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Heather Kurto

The Myth of Learning Styles - 0 views

  • . While many of those scientists seek to discover general principles of learning, we all acknowledge that there are differences among students. Understanding these differences and applying that understanding in the classroom can improve everyone's education
  • First, whether we call it talent, ability, or intelligence, people vary in their capacity to learn different areas of content
  • Second, and often intertwined with ability, students differ in their interests. If a student loves the piano, or basketball, or chess, or the biology of frogs, that student will no doubt learn material related to that subject faster than another one who does not share that fascination.
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  • Third, students differ in their background knowledge, and that difference influences their learning
  • Many students will report preferring to study visually and others through an auditory channel. However, when these tendencies are put to the test under controlled conditions, they make no difference—learning is equivalent whether students learn in the preferred mode or not
  • The emphasis on learning styles, we think, often comes at the cost of attention to these other important dimension
  • Finally, some students have specific learning disabilities, and these affect their learning in specific ways.
  • just as our social selves have personalities, so do our memories.
  • The proof that the learning-styles theorist must find is that for some sort of content—whether it be math, poetry, or dodgeball—changing the mode of presentation to match the learning styles helps people learn. That evidence has simply not been found.
  • Third, learning-styles theory has succeeded in becoming “common knowledge.” Its widespread acceptance serves as an unfortunately compelling reason to believe it
  • Teachers should take into account the differences in learners' abilities. And adjusting a lesson not just to be appropriately pitched at the students' level of ability but to take into account their background knowledge and interests is surely an important first step in fostering learning.
  • if a student believes she is a visual learner and therefore disengages and daydreams when a lecturer turns off the PowerPoint and tells a story, this will prevent her from learning the concept through a compelling narrative. And while these beliefs may not have as direct an impact on performance reviews as they do in K-12 settings, a belief in learning styles occasionally shows up in student evaluations of teaching:
  • (can the auditory learner learn geography through hearing it? Can the visual learner become better at music by seeing it?)
  • While such evidence of learning styles would serve as a proof that they exist, the lack of evidence does not prove definitively that they do not exist
  • econd, learning-styles theory is sometimes offered as a reason to include digital media in the classroom.
  • . We shouldn't congratulate ourselves for showing a video to engage the visual learners or offering podcasts to the auditory learners. Rather, we should realize that the value of the video or audio will be determined by how it suits the content that we are asking students to learn and the background knowledge, interests, and abilities that they bring to i
  • Assessment of student interest can also be a useful tool for deciding how to approach the material in a given class
  • Students differ in their abilities, interests, and background knowledge, but not in their learning styles. Students may have preferences about how to learn, but no evidence suggests that catering to those preferences will lead to better learning. As college educators, we should apply this to the classroom by continuing to present information in the most appropriate manner for our content and for the level of prior knowledge, ability, and interests of that particular set of students.
    Great article for all teachers. Thank you!
Melissa Pietricola

Education World ® Technology Center: Technology Integration Made Easy - 0 views

  • Access an online weather forecast.
  • Include URLs in your monthly calendar.
  • Personalize history lessons for those students by beginning each history lesson with a quick visit to Today in History or This Day in History.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • 's American Memory Collections search engine to locate primary source material for whatever topic you’re tackling. E
  • Make the news a learning tool.
    Technology in the day to day
Joan Erickson

Kelly's Reflections for ETAP 687 - 1 views

  • 1.  Asking better questions.  2.  Reflecting the “real” me in my written materials throughout the course.
    • alexandra m. pickett
      excellent!!! i am glad you shared what you are actively working on. It gives me insight into your thinking and where you are. ps. don't forget to self assess.
  • Right now, it is 1 am and I am sitting in my hotel room at the Renaissance Hotel in Washington, DC
    • alexandra m. pickett
      hi kelly - i am also interested to know where you are regarding our course and your course. these were the questions for this reflection period " After conducting your own course review of your own online course, where are you in terms of completion of your online course? How are you doing? What do you need to complete your online course? What have you learned so far about yourself during this process? What has been the most surprising thing you have learned so far? What thoughts do you have about moving from theory (social, cognitive and teaching presence) to practice (building it into your online course)?" Also, you have neglected to self assess based on the rubric.
  • Everyone is different so why is being different so different
    • Joan Erickson
      I'll try to remember that I face my students. Thanks for sharing
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  • deployed to Iraq twice
    • Joan Erickson
      I had a gentleman in my class who toured Iraq twice. He walked with a limp and suffered short term memory lapses....I think about the brave men and women who serve our country, what can I do to make a difference in their education?
James Ranni

