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Phil Taylor

DAILY INSIGHT: Learning with Technology vs. Teaching with Technology - 12 views

  • using technology to change learning is an exponentially harder nut to crack. It means asking teachers to rethink their classrooms and the way they do their work. I
  • if we have the courage and the vision to take it on, here’s the payoff: students experiencing excitement and engagement as they build personalized, global learning networks that they will have for the rest of their lives
John Evans

Literacy with ICT | School Leaders - 0 views

  • Role of School Leaders in Supporting Literacy with ICT Across the Curriculum
  • School Factors
  • Resources and timely access to ICT:
  • ...26 more annotations...
  • Reporting to parents:
  • Ethics, responsibility, and safety:
  • Collegiality and professionalism:
  • Effective use of ICT:
  • Instructional strategies:
  • Policies Relating to Implementing Literacy with ICT Across the Curriculum
  • Classroom management
  • Professional use of ICT:
  • Student Factors
  • Home environment:
  • Exposure and prior knowledge:
  • Guiding Concepts for Implementing Literacy with ICT Across the Curriculum
  • Teacher Factors
  • Common planning time:
  • Budget
  • Technical support
  • Access to ICT in the classroom:
  • Reporting procedures:
  • Effective school leadership is the single most important influence on student learning
  • This does not mean school leaders act alone. It means that school leaders collaborate with teachers, parents, and support staff to develop the school culture, resources, and focus that support student learning.
  • Once school leaders begin to establish Literacy with ICT Across the Curriculum as a focus for initiating change, they can construct a plan to realize this vision. According to a comprehensive study that reviewed theory, research, and practice related to educational leadership, there are three critical factors related to increased student learning. These factors are the ability to maintain a positive school culture with order, discipline, support for teachers, and resources knowledge of curriculum, teaching practices, and student assessment as they relate to an increase in student learning understanding of how to increase student engagement in their learning (Waters et al.)
  • Professional learning
  • Effective leaders understand how to balance growth through change while, at the same time practising aspects of culture, values, and norms worth preserving
  • Procedures for Implementing Literacy with ICT Across the Curriculum
  • Procedures for Implementing Literacy with ICT Across the Curriculum
  • Procedures for Implementing Literacy with ICT Across the Curriculum
Dennis OConnor

Episode 83: Teaching Students to Be Smartphone-Literate - Tech Therapy - The Chronicle ... - 0 views

  • In this month’s episode of Tech Therapy, The Chronicle’s monthly technology podcast, Ronald A. Yaros, an assistant professor specializing in mobile journalism at the University of Maryland at College Park, describes an iPhone app he developed for his courses. He also talks about his vision for helping students prepare for a business world in which smartphones will very likely be the norm.
David McGavock

Weblogg-ed » Personal Learning Networks (An Excerpt) - 0 views

  • Seventh/eighth grade teacher Clarence Fisher has an interesting way of describing his classroom up in Snow Lake, Manitoba. As he tells it, it has “thin walls,” meaning that despite being eight hours north of the nearest metropolitan airport, his students are getting out into the world on a regular basis, using the Web to connect and collaborate with students in far flung places from around the globe.
  • there is still value in the learning that occurs between teachers and students in classrooms. But the power of that learning is more solid and more relevant at the end of the day if the networks and the connections are larger.”
  • But, what happens when knowledge and teachers aren’t scarce? What happens when it becomes exceedingly easy to people and content around the things you want to learn when you want to learn them?
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • given these opportunities for connection that the Web now brings us, schools will have to start leveraging the power of these networks. And here are the two game-changing conditions that make that statement hard to deny: right now, if we have access, we now have two billion potential teachers and, soon, the sum of human knowledge at our fingertips.
  • The kids have made contacts. They have begun to find voices that are meaningful to them, and voices they are interested in hearing more from. They are becoming connectors and mavens, drawing together strings of a community.
  • What happens when we don’t need schools to manage the delivery of content any more, when we can get it on our own, anytime we need it, from anywhere we’re connected, from anyone who might be connected with us?
  • And it’s not so much even what we carry around in our heads, all of that “just in case” knowledge that schools are so good at making sure students get these days. As Jay Cross, the author of Informal Learning, suggests, in a connected world, it’s more about how much knowledge you can access.
  • If you’re seeing a vision of students sitting in front of computers working through self-paced curricula and interacting with a teacher only on occasion, you’re way, way off. That’s not effective online learning
    Most schools were built upon the idea that knowledge and teachers are scarce. When you have limited access to information and you want to deliver what you do have to every citizen in an age with little communication technology, you build what schools are today: age-grouped, discipline-separated classrooms run by an expert adult who can manage the successful completion of the curriculum by a hundred or so students at a time. We mete out that knowledge in discrete parts, carefully monitoring students progress through one-size-fits all assessments, deeming them "educated" when they have proven their mastery at, more often than not, getting the right answer and, to a lesser degree, displaying certain skills that show a "literacy" in reading and writing. Most of us know these systems intimately, and for 120 years or so, they've pretty much delivered what we've asked them to.
Phil Taylor

The Evolution of Blended Learning | Suren Ramasubbu - 1 views

  • Blended learning models largely fall into one of two categories
  • he best model for a particular school is chosen based on its vision and goals, student levels and infrastructure/human resources available

Summit design Sept. 20 - 0 views

    Shifting Minds is a made-in-Canada vision and framework for 21st century education that all Canadians should aspire to offer to their learners.
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