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Osbert Lancaster

Frustrated by privacy issues - 151 views

diigo privacy Diigolet highlight comment public

started by Osbert Lancaster on 23 Nov 09
  • Osbert Lancaster
    I've searched the grp and looked a various threads, and am concluding Diigo's approach to privacy is a mess - please show me I'm wrong!

    Here's my typical scenario:

    - Come across interesting site
    - bookmark with Diigo
    - share to Twitter with bitly (because I don't use Diigo toolbar)


    - go to that bookmark
    - read it properly, discover very relevant to a project I'm working on,
    - so start adding highlights and notes
    - realise that anyone reading my bookmark list will see all my highlights (I *think* stickies are private, not sure)
    - realise this is a commercial project and it might not be sensible leaving a 'highlighted' trail of pages I've annotated
    - mark bookmark private

    and now I can't share the bookmark more widely - which I still want to do, minus the highlights - because I've marked it private.

    I realise that Diigo's primary market is education, so this is perhaps less of an issue for others, but for a private consultant, it's a bit of problem!

    Diigo's home page says: Research | Share | Collaborate

    It's really difficult to see how to do this unless you can accept everything is public!

    I'd like to encourage colleagues to use Diigo, but I don't think it's fit for purpose.

    Please tell me I'm missing the point? Or don't understand the help system?

    Surely in settings I should be able to select what items I want to be public/private by default? Whether I want 'friends' to be able to see them? etc

    Rant over.
  • Graham Perrin
    > in settings I should be able to select
    > what items I want to be public/private by default

    There's a topic,
    Diigolet should allow the user to prefer obscurity as a default for new bookmarks (2009-01)
    but re I can't retrieve that topic at the moment.

    The underlying issue is that Diigolet defaults to creating a public bookmark whenever you highlight something for the first time.
  • Graham Perrin
    > Diigolet defaults to creating a public bookmark
    > whenever you highlight something for the first time.

    Similarly: if your first action on a page is a comment, or floating note: whilst your comment or note may be private, the bookmark that accompanies its creation is public.

    > I don't use Diigo toolbar

    If you prefer private by default, try Post to Diigo. Make it your habit to use Post to Diigo before proceeding to draw highlights etc..

    Post to Diigo is also public by default, but at least the option to switch to private is clearer than in Diigolet.
  • Graham Perrin
    Osbert wrote:

    > in settings I should be able to select
    > what items I want to be public/private by default

    I wrote:

    > Diigolet should allow the user to prefer obscurity as a default for new bookmarks

    That topic 9588 seems to missing or lost but I found a cached copy. I'll re-post.
  • Graham Perrin
    I have recreated the missing topic at ,
    Diigo service should allow obscurity/privacy by default for Diigolet, Post to Diigo and other scripts

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