Laboratory for Affective Neuroscience, UW-Madison Psychology Dept - 0 views

  • We are interested in both risk and resilience - why are some individuals particularly vulnerable in response to negative life events, while others appear to be relatively resilient? And how can we promote enhanced resilience? As a part of the latter work, we study interventions designed to cultivate more positive affective styles. One such intervention that we have extensively studied over the past decade is meditation. In addition to the research on normal affective function, we also study a range of psychopathologies, all of which involve abnormalities in different aspects of emotion processing. Included among the disorders we have recently studied are adult mood and anxiety disorders, and autism, fragile X and Williams syndrome in children. Some of our current research involves: Voluntary and automatic emotion regulation. Resilience in aging. Interactions between emotion and cognitive function, particularly working memory and attention. Temperament in children, in hopes of determining early signs of vulnerability to psychopathology. Social and emotional processing differences in children and adults with autism and fragile X. Mood and anxiety disorders. The impact of pharmaco-therapy and psychotherapy on brain function in patients with mood and anxiety disorders. The effects of meditation on brain function in adept practitioners and novices. Relations between neural mechanisms of emotion and peripheral measures of inflammation and lung function in asthma.
    Neuroscience research on meditation
alexandra m. pickett

WebElements Periodic Table of the Elements | Sodium | Essential information - 0 views

  • Soap is generally a sodium salt of fatty acids.
    • Kimberly Barss
      Each element's description is loaded with great information! Scroll down to see a picture of sodium and the color in which it burns (very pretty!)
    • alexandra m. pickett
      This is great kim!! : )
  • The result of adding different metal salts to a burning reaction mixture of potassium chlorate and sucrose.
    • Kimberly Barss
      click the video above to play. The video shows a (brief) demonstration of that colors that different metals burn...beautiful...Relating this to teaching and learning: students (and teachers!) are much more engaged with proper and frequent use of attention-grabbing media. I am a visual person and I know that my classroom also has visual learners. I can describe things in text or verbally until I am blue in the face, but SEEING these things in photos or on videos is what sets it apart and commits them to memory. Above is a picture of sodium in its natural state as a metal...I try to emphasize this to my students since often the examples we use in class is sodium chloride, or table salt. A silver metal bonded to a noxious green gas combines to make table salt. That's a hard thing to imagine for anyone, so I show them using this resource. I LOVE webelements.
  • burning mixture of potassium
    • Kimberly Barss
      below is a fabulous chemistry joke!
    • Kimberly Barss
      for more comments, please return to the home page, click "Pictures" in the tabs at the top and click on "Cl"
Diane Gusa

