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Promoting a Growth Mindset - 1 views

    We all want to see our students and our children grow into happy, balanced and successful adults but exactly what that means and how it is to be achieved are areas of uncertainty. Into this debate comes Carol Dweck's research into 'Mindsets' and how individual differences in our approach to the world dictate our ultimate experiences of success or disappointment.

"Online systems for transparent elections" | eGov Magazine - 0 views

    Chandan Dange Director Technology, Ultimate ITPL Tell us about the Election Management Project, with which you have been involved in Maharashtra. The Election Management Project has been conceptualised to conduct local body and urban local body elections in a transparent, fair and efficient manner. The common voter is at the focal point of this initiative.

The Ultimate Guide to Changing Your DNS Server - 0 views

    In case, you find the need to change the DNS server for your entire network on your router or set it individually on a PC or other device then have a look on this tutorial.

Between the sprint and the marathon - 2 views

    The start of a new school year brings with it great excitement and just a little sense of panic and chaos. We have new students, new classes, new teachers and new challenges. We spend time getting to know each other and building trust. But what happens next sets the tone for the year and determines our ultimate success.

Children shouldn't learn to code. Ultimately, machines will be better | WIRED UK - 0 views

    Machines are already superintelligent on many axes, including memory and processing speed. Unfortunately, those are the attributes our education system currently rewards, with an emphasis on learning by rote. It doesn't make sense to me. Part of my job as an investor is to attempt to predict the future - I need to make bets on the way we'll be behaving in the next two, five, ten and 20 years. Computers already store facts faster and better than we do, but struggle to perfect things we learn as toddlers, such as dexterity and walking. We need to rethink the way we teach our children and the things we teach them. Creativity will be increasingly be the defining human talent. Our education system should emphasise the use of human imagination to spark original ideas and create new meaning. It's the one thing machines won't be able to do.

Where does Artificial Intelligence belong in student life? - 1 views

started by solylena on 30 May 24 no follow-up yet
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