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Nathalie Frigon

Appreciative Inquiry and World Cafe - A Spiral of Improvisation and Creativity - 21st Century Appreciative Inquiry - 0 views

  • Discover
  • Discover
  • Discover
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • journey
  • Discover
  • Dream
  • Dream
  • groups create different representations of their dream. These representations can be a graphic, skit, newspaper story, anything metaphoric and right-brained. For a group that would like to/needs to be really way out of the box, people could rotate café style and build on each others’ creations. Talk about not knowing where something will lead!
  • facilitation packet for Your World is Calling
  • have the original table members return to their home table after a couple of rounds to firm up plans for changes, but mixing things up along the way might lead to quantum leaps in creativity.
  • social, cultural, and technical
  • Destination
  • Design
  • Design
  • Design
    Appreciative Inquiry world café
Marijo Emond

New World University. Let's invent the future. - 0 views

    - Idea Board: Share your dreams about education - Think Tank: Leaders of education share their vision - Make Space: Collaborate to design New World University - Hack Island: Let's deconstruct today's education
Marijo Emond

Technology Tidbits: Thoughts of a Cyber Hero: Top 100 Sites/Apps for Game Based Learning - 0 views

    "I have curated a gigantic list of my favorite sites/apps for Game Based Learning (a.k.a Gamification)" "The resources below will vary from drill and practice to all out epic adventures in 3D virtual worlds, to help Gamify a classroom"
Nathalie Frigon

Approches pour accompagner le changement · Communagir - 0 views

    un comparatif des approches du changenments, dont la démarche appréciative, le forum ouvert, le World Café, etc.Quand utiliser une approche plutôt qu'une autre et pourquoi?
Marijo Emond

Signing off: Finnish schools phase out handwriting classes | World news | The Guardian - 0 views

  • Finland is one of the first countries to stop making cursive handwriting classes compulsory
  • “We used to do joined-up writing so that we could write faster, but these days kids only start learning it in grade two [aged eight] and have a year to get it right before moving on to concentrating on what they write, rather than simply how they write it,” said Minna Harmanen of Finland’s National Board of Education.
  • Joined-up writing has also become more difficult since Finns introduced new ways of writing their letters in 1986
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • some neuroscientists stress the importance of cursive handwriting for improving brain development, motor skills, self-control and even dyslexia.
    "We used to do joined-up writing so that we could write faster, but these days kids only start learning it in grade two [aged eight] and have a year to get it right before moving on to concentrating on what they write, rather than simply how they write it," said Minna Harmanen of Finland's National Board of Education. "They don't have time to become fast at cursive writing, so it's not useful for them."
Nathalie Frigon

UNESCO Office in Bangkok: Innovative Teaching and Learning (ITL) research: A global look at pedagogies for 21st century skills - 0 views

  • To address this gap, the 3-year ITL (Innovative Teaching and Learning) Research project was designed to study teaching practices that support students’ learning of 21st century skills and the system of supports that can help teachers to adopt those practices. The research was carried out in a uniquely diverse set of seven countries:  Austr
  • The learning activities make a difference
  • ICT has great potential for supporting innovative pedagogies, but it is not a magic ingredient.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Important school-level supports tend to be present in schools with higher concentrations of innovative teaching.
  • Coherent systemic support is also essential
  • The methods and findings from this research have resulted in a new professional development program called 21CLD (21st Century Learning Design). This hands-on program offers an accessible set of research-grounded definitions, rubrics and examples to help teachers recognize and strengthen the 21st century learning opportunities that their lessons offer to students. For each skill, the program expands the depth of these opportunities – not just can students work together, but are they really building the skills they need to collaborate substantively and successfully with other people? 21CLD also helps build a common language among teachers within a school, and provides a framework for the collaboration and other supports that can begin to bridge the gap between the rhetoric of 21st century learning and the real skills students will need for success in this changing world.
    Comment aligner les programmes, les moyens, l'intégration TIC et les modèles dans un développement professionnel continu?
Marijo Emond

Face Your Manga World | FaceYourManga - 0 views

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