The Application of Learning Style Theory in Higher Education Teaching - 0 views

  • A learning style is: "A complexus of related characteristics in which the whole is greater than its parts. Learning style is a gestalt combining internal and external operations derived from the individual's neurobiology, personality and development, and reflected in learner behaviour" (Keefe & Ferrell 1990, p. 16).
  • general tendency towards a particular learning approach displayed by an individual.
  • Riding & Cheema (1991), from an extensive review of the literature, conclude there are only two principal styles "families", the holist-analytic, and the verbaliser-imager. These two broad groupings relate to the type of cognitive activities normally ascribed to the two hemispheres of the brain. Curry (1983) suggests there are three different perspectives on styles: those relating to a preference for a particular instructional approach, those relating to the individual's intellectual approach to assimilating information independently of the environment, and those relating to the individual's intellectual approach to assimilating information with the environment.
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  • Dunn, Deckinger, Withers & Katzenstein (1990), who found that teaching students based on their diagnosed learning style did significantly increase their achievement level (see also Napolitano 1986).
  • Research indicates learning style is not a stable construct, so one may alter instructional style to meet a learning style that will itself change, requiring a further change in instructional strategy.
  • Researchers have failed to address the question of how it is possible to achieve a tailoring of instructional approaches on anything other than an individual level.
  • What may be possible is to promote an educational environment developed for flexibility at the individual student level.
  • What is required is a stimulus-stimulus approach, where the student and the lecturer are actively involved in both learning and the mechanics of the learning process, the aim being to facilitate learner empowerment by developing in students a critical awareness of material studied and the delivery and structure of the material. Learners can then tailor flexible education strategies to their requirements to optimise the quality of the learning experience.
  • his ability of an individual to actively select from a personal style or skills portfolio, is part of what can be termed self-directed learning
  • In an educational setting, a self-directed learner no longer operates as a passive receiver of information, but takes responsibility for the achievement, and ultimately setting, of learning outcomes. In essence, the traditional lecturer-student divide becomes increasingly blurred, as the learner begins to pro-actively structure the programme to match their own learning attributes.
  • facilitator, and finally to that of a resource to be tapped
  • lecturer's role
  • Under such an approach, higher education ceases to be simply something that is done to people, and becomes a platform from which individuals can go on to, in effect, educate themselves
  • "causer of learning".
  • This approach will tend to create learned helplessness in people
  • Higher education should be concerned with not only enhancing learning in a specific situation, but should also constitute a catalyst for further self-initiated development of the individual, above and beyond the contents and aims of a particular course. T
  • The lecturer must avoid removing traditional barriers to self-direction, such as a rigid programme structure, only to erect new barriers through the use of prescriptive self-direction strategies imposed on the student.
  • allow the individual the freedom to define and devise learning strategies, and to make mistakes. T
  • The role of the lecturer must be essentially non-interventionist, unless the student seeks guidance
  • as people may still not choose to direct their own learning due to: a lack of belief in their own ability, a failure by them to recognise that self-direction is needed or preferable, the setting of an inappropriate learning goal(s) that fails to act as a motivator, and previous learning and education experiences.
  • That educational system primarily tends to concentrate on didactic approaches that often view learning as being of secondary importance to memory, where information acquisition and subsequent information regurgitation predominate.
  • This will require that the lecturer breaks down barriers to learning and self-direction that may be present. This covers: those barriers created by the student during the course (wrong choice of learning approach, poor motivation, lack of confidence), those barriers that the course itself may indirectly create (lack of flexibility, lack of direction and guidance, poor structure), and those barriers that the student brings to the course (reason for attending the course, poor learning skills, previous bad learning experiences).
  • In the initial stages of a programme, the lecturer will need to ensure the existence of an appropriate control structure, as students undergo the transition from being other-directed in their learning by external influences, to being self-directed.
  • caffold structure
  • clearly communicated and understood aims and objectives for the students at regular intervals.
  • allows students to progressively take control of their learning,
  • but that also offers sufficient guidance and direction in the early stages to prevent individuals from becoming lost.
  • The application of learning style theory in higher education teaching
    • Diane Gusa
      This would take a very brave instructor to do this. However, I know of colleges (Goddard for one) that does exactly this in their graduate program.
Diane Gusa

Information maps - 0 views

  • In doing a little research, I came across a book by Terry Anderson called, "Theory and Practice in Online Learning." He has some suggestions for giving students an outline, or what he calls an information map, at the beginning of a lesson or module. He talks about the importance of how content is presented initially, and how that affects memory.
Diane Gusa

Learning to know - 0 views

  • acquisition of structured knowledge
  • a means and an end of human existence.
  • since knowledge is multifarious and capable of virtually infinite development, any attempt to know everything becomes more and more pointless
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • icate with other people. Regarded as an end, it is underpinned by the pleasure that can be derived from understanding, knowledge and discovery. That aspect of learning is typically enjoyed by researchers, but good teaching can help everyone to enjoy it. Even if study for its own sake is a dying pursuit with so much emphasis
  • giving students the tools, ideas and reference methods which are the product of leading-edge science and the contemporary paradigms.
  • Learning to know implies learning how to learn by developing one's concentration, memory skills and ability to think
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