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John Evans

YouTube - Networked Student - 0 views

  • he Networked Student was inspired by CCK08, a Connectivism course offered by George Siemens and Stephen Downes during fall 2008. It depicts an actual project completed by Wendy Drexler's high school students. The Networked Student concept map was inspired by Alec Couros' Networked Teacher. I hope that teachers will use it to help their colleagues, parents, and students understand networked learning in the 21st century.Anyone is free to use this video for educational purposes. You may download, translate, or use as part of another presentation. Please share.
  • The Networked Student was inspired by CCK08, a Connectivism course offered by George Siemens and Stephen Downes during fall 2008. It depicts an actual project completed by Wendy Drexler's high school students. The Networked Student concept map was inspired by Alec Couros' Networked Teacher. I hope that teachers will use it to help their colleagues, parents, and students understand networked learning in the 21st century.Anyone is free to use this video for educational purposes. You may download, translate, or use as part of another presentation. Please share.
    The Networked Student was inspired by CCK08, a Connectivism course offered by George Siemens and Stephen Downes during fall 2008. It depicts an actual project completed by Wendy Drexler's high school students. The Networked Student concept map was inspired by Alec Couros' Networked Teacher. I hope that teachers will use it to help their colleagues, parents, and students understand networked learning in the 21st century. Anyone is free to use this video for educational purposes. You may download, translate, or use as part of another presentation. Please share.
John Evans

Rick's Café Canadien » Blog Archive » Siemens interview on connectivism - 0 views

    George Siemens joined me for an interview about Connectivism, a theory about learning that draws on network theory, social networking, and social constructivism among other things.
John Evans

Siemens.pdf (application/pdf Object) - 0 views

    ...Current developments with technology and social software are significantly altering: (a) how learners access information and knowledge, and (b) how learners dialogue with the instructor and each other.
John Evans

YouTube - Networked Student - 0 views

    From the YoutTube Site : "The Networked Student was inspired by CCK08, a Connectivism course offered by George Siemens and Stephen Downes during fall 2008. It depicts an actual project completed by Wendy Drexler's high school students. The Networked Student concept map was inspired by Alec Couros' Networked Teacher. I hope that teachers will use it to help their colleagues, parents, and students understand networked learning in the 21st century."
John Evans

gsiemens's mobile Bookmarks on Delicious - 0 views

    George Siemens shared theresources that he used in his "Diminished Relevance of Space" presentation at the May 1, 2009 Mobile Symposium at the U of Manitoba via his Delicious account
John Evans

AACE Global U - Social Media Seminar Series - 0 views

    AACE Global U is pleased to announce and organize "Social Media: Trends and Implications for Learning," a monthly online seminar series. The seminar series, led by George Siemens and David Cormier, is without fee and will include live interactive sessions, in addition to discussions with guest speakers and participants. All sessions are co-sponsored by and will be archived in the Education & Information Technology Library (EdITLib).
Robert Vouter

Query to all in this group - 32 views

This is a question I posed to George Siemens on May 13th. Have you any references to scholarly work that would address the question of isolationism and self-referentialism in communities o...

ICT Information literacy Emerging technologies

started by Robert Vouter on 11 Jun 09 no follow-up yet
John Evans

Media Literacy: Making Sense Of New Technologies And Media by George Siemens - Apr 25 0... - 0 views

  • In this week Media Literacy Digest: the social value of new media, the information cycle, a nice presentation tool, and the real help we get from technology as human beings.
    In this week Media Literacy Digest: the social value of new media, the information cycle, a nice presentation tool, and the real help we get from technology as human beings.
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