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Does alcohol advertising promote adolescent drinking? Results from a longitudinal asses... - 1 views

    Ellickson, Phyllis L., et. al. "Does alcohol advertising promote adolescent drinking? Results from a longitudinal assessment." Addiction. Vol. 100 (2005): Issue 2, p. 235 - 246. EBSCOhost. Web. 22 Nov. 2010. This article looked at the relationship between adolescents and alcohol advertisements. There are many forms of alcohol advertising including at sporting events and on television. The advertisements affected the different age groups of teens different. Alcohol advertisement has an impact on the development of adolescents.

Deadly Persuasion: 7 Myths Alochol Advertisers Want You to Believe - 1 views

    Kilbourne, Jean. "Deadly Persuasion: 7 Myths Alcohol Advertisers Want You to Believe." Center for Media Literacy. n.d. Web. 15 Nov. 2010. This article is about how the media portrays drinking and how advertisements affect teenagers. There are certain tricks and even hidden messages behind the ads. When the ads are exposed to teenagers they think the message is normal and are more likely to go out and drink just the way they see it being done. Alcohol is such a common item to be advertised and adults who know right from wrong take different messages from the ads than children and teenagers.

Adolescent Exposure to Alcohol Advertising in Magazines: An Evaluation of Advertising P... - 1 views

    King III, Charles, Michael Siegel, David H. Jernigan, Laura Wulach, Craig Ross, Karen Dixon, and Joshua Ostroff. "Adolescent Exposure to Alcohol Advertising in Magazines: An Evaluation of Advertising Placement in Relation to Underage Youth Readership." Journal of Adolescent Health 45.6 (2009): 626-33. Web. 16 Nov. 2010. In this study, it was proposed that the alcoholic drinks that are most often consumed by minors, are often put in magazines as advertisements that underage men and women are most likely to read. The study took place between 2002-06 and the results were not friendly. It was obvious after the study concluded, alcoholic drinks popular to minors were frequently put in the magazines with higher youth readership. Alcohol companies are focusing their ads to seek out the younger crowd through the popular magazines they choose to read. Although just an abstract, it will make a good reference on studies that have gained valuable research.

Alcohol Advertising in Magazines and Adolescent Readership - 1 views

    Garfield, Craig F., Paul J. Chung, and Paul J. Rathouz. "Alcohol Advertising in Magazines and Adolescent Readership." The Journal of the American Medical Association. Web. 14 Nov. 2010. The most important thing about this journal entry is the table showing the age of its readers and the number of alcohol related ads that are in each magazine. While some magazines have very few, others like sports illustrated has one of the highest alcohol advertisement rate between 1997 and 2001. The statistics here are a well layed out mathmatically measured data that supports the argument of how alcohol companies are indeed placing their product in places that will most likely be veiwed by people who are underage.

Alcohol Advertising, Televised Sports, and Underage Youth - 1 views

    Center For Science in the Public Interest. "Alcohol Advertising, Televised Sports, and Underage Youth." Aug. 2007. Web. 18 Nov. 2010. Televising alcohol during sporting games is highly effective to market your product to a large group of minors. It explains how many younger athletes and fans watch college sporting events and alcoholic companies spent over fifty two million dollars on advertising on commercial breaks. This doesnt mean its only appeals to underage viewers, many legal consumers also watch college sports which makes a good argument for the people who are trying to get thier product advertised during these games. This site also talks about other ways ads reach minors and what effects and influences are given based of a number of statistics.

How Does Alcohol Advertising Influence Underage Drinking? The Role of Desirability, Ide... - 1 views

    Austin, Enca Weintraub, Meng-Jin Chen, and Joel W. Grube. "How Does Alcohol Advertising Influence Underage Drinking? The Role of Desirability, Identification, and Skepticism." Journal of Adolescent Health. 30 aug. 2005. Wed. 16 Nov. 2010. This article discusses how media can be persuasive towards young adults. Media for alcohol can led to the wrong idea for theses teens. Media effects teens beliefs of alcohol by making drinking look desired. Teens are also more likely to copy their favorite or a cool character who is drinking alcohol. Media does affect the decision making process for children and teens.

Alcohol Advertising Facts and Information - 1 views

    Hanson Ph.D., David J. "Alcohol Advertising Facts and Information." Alcohol Problems and Solutions. Web. 16 Nov. 2010. David Hanson is a professor in the Sociology Department at State University of New York and created this site in 1997. He has been making new articles as well as updating his already existing articles to be current. The URL given here was the most helpful part about this site, it give links to numerous hyperlinks offering much information on a various topics from pro alcohol advertising to the con argument.

Controlling Images, Media, and Women's Development: A Review of the Literature. - 2 views

    Hammer, Tonya R. "Controlling Images, Media, and Women's Development: A Review of the Literature." Journal of Creativity in Mental Health 4.3 (2009): 202-216. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 21 Nov. 2010. From a young age children, especially girls are told or shown what is acceptable for them to look like. The main forms they are shown this is through movies, television, and advertising. Advertising in particular starts at a young age forming children's opinions of what is normal. This is true for both men and women. They are shown this specifically through stereotypes of each gender to form what they should look like, act like, and with whom they should befriend.


    This is a great article that talks about how advertising has effect on minors. They go in to the marketing plans that are aimed toward the underage population. they state that this marketing make children feel safe partaking in risky behavior. DeBeneditti, Peter, and Wiveca Borjesson-Holman. "ALCOHOL ADVERTISING & MEDIA LITERACY A SCIENCE-BASED REVIEW." n. pag. Web. 10 Dec 2010. <

College Alcohol Advertising - 1 views

    American Advertising Federation. "College Alcohol Advertising." Apr. 2007. Web. 14 Nov. 2010. The main concern of this article was to prohibit the playing of alcohol promoting commercials during college sporting games. As a government agency, it talks about their stance on the argument of commercials being geared towards minors and what information they have to support their claims. It also explains what issues are raised, what congress and the governmet is doing to stop this, as well as the problems that come with this particular issue.

