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Food and eating as social practice - understanding eating patterns as social phenomena ... - 5 views

    Delormier, Treena, Katherine L. Frohlich, and Louise Potvin. "Food and eating as social practice - understanding eating patterns as social phenomena and implications for public health." Sociology of Health & Illness 31.2 (2009): 215-228. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 19 Nov. 2010. This article talks about how eating habits and your enviornment are directly related. It explains how when you are given nutritional facts and have a support system, you will keep up with your healthy eating; but once your support system subsides you will go back to your normal routine. It also brings up how the way you were brought up to eat and what to eat influence what you eat today. All in all how your social network is related to how you eat.

Teaching students with autistic spectrum disorders in HE - 5 views

    Taylor, M.J. . "Teaching Students with autistic spectrun disorders in HE." Teaching Students with autistic spectrun disorders in HE. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Nov. 2010. . This article is a study to find out how to teach students with an autistic spectrum disorder in a higher education setting. This study lasted a few years as the college students closely studied a few individuals with different levels of autism.

Evaluation of science and technology education at the dawn of a new millennium - 4 views

    Altschuld, James W., and David D. Kumar, eds. Evaluation of Science and Technology Education at the Dawn of a New Millennium. London: Kluwer Academic, 2002. Print. This book is about the advantages of the uses of science and technolgoy in a classroom setting. It gives responses from the defferent points of view of students and teachers. You can see what ideas in which both students and teachers agree with and which disagree with. It discusses the pros and cons behind each arguement.

Networking the Classroom - 4 views

    Conte, C. Networking the Classroom (1995): 921-44. CQ Researcher Online. Web. This article deals with ideas of how to make classrooms more technologically advanced. It discusses the changes that have been made to techonology in the past few years, and why it is a good idea to stay technologically savy in the classroom. You can see students' benefits and their opinions to being able to use techonology in their work environment.

Developmental Stages of Reading Processes in Children Who Are Blind and Sighted. - 4 views

    Steinman, Bernard A., B. J. LeJeune, and B. T. Kimbrough. "Developmental Stages of Reading Processes in Children Who Are Blind and Sighted." Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness 100.1 (2006): 36-46. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 19 Nov. 2010. This article puts in contrast the development of blind or sighted children learning print and Braille in relation to Chall's stage model of reading development. Chall's stage model is a model of how one should go about learning Braille. His model is broken up into three stages. The stages are: the pre-reading stage, the middle stage, and the later stage. Then these stages are broken down into six different stages. In stages one and two children can focus on the sounds of the words themselves and stages three- five Braille readers state reading texts that have different difficulty level. This article provides detailed descriptions of all six stages and how these stages relate to a child's development when it comes to print and Braille reading.

Technological Literacy and Social Purpose - 4 views

    De Vore, Paul W. "Technological Literacy and Social Purpose." Technological Literacy and Social Purpose 31.1 (1992): 59. Academic Search Complete. Web. This article discusses the impact of technology education on society, human development, and the natural environment. How has techonology been able to shape the environment in which we work and learn in? This is the question in which this article deals with. It shows the benefits and advancements that have been made through the world of techonlogy

College Freshmen Perceptions of Effective and Ineffective Aspects of Nutrition Education - 4 views

    Kicklighter, Jana Regina, et. al. "College Freshmen Perceptions of Effective and Ineffective Aspects of Nutrition Education." Journal of American College Health 59.2 (Sep/Oct2010): 98-104. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 18 Nov. 2010. This article is about a study done on freshman college students to learn what they believe the best method of teaching students about nutrition is. The results were then interpreted to figure out the best way to teach other students about nutrition.

Emergent literacy: A new perspective - 4 views

    Stratton, J.M. "Emergent literacy: A new perspective." Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness 90.3 (1996): 177. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 1 Nov. 2010. This article explains how children learn the concepts of symbols and print through interaction with adults. It then continues to apply this to that of visually impaired children. The article states that children grow in their understanding of the environment through hands on experiences. It is necessary for a visually impaired child to develop hand skills. This is because it is their hands that are used to do the majority of their reading. It is through home and school environment as well as motor developments can help a visually impaired child become more literate.

Recognizing and fostering creativity in technological design education. - 4 views

    Cropley, David, and Arthur Cropley. "Recognizing and Fostering Creativity in Technological Design Education." International Journal of Technology & Design Education 20.3 (2010): 345-58. Academic Search Complete. Web. This article deals with the pros and cons witht the idea of introducing techonolog into the classroom at younger ages. People are hesitant to do so; however, it may be for the best interest to expose kids at an early age. You will be able to hear different arguements from different point of views (students, teachers, parents, etc.)

The Social and Educational Impacts of the First National Down Syndrome Support Group in... - 4 views

    Gaad, Eman. "The social and educational impacts of the first national Down Syndrome support group in the UAE." Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs 6.3 (2006), 134-142. This is an article about a study done on UAE's first Down syndrome support group. The goal of the group was to correct peoples thoughts on persons with Down syndrome. They found that the group was very beneficial, especially for children. People gained knowledge on Down syndrome and those with Down syndrom built their social skills. It also helped to promote acceptance.

Twenty-First Century Literacy: A Matter of Scale from Micro to Mega - - 4 views

    Brown, Abbie, and Patricia J. Slagter Van Tryon. "Twenty-First Century Literacy: A Matter of Scale from Micro to Mega." Clearing House 83.6 (2010): 235-38. Academic Search Complete. Web. This article discusses the technological changes that took place throughout the twenty first century. Many advancements have been made, therefore, changes need to take place within the people of the time period, too. This article deals with how people have made changes to their lives in order to modernize them with the uses of new techonology that has been introduced in the past few decades.

