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faimone Björn

Twitter in der Unternehmenskommunikation - 0 views

  • Twitter: Wie Sie Micro-Blogging für Ihre Unternehmenskommunikation nutzen können
  • 0 prozentige Zuwachsraten pro Woche.
  • Micro-Blogging wird sogar im amerikanischen Präsidentschaftswahlkampf eingesetzt.
  • ...17 more annotations...
  • Als Twitterer können Sie kurze Nachrichten, so genannte Tweets, via Web, Chat oder Handy auf den Dienst "Twitter" senden.
  • So bekommen Sie nur die Nachrichten angezeigt, die Sie auch lesen möchten.
  • ntsprechen Ihre Mitteilungen einer SMS,
  • s Ganze verbreiten Sie also individuell und in Echtzeit.
  • Öffentliche Meinung verfolgen ("Marktforschung"). Sie erfahren Meinungen, Ansichten von Marktteilnehmern schnell, ungefiltert und komprimiert.
  • enn Sie mit den richtigen Personen vernetzt sind, lohnt sich Micro-Blogging auf jeden Fall.
  • Persönliche Marke
  • Art Mischung aus SMS und Instant Messaging.
  • Lösungssuche.
  • etzwerke mit niedrigem Aufwand ausbauen
  • Informationen teilen.
  • ommunikationskanäle für Veranstaltungen oder Themen nutzen.
  • Nachrichten- oder Informationsticker
  • Projektmanagement. Bei einfachen Projekten können die Projektteilnehmer einzelnen Akteuren jeweils unkompliziert ihren Stand via Twitter mitteilen
  • Feedback und Ideen sammeln. Sie können laut nachdenken und sich Einfälle holen
  • aufzubauen
  • ihre neuesten Blog-Einträge verweisen
Ariel Castro

Twitter is the new Reality Show | Loyalty Truth Blog - 0 views

  • Twitter is the new Reality Show
    On the other hand, social networks like Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, and micro-blogging site Twitter are growing at exorbitant rates while continuing to suffer from criticism by mainstream business as time-wasting black holes exposing people to career risk with unproven business return.
my mashable

Ashton Reaches One Million Fans on Facebook, Can he do it on Twitter? - 0 views

    Actor Ashton Kutcher recently challenged CNN to be the first to 1 million followers on the micro-blogging site, had more than 959,360 Twitter followers as of 1 p.m. ET Thursday. CNN's breaking-news feed had about 12,000 more Twitter fans, with some 968,000. But the real intresting part is the Ashton reaches one million fans on his Facebook fan page while am writing this post Ashton has1,037 ,940 fans on his Facebook fan page.
Jeff Johnson

Rejaw is Not Just Another Twitter Clone - 0 views

    Rejaw is not YATC (Yet another Twitter Clone). Sure, it has some similarities but it's really more of a hybrid of twitter, Plurk, and Meebo. It's a micro-blogging service with a hint of chat. Here's the quick and dirty rundown of its best features.
my mashable

FileTwt Dedicated File Sharing Service on Twitter - 0 views

    Twitter been widely used micro blogging services for instant sharing with friends and followers. Since Twiter is updated instantly users can easily share information such as links, images, video and now you can share files instantly with all your friends on Twitter. FileTwt is a simple file sharing service on Twitter. Lot of us use Rapidshare for file sharing, but now FileTwt let Twitter user to share files up to 20MB maximum instantly. At present all files are hosted on Rapidshare, but FileTwt will soon start hosting the uploaded files themselves in a few days!
my mashable

"HI TWITTERS" Oprah Winfrey Made her Twitter Debut - 0 views

    US talk show megastar Oprah Winfrey made her debut on micro-blogging service Twitter on Friday with a shout out to her fans. Oprah issued her first tweet around 7:10 a.m. PDT Friday--the same day Williams and Twitter's top celebrity, Ashton Kutcher, will join her on the show.
Willis Wee

Twitter To "CONQUER" Japan And More - 0 views

    Having launched Twitter in Japanese back in April 2008, the micro-blogging giant has accumulated more than 783,000 Japanese users in its portfolio. Out of which, 95% of them tweet via their mobile phone; a statistic that probably inspired Twitter to launch a Japanese mobile site just yesterday!
Willis Wee

What Is DELICIOUS To Twitter? - 1 views

    at least we know that Twitter is using Delicious as their social bookmarking site, and the micro-blogging giant has some interesting saves to share. Here are 3 of our favorites!

Are Social Photo Submission Blog Sites Working? - 18 views

social photo submission blog

Fern Butler

Web 2.0 Social Media Website - 0 views

    Do micro-blogging, share video, audios and pictures on Zugme- Social Media Website
Dr. Sorin Adam Matei

WikiDashboard - Providing social transparency to Wikipedia - 0 views

  • The idea is that if we provide social transparency and enable attribution of work to individual workers in Wikipedia, then this will eventually result in increased credibility and trust in the page content, and therefore higher levels of trust in Wikipedia. Wikipedia itself keeps track of these studies and openly discusses them here, which is a form of social transparency itself. However, even Wales himself have been quoted as saying that "while Wikipedia is useful for many things, he would like to make it known that he does not recommend it to college students for serious research." Indeed, the standard complaint I often hear about Wikipedia is that because of its editorial policy (anyone can edit anything), it is an unreliable source of information.
    Making Wikipedia transparent
syukron nuryadi

LG G2 user manual and specifications - 0 views


LG user manual

started by syukron nuryadi on 01 Jan 14 no follow-up yet

A Mixtape That Goes Viral - 21 views

search engine marketing Singapore

Company Registration

A Beginner's Guide to MSME Registration: Requirements and Benefits - 1 views

    MSME industries are the backbone of the economy. They are also known as Small Scale Industries (SSIs). The government of India provides an MSME registration to the industries classified by the government as Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) in India. know about A Beginner's Guide to MSME Registration and also know MSME Registration Requirements and Benefits.
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