Hello, I have a rather pressing problem with annotations that aren't actually missing but just not showing on the page.
I just finished annotating an online draft of a student paper with Diigo and meant to send it back to the student when I realized that only 100 of the over 200 highlights and sticky notes I'd added were actually showing on the page. In the page's entry on my bookmarks list, "All annotations" says there are indeed 216 annotations in total, and I can click through to get a list of those 216, but without the actual page there, many of those annotations will make no sense at all to the student. From the pattern of missing annotations on the actual page, it seems like only the most recent 100 annotations are showing. Is there a way to get them all to show, please? Is 100 the limit of the number of annotations that will show on any given page?
Thank you in advance for any help you can give, I really, really don't want to start re-adding over 200 comments to that paper in some other program...
http://www.diigo.com/064ag will show the hliglighted word only once; all three highlights are of identical texts. This is normal behaviour, within the limits of what is possible with the current version of Diigo, but it can take the user by surprise if it's learnt through discovery.
Is it possible that some of your annotations are affected in the same way?
Hi Graham, that probably isn't what's happening with my annotations -one or two might be highlights of identical texts, but certainly not the 100+ that aren't showing. The pattern of the 'disappearances' seems to suggest that older annotations become invisible when I add new ones (tried this out) so that only the most recent 100 are showing.
Have I hit upon some kind of annotations limit here? I can't seem to find any information about that in the help pages. Is there a way to make everything show up? (They're all private highlights and annotations, in case that helps)
Beyond those blank highlights: is the Diigo About presentation of annotations fairly inclusive? Or do you estimate that many are missing?
> older annotations become invisible when I add new ones (tried this out)
At any time, has a new highlight overlapped with an older one?
> so that only the most recent 100 are showing
Diigolet 3.15b23 in Safari 4 Public Beta (5528.17) in Mac OS X 10.5.7, Intel, 64-bit shows more than 100 highlights, I might add a screen shot and PDF to this topic.
What's your operating system and version? Browser and version? Version of Diigo toolbar or Diigolet?
Nope, still seeing only the latter half of the annotations on that page. Is there some kind of display limit that only allows 100 annotations to visibly appear on a page? Or only 100 annotations from one singe user, perhaps?
I just finished annotating an online draft of a student paper with Diigo and meant to send it back to the student when I realized that only 100 of the over 200 highlights and sticky notes I'd added were actually showing on the page. In the page's entry on my bookmarks list, "All annotations" says there are indeed 216 annotations in total, and I can click through to get a list of those 216, but without the actual page there, many of those annotations will make no sense at all to the student. From the pattern of missing annotations on the actual page, it seems like only the most recent 100 annotations are showing. Is there a way to get them all to show, please? Is 100 the limit of the number of annotations that will show on any given page?
Thank you in advance for any help you can give, I really, really don't want to start re-adding over 200 comments to that paper in some other program...
http://about.diigo.com/about/groups.diigo.com%2FDiigo_HQ%2Fforum%2Ftopic%2Fonly-100-highlights-annotations-showing-up-on-page-containing-over-200-46064 shows the same three private highlights.
http://www.diigo.com/064ag will show the hliglighted word only once; all three highlights are of identical texts. This is normal behaviour, within the limits of what is possible with the current version of Diigo, but it can take the user by surprise if it's learnt through discovery.
Is it possible that some of your annotations are affected in the same way?
Here's the page:
Have I hit upon some kind of annotations limit here? I can't seem to find any information about that in the help pages. Is there a way to make everything show up? (They're all private highlights and annotations, in case that helps)
Thanks for your help,
> http://www.diigo.com/063wi
At corresponding http://about.diigo.com/about/http://japanesestudies.arts.kuleuven.be/popularculture/wiki/index.php/Visual_Kei Diigo About reveals around five highlights are somehow blank/empty.
Beyond those blank highlights: is the Diigo About presentation of annotations fairly inclusive? Or do you estimate that many are missing?
> older annotations become invisible when I add new ones (tried this out)
At any time, has a new highlight overlapped with an older one?
> so that only the most recent 100 are showing
Diigolet 3.15b23 in Safari 4 Public Beta (5528.17) in Mac OS X 10.5.7, Intel, 64-bit shows more than 100 highlights, I might add a screen shot and PDF to this topic.
What's your operating system and version?
Browser and version?
Version of Diigo toolbar or Diigolet?
Glad to help,
>> you should see those two [highlights] at
>> http://www.diigo.com/06507
> I don't see any annotations on this page?
I re-checked in a different browser, without signing in to Diigo. You should see two highlights.
Sorry haven't had a chance to read through forums lately (as you guys know, we have another super long list going on :)
Ok now, or still having problem?
Nope, still seeing only the latter half of the annotations on that page. Is there some kind of display limit that only allows 100 annotations to visibly appear on a page? Or only 100 annotations from one singe user, perhaps?
Thank you for your help,
At a glance, how does the following meta view appear? Are annotations comprehensive?
It may be easier for you to gauge completeness from the annotated link that you previously gained and shared: http://www.diigo.com/063wi
— note the speech bubble alongside each highlight to which a note is attached
— the number in the bubble is the count of notes of that highlight
— the padlock icon signifies that a stuck note is private.