Alcohol Advertising and Youth - 1 views

    American Academy of Family Physicians. "Alcohol Advertising and Youth (Position Paper)." 2010. Web. 14 Nov. 2010. Youth exposure to alcohol advertising, the targeting of youth, morbidity, mortality, and statistics are all key points in this document. Dates, age groups, money and legal issues are all talked about in this paper and using these in my essay will certainly bring out more credible information to this side of the argument. This source talks almost every main issue that has to do with underage drinking and teenagers. It gives convincing evidence that alcohol ads are being aimed at a crowd who isnt legal to consume them, but it also questions the morality of doing this by giving facts about alcohol related deaths in minors.

Alcohol Advertising and Youth: A Measured Approach - 1 views

    Jernigan, David H., Joshua Ostroff, and Craig Ross. "Alcohol Advertising and Youth: A Measured Approach." Journal of Public Health Policy 26.3 (2005): 312-25. Web. 16 Nov. 2010. This source is focused on measuring the statistics of how much children and minors ranging from twelve to twenty are exposed to alcohol. In depth and through facts, it discusses how much money is being poured into alcohol advertisement, as well as the unmeasured portions which are not able to be fully accounted for. Different methods and results are also talked about giving much information about the business of marketing to adults as well as children.

Impact of Alcohol Advertising and Media Exposure on Adolescent Alcohol Use: A Systemati... - 1 views

    Anderson, Peter, et al. "Impact of Alcohol Advertising and Media Exposure on Adolescent Alcohol Use: A Systematic Review of Longitudinal Studies." Alcohol & Alcoholism. Vol. 44 (2009): Issue 3, p. 229-243. EBSCOhost. Web. 22 Nov. 2010. This article looks into the impact that media has on teens to drink. The study was preformed on adolescents under 18. They concluded that media exposure of alcohol increases the likelihood adolescents will drink.

Early Adolescent Exposure to Alcohol and its Relationship to Underage Drinking - 1 views

    Collins, Rebecca L. Ph.D., ect al. "Early Adolescent Exposure to Alcohol and its Relationship to Underage Drinking." Journal od Adolescent Health. 13 Apr. 2007. Web. 16 Nov 2010. This is an article about a a study done on exposure to alcohol and its effects on teens. It is linked to many dangers including drunk driving, sexually transmitted diseases, suicide, and disabilities. With the amount of advertisements for alcohol through television, magazines, radio, and many others teens are being influenced to drink.

Youth Exposure to Alcohol Ads in Magazines Declining - 1 views

    Parsons, Tim, and Jarrett Carter. "Youth Exposure to Alcohol Ads in Magazines Declining." 10 Aug. 2010. Web. 16 Nov. 2010. In another study by the Center on Alcohol Marketing and Youth, it says that alcohol advertisement in magazines directed towards youth is down 49% between 2001 and 2008. The study analyzes the percent of ads that once showed in magazines to how many are showed now, and what type of alcohol is being promoted. CAMY is explaing the progress that has been made since the begining of this injustice. The article gives CAMY's side of the argument through stats to show what changes have been made since 2001.

Center on Alcohol Marketing and Youth: Its Objectives and Methods - 1 views

    Hanson Ph.D., David J. "Center on Alcohol Marketing and Youth: Its Objectives and Methods." Alcohol Abuse Prevention: Some Serious Problems. Web. 18 Nov. 2010. Unlike almost all the other sources I have come across, this website is the devils advocate to all con arguments to alcohol advertising directed towards youth. It explains that CAMY (one of the largest contributors to standing up against these ads) is not being intellectually honest and how they use statistics to lie. The site is one of the few I could find on the pro argument towards the advertisements that minors are exposed.

Happy Hours and Other Alcohol Discounts in Cafés: Prevalence and Effects on U... - 3 views

    van Hoof, Jons, Marleke van Noodenburg, and Menno de Jong. "Happy Hours and Other Alcohol Discounts in Cafés: Prevalence and Effects on Underage Adolescents." Journal of Public Health Policy. Vol 29 Issue 3 (2008): p 340-352, 13p, 3. EbscoHost. Web. 16 Nov. 2010. This article talks about adolescents attitude and behavior towards the marketing of alcohol. Instead of marketing through television its in everyday life. When alcohol discounts are viewed adolescents are more likely to drink and drink a lot more.

Position of the American Dietetic Association, School Nutrition Association, and Societ... - 1 views

    Briggs, Marilyn; Fleischhacker, Sheila; Mueller, Constance G. " Position of the Comprehensive School Nutrition Services." Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 42. 6 (2010): 360-371. OhioLink. Web. 15 Nov. 2010. This article explains how the ADA, SNA and SNE incorporated nutrition into schools. They are the ones who incorporated some health into our everyday teachings at school. These three groups have been advertising for a long time about what is necessary in order to stay healthy and be aware of your health.

Media Literacy in the Risk Society: Toward a Risk Reduction Strategy - 0 views

    The idea of media literacy prompts an increasingly divisive debate between educators who wish to protect children from the commercialization of global markets and those who challenge critical media studies as misguided, outdated, and ineffective. We have provided a historical overview of changing conceptions of media literacy as preparation and protection in market society, arguing that contemporary concerns about children's fast food marketing and sedentary lifestyles call for new approaches to the education of citizen-consumers in a risk society. Our case study demonstrates that a media education programme can provide scaffolding for children's critical thinking about their sedentary lifestyles and media consumption. (Abstract taken from JSTOR.)
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