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John Evans

The Maker Educator Workshop | User Generated Education - 0 views

    I am doing full day workshops on The Maker Educator both at ISTE 2016 and EduTECH in Australia. What follows is both the description-goals and an overview of the workshop's learning activities. Workshop Description, Goals, and Outline Description Being a maker educator requires developing a new mindset; a new set of skills and roles. Discover, through this workshop, first, a process for reflecting on making through creating circuits and hacked toys, and second, through a self-assessment, the mindset characteristics of an educator who is embracing making education. This workshop is designed for educators who are and want to integrate maker education into their instructional settings."
John Evans

Moving at the Speed of Creativity | Inside and Outside Digital Sharing - 6 views

    "This past Friday, my wife (@sfryer) and I facilitated a full-day, hands-on workshop about ways to use iPads in the classroom with students to "show what they know with media." 164 teachers participated in the workshop, which was held in two adjacent ballrooms of the Alumni Center at Kansas State University. The event, iCamp iPad Day, was hosted by the College of Education at Kansas State (@ksucollegeofed) and organized by Cyndi Danner Kuhn (@cyndidannerkuhn). The workshop included many elements of iPad Media Camp (@iPadMediaCamp), a 3 day workshop I've offered in the summertime the past four years. During the planning stages for "iCamp iPad Day," Shelly and I discussed the different sharing options we wanted to model for participants and encourage them to use. We decided to use the term "INSIDE SHARING" for the private sharing we'd do during the workshop using SeeSaw. We decided to use the term "OUTSIDE SHARING" for public sharing on Twitter using our #iCampKSU hashtag and other open websites. In this post, I'll explain why both inside and outside digital sharing are important, and how we can use these terms with students, teachers, parents and others to advocate for SHARING AS A MORAL IMPERATIVE (hat tip to Dean Shareski @shareski)."
John Evans

10 Tips to Get Started with Sketchnoting Workshop | Langwitches Blog - 2 views

    "I facilitated a workshop at Miami Device this past week. Most conference sessions feel rushed with only 45-60 minutes to share, but thanks to Felix Jacomino's  the genius mind behind the conference, scheduled my 10 Tips to Get Started with Sketchnoting workshop for 2 hours!  It gave us the opportunity to DO what we were talking about. Participants were able to practice sketching the content of the workshop as they were learning about sketchnoting! We walked, step by step, through building a sketch by remembering these 10 tips:"
John Evans

How to Run a SUPER Circuit Bracelet Workshop | Renovated Learning - 4 views

    "My school is a STEM magnet school and unfortunately, that leads to a disproportionate number of male students.  This year the ratio was 65% male, 35% female, which led to many of my female students feeling disenfranchised.  I wanted to do something to help create a safe environment for my girls to explore STEM and to build a community with one another, so this year I partnered with several science teachers to start a STEMgirls club at our school.  At our first meeting, we talked about possibilities of projects and activities that we would like to do.  When I mentioned a workshop I had seen others do where you could sew light up bracelets, my students got really excited.  Thus, our Circuit Bracelet Workshop was born."
John Evans

Essentials for Math Workshop | TEaCHitivity - 2 views

    "In thinking about tonight's #talkmath chat re: math workshop, I wanted to share what I think are two essential components of math workshop and how we've used digital tools to support them."
John Evans

How Do We Make Writing? Five Ways to Hack Your Writing Workshop - Brilliant or Insane - 6 views

    "In a different life, I was an English teacher. In fact, I spent the first half of my twenty-four year career in education writing beside middle and high school kids. Writing workshop was my passion, and Nancie Atwell was my hero (well, she still is). Naturally, I was thrilled when my principal tapped me to design and teach an entire course specifically devoted to this endeavor. For many years, all of the kids in our middle school enjoyed writers workshop beside their core English classes, and I got to be their teacher. I loved this, and I loved teaching so much that when I stepped out of the classroom to begin doing staff development, I refused to let it go. Nearly a decade ago, I founded the WNY Young Writers Studio, a community of writers and teachers of writing. Then, I began doing a whole lot of action research. Here's what I learned: When many young writers sit down to confront flat, empty screens and pages, they experience frustration and even defeat. Wading into procedures that often feel contrived using tools that are completely intangible paralyzes them."
John Evans

What Happens When You Combine a Writer's Workshop and Makerspace? | Getting Smart - 4 views

    "Angela Stockman, author of Make Writing: 5 Strategies that Turn Writer's Workshop Into a Makerspace, has what many creative types can only dream of-a studio. Better yet, that studio is filled with young tinkering kiddos who are lucky enough to be learning to write from a truly innovative educator. She is the owner of Western New York Education Associates and Western New York Young Writers' Studio. After reading her book, I really wanted to understand what exactly happened at her "studio." The book is important for several reasons, but one of the most noteworthy is that it is a marriage of two eccentrics: writing workshop and Makerspace."
John Evans

