • is an Open Source Collaborative Knowledge Management Appliance that enables teams to seamlessly work together on files, documents and content in a secure central environment. is available for free under the GNU GPL v3 license.
Mike Chelen

archivesz - Google Code - 0 views

    provide a way to enable visualization of aggregated metadata about archival collections - and support filtering of this information to isolate archival collections of interest
Mike Chelen

Open Source iPhone Software - The best open source apps on the iPhone. - 2 views

    Yes! Open source exists on the iPhone. While the phone OS may be closed, you can still run free and open software. Here's a list of the best open source on the iPhone. Updated often as new apps come out!

Your Electronics Open Source & Feed A Need - 0 views

    Your Electronics Open Source participates at Reddit's Feed A Need project.
Mike Chelen

Deki Wiki | Open Source Alternative - - 0 views

    MindTouch Deki Wiki is the Web's most popular commercially supported wiki platform for creating content and mashups using a wiki interface. The free, open source application is an easy to use program for authoring, aggregating, organizing, and sharing almost any kind of content. Enterprises can build online communities and in-house Intranets, create collaborative applications, or add wiki capabilities to existing applications. Deki Wiki includes a state-of-the-art WYSIWYG editor, integration with the LDAP, and open source providers like WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, and Mambo. Deki Wiki is also a platform for building collaborative Web applications that access functionality or data from anywhere on the Internet. Its flexible architecture even allows wiki capabilities to be added to existing applications regardless of the underlying language or technology.

develop a facebook application - 0 views

    develop a facebook application
Ariel Castro

Concursive Corporation - Open Source Business Social Software Platform - 1 views

    From building a social networking website to providing a robust corporate intranet for internal collaboration, ConcourseConnect is a flexible solution that can be tailored to virtually any company or organization's needs.
Graham Perrin

Carrot2 - open source search results clustering engine - 0 views

  • automatically organize small collections of documents
  • thematic categories
  • ready-to-use components for fetching search results
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • YahooAPI, GoogleAPI, MSN Live API, eTools Meta Search, Lucene, SOLR, Google Desktop and more
  • easily integrates
  • e.g. search results
    An open source framework for building search clustering engines. It can automatically organize small collections of documents, e.g. search results, into thematic categories. Carrot2 can add clustering of search results to an existing search engine. Its algorithms should successfully cluster up to about a thousand text documents, a few paragraphs each.
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