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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Bryan B

Bryan B

What about the "Google Effect"? Improving the Library Research Habits of First-Year Com... - 2 views

    Corbett, Patrick. "What about the "Google Effect"? Improving the Library Research Habits of First-Year Composition Students." Teaching English in the Two-Year College 37.3 (2010): 265-277. ERIC. EBSCO. Web. 20 Nov. 2010. The article talks about how the students' research behavior affect the tradtional method of library research in first-year writing courses and then gives an alternate method using libbraries and internet search tools. They details the obligation that educators place on students to use the tools to find relevant information. They present a human-computer interaction study that offers a possible explanation as to the interaction of the students and their non-academic information searches.
Bryan B

Journalism Standards in the Internet Age - 2 views

    Price, Tom. "Journalism Standards in the Internet Age." 2010. CQ Researcher. Vol 20. pg 821-844. Web. 21 Nov 2010. In the article, Price goes over how journalism has changed through the years and more recently with the internet. He gives standards that have been aimed for throughout its history and then clearly gives the differences between news and opinion. With the use of "news-like" websites, this seperation and standards are not always used and seen. With the pressure of the internet and the shrinking news staff, serious journalist wonder what will survive and rise up in the next few decades.
Bryan B

The Google-ization of Knowledge - 3 views

    Larson, Natasja, Jim Parsons, and Laura Servage. "The Google-ization of Knowledge." Online Submission (2007): ERIC. EBSCO. Web. 20 Nov. 2010. The article looks at how Google has changed how knowledge is used, accessed, and the impact it has on those that seek and create it. They suggest that Google is reshaping, how knowledge counts as important, helps business, education, among other things. The authors suggest that the way we access information and how it is presented to us changes how we view knowledge and its creditability.
Bryan B

Besides Google: Guiding Gifted Elementary Students onto the Entrance Ramp of the Inform... - 2 views

    Schneider, Joan. "Besides Google: Guiding Gifted Elementary Students onto the Entrance Ramp of the Information Superhighway." Gifted Child Today 32.1 (2009): 27-31. ERIC. EBSCO. Web. 22 Nov. 2010. In this, Schneider explores how the internet is affecting gifted students in how they find resources that their libraries just can't possibly contain. Within the last decade the internet has become a major tool and curriculum are being changed to go along with it. The ones that are excelling are the students that can process large amounts of information quickly and relatively accurately.
Bryan B

Future of Books - 2 views

    Glazer, Sarah. "Future of Books" 2010. CQ Researcher. Vol 19. pg 473-500. Web. 20 Nov 2010. This article is about how books are going from being the print form to the electronic for as e-books. It includes how they are adding things such as video, sound, and graphics to the text. Some people fear that this will cause the loss of literacy and the dangers the world's store of knowledge will face if it becomes completely digital. While e-books still don't take up a large portion of books sold, it is predicted to increase as the main group of consumers, middle-aged women, is replaced with newer generations.
Bryan B

Does Google Make Us Stupid? - 3 views

    Anderson, Janna, Lee Rainie. "Does Google Make Us Stupid?" Pew Research Center. 19 Feb. 2010. Web. 19 Nov. 2010. This article questions whether if the ease of internet searching and the distractions that accompany it is decreasing people's ability to concentrate. Rather than deep reading, we now simply skim and find answers quickly causing us to not really learn about the subject fully and instead we learn only about bits and pieces of it.
Bryan B

Education and Technology: An Encyclopedia - 3 views

    Kovalchick, Ann, Kara Dawson. "Education and Technology: An Encyclopedia." Academic Search Complete. Ohio Link. Web. 18 Nov. 2010. This article is about how technology is changing the way classrooms operate and it is affecting the students and teachers. It goes into what educational technology is and what it is doing.
Bryan B

The Future of Libraries - 4 views

    Clark, C. "The Future of Libraries." 2010. CQ Researcher. Vol 7. pg 457-480. Web. 18 Nov 2010. The article is about the role change libraries have faced going from a place where many get information to what it is now. This change has partially been brought on by computers, which libraries use to deliver its information. Some who prefer how it was claim that it is incovienitent while the library professionals foresee a hybrid that will bring in components of traditional print media and electronic media.
Bryan B

Impact of the Internet on Thinking - 3 views

    Greenblatt, Alan. "Impact of the Internet on Thinking." 2010. CQ Researcher. Vol 20. pg 773-796. Web. 18 Nov 2010. As the internet is becoming a dominant source of information and offers many more activities, the way people do searches on the internet has changed. We have come to use the computer and internet more and more while doing searches, academic or otherwise, and people have started to question whether or not the internet is changing the way we think.
Bryan B

Internet Accuracy - 6 views

    Clemmitt, Marcia. "Internet accuracy." 2008. CQ Researcher. Vol 18. pg 625-648. Web. 2 Nov 2010. This article is about the accuracy of information on the internet and how the internet has become a top source of information for everyone with access to it. As the internet has risen to become such a vital source of information, the question regarding the authenticity and the education on how to find that information has come into question. The article then goes into more detail on the background and whats being done to improve the accuracy of information found on the internet.
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