You can change the title of each bookmark by going to each bookmark, and move your mouse over in "blank space" on the right-hand side -- > you will see a bunch of functions show up -- > click "edit" to edit the title.
However, we don't allow editing of URL for the following reason: although allowing changing URL is very simple, because of Diigo's unique ability to annotate on webpages and those are specific to URLs, offering the options to allow users to edit the URL will potentially lead to unexpected complication.
Note: it's on our to-do list to consider making this option available (though it seems like a simple request, unlike other services, it will require quite a bit of coding changes), and we have much higher priority tasks now. So, sorry, the answer is still no at the moment.
Consider me added to the list of people requesting this. I have only been here a month, and already I have to copy and paste my description and annotations to a new bookmark because I mistyped a URL into the Diigolet.
For now, is there a way to redirect the deleted bookmark such as
I must add that I have just discovered that I must not only delete the bookmark from 'My bookmarks' but also both of the groups I shared it with, one by one.
The first group was ok, but the second came up with the error "Sorry, you cannot delete this bookmark because other(