Stump The Teacher: Not Flipping for Flipped - 1 views

    "Recently, I had the opportunity to attend a flipped classroom workshop. As many of you know, I have been fairly critical and skeptical of the flipped classroom model. I was engaged in a conversation with some folks on twitter about the model and was extended an invite to a workshop so I could see firsthand what it was all about. I wanted to attend this workshop to either prove myself right or to put my foot in my mouth and I was very much open to both possibilities. For those not familiar with the flipped model or flipped classroom, there are plenty of articles out there explaining it…just google it. "
John Evans

Free Technology for Teachers: A Comparison of 11 Mobile Video Creation Apps - 4 views

    "Tomorrow at the NCTIES 2014 conference I am facilitating a workshop on creating videos with mobile apps. I designed the workshop to accommodate users of iOS and Android devices. In preparation for the workshop I created this chart that compares the features and costs of eleven mobile video creation apps. The chart can be viewed as embedded below or you can grab a copy through Google Drive (click "File" the "make copy" to save a copy for yourself)."
John Evans

Three iPad Apps for Creating Talking Pictures | iPad Apps for School - 3 views

    "A couple of weeks ago at the Future Schools Expo in Sydney I facilitated a workshop about making media with mobile apps. The idea of creating talking pictures was one of the ideas that was a hit with some of the participants in the workshop. In the workshop I shared examples of using ChatterPix Kids to have students create short audio stories about their favorite animals. I also shared an example of using Morfo to create audio biographies in which students give voice to famous people in history. Below is a short summary of both of those apps as well as another app useful for a similar purpose."
John Evans

Moving at the Speed of Creativity | Avoiding Digital Disasters: Video Is the New Pen - 3 views

    "Yesterday in Yukon, Oklahoma, I led an "iPad Quick Edit Videography" workshop for Storychasers. Workshop participants and I brainstormed, planned, recorded and edited short videos focusing on digital citizenship issues which public photo and video sharing can raise. Our full curriculum from the workshop is available on Google Sites. I edited a video with some of these clips and published it to YouTube with the title, "Avoiding Digital Disasters: Video Is the New Pen." The statement, "video is the new pen," comes from Richard Wells' outstanding post from earlier this week on iPad 4 Schools, "The "One iPad" Classroom.""
Nik Peachey

Teaching 1 to 1 with Tablets - 4 views

    This is the presentation from my workshop on using tablet computers in a one to one context. The workshop was delivered in Bristol for Living Learning English teachers
    This is the presentation from my workshop on using tablet computers in a one to one context. The workshop was delivered in Bristol for Living Learning English teachers
David McGavock

Find & Track Resources - Can You Digg It? - 0 views

    Welcome to the 21st Century! Can You Digg It? While the goals have more or less stayed the same, the methods and technologies used for the Three R's, Reading, Writing & Research, have started to shift. The workshop/s associated with this website continue to give the website developers, the workshop facilitators, and the workshop participants the opportunities to explore how to best facilitate teaching research and writing in the 21st century. Assumptions and Philosophies Rhetorically Situated Research Projects Scaffolded Research Projects Creative Research Presentations Technologies
John Evans

Sesame Workshop wants to improve iPad apps for kids with free developer guidelines - 0 views

    "Sesame Workshop's Best Practices Guide for Children's App Development is now available for download. In addition to insight from the organization's more than 40 years of children's media testing, the paper, highlighted on Monday by All Things D, includes more than 50 touchscreen studies conducted by Sesame Workshop."
John Evans

MAKEIT Workshop and Lesson Plans - The Edge - 1 views

    "The Edge believes in free and equitable access to information and resources. We use a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license, so you can re-work, distribute and republish our MAKEIT workshop plans."
John Evans

Lead the Change | Programs | Maker Workshop - 3 views

    "In this 4-week online workshop, you'll learn from library and industry experts how to build a maker program that fits your budget and fuels community engagement and lifelong learning. Guest speakers appear each week, live via web video, in interactive sessions where you can ask questions. You'll work in small groups with facilitators experienced in the maker movement to complete assignments and field research in your library that will have your maker program up and running by the end of the course."
John Evans

Professional Development for Teachers | Conference and Workshop Database - 0 views

    Professional Development for Teachers & Educators Educator's Professional Development is the largest online database of professional development conferences and workshops for educators and teachers in the K-12 bracket. Painstakingly compiled by three lovers of education, EPD is a free service serving the education community. Search our database by date, education level, location or with keywords.
John Evans

Introduction to Design Thinking for Educators Workshop | User Generated Education - 2 views

    "I had the opportunity to facilitate a workshop on design thinking for educators at the New Mexico Association for the Gifted Fall Institute. Here is a round-up of what we did."
John Evans

Maker-Enhanced Writing Workshop: Character Development | User Generated Education - 2 views

    "This month I started a maker-enhanced writing workshop with a group of gifted 3rd through 6th grade students. As with all of my lessons, I strive to practice what I preach in my blog posts - being interdisciplinary; using technology to enhance their work; and making, creating, innovating, and inventing."
John Evans

iPad SpEd Apps for Reading and Writing « Jonathan Wylie - 0 views

    "Yesterday, I co-presented a workshop with a well respected colleague of mine on special education iPad apps that can be used for reading and writing. It was a one-day workshop that was well attended by local educators who were looking to further integrate the iPad into special education classrooms to help further Language Arts goals for their students."
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