Achieving Teaching and Learning Excellence With Technology - 4 views

    Marcoux, Elizabeth. "Achieving Teaching and Learning Excellence With Technology." Teacher Librarian 37.2 (2009): 14-22. Academic Search Complete. Web. This article deals with the idea of enhancing the ability to learn and comrehend teachers by using technological literacy. It includes teachers' responses on how they feel about technology in the classroom. It makes sense to expose a child to technology at a young age, because studies show that they will then be able to comprehend as opposed to later in life. However, not everyone agrees with this statement and the idea that technology should be able to be used in the classroom.

The Future of Libraries - 4 views

    Clark, C. "The Future of Libraries." 2010. CQ Researcher. Vol 7. pg 457-480. Web. 18 Nov 2010. The article is about the role change libraries have faced going from a place where many get information to what it is now. This change has partially been brought on by computers, which libraries use to deliver its information. Some who prefer how it was claim that it is incovienitent while the library professionals foresee a hybrid that will bring in components of traditional print media and electronic media.

Texting 'is no bar to literacy' - 4 views

    Ward, Lucy. "Texting 'is no bar to literacy.'" The Gaurdian, 23 Dec. 2004. Web. 21 Nov. 2010. The causes and effects of texting for young kids is debated in this article. At a young age kids are more prone to text and be more technologically savvy. However, their literacy is effected by the amount of texting they do. Children that text less write more. Therefore, children that text more, write less and are less involved in their writing abilities. I will use this information in describing the effects of texting at young ages.

Does Peer Ability Affect Student Achievement? - 4 views

    Hanushek, Eric A., John F. Kain, Jacob M. Markman, and Steven G. Rivkin. "Does Peer Ability Affect Student Achievement?" JSTOR. Journal of Applied Econometrics, Sept.-Oct. 2003: 527-544. Web. 18 Nov. 2010. . This article is about the analysis of peer tutoring. The peer interaction of student tutoring shows that the one on one attention helps the tutee pay attention more. In college, the distractions of a roommate are gone and the student can concentrate on their studies. Peer groups have a positive effect as well with more participation if the student does not feel comfortable speaking in class. Peer groups and peer tutoring also help with parents minds as they know their child is getting more help.

Thie Importance of Learning a Second Language in America - 4 views

    K., Lisa "The Importance of Learning a Second Language in America." Associated Content from Yahoo! - 2008 18 Mar. Web. 22 Nov. 2010. Question: What do you call a person who speaks more than one language? Answer: A Bilingual. Question: What do you call a person who speaks only one language? Answer: An American. This "joke" holds some truth because as the world shrinks and countries become increasingly interdependent, experts predict that within the next twenty years it will be necessary for everyone to speak a second, or even a third language. This is an area where the U.S. lack behind in other parts of the world. Learning another language is important in interacting with others and will help to accept and appreciate the different ways of life of people around the world.

Acquisition of Literacy Skills by Young Children Who Are Blind: Results from the ABC Br... - 4 views

    Emerson, Robert Wall, M. Cay Holbrook, and Frances Mary D'Andrea. "Acquisition of Literacy Skills by Young Children Who Are Blind: Results from the ABC Braille Study." Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness 103.10 (2009): 610-624. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 18 Nov. 2010. The Alphabetic Braille and Contracted Braille Study looked at the reading a writing skills of children studying Braille. Their main objective was to learn about the reading experiences of blind children who learned how to read using alphabetic Braille, or in other words had learned the alphabet first, instead of learning the different symbols for words. It was proven, however, in the study that the earlier a student starting studying Braille the better they were at knowing vocabulary, reading the Braille, and comprehending it. They found no link to whether a student was better in reading due to the fact that they learned the Braille alphabet first or if they learned Braille symbols.

A Study Comparing Art Abilities and General Intelligence of College Students. - 4 views

    Bottorf, Edna A. "A Study Comparing Art Abilities and General Intelligence of College Students." Journal of Educational Psychology 37.7 (1946): 398-426. OhioLINK. Web 3 Nov. 2010. This article discusses the connection between intelligence and artistic ability. It is essentially an overview of psychological studies investigating the same topic. The study involved various IQ tests and analysis of artistic ability. The studies were conducted at several schools of varying age groups. Bottorf examines the results and how they prove and disprove that the two areas are related.

The University of Dayton Rated a Leader in International Student Satisfaction - 4 views

    Nadu, Tamil . "The University of Dayton Rated a Leader in International Student Satisfaction." India PRwire 04 06 2009. Dark Blue Technologies. Fri, 05 Nov 2010 . This article is about the popularity of the University of Dayton among international students by attracting more and more students every year. the article also includes statistics about the number of International students in comparison with other universities within the state of Ohio. there are some Interviews with current UD students taking about their experiences while studying in the university, also how UD provided them with high quality of education and helping them adapt by having a strong community.


    Silvestri, Lynette, and Marc Bonis. "Changes in Health Knowledge." Education 130.2 (2209): 271-273. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 3 Nov. 2010 This article is about the health knowledge of college students. It gives statistics from surveys done on college students and analyzes the data. Also, information on what university are doing to improve the health knowledge of their students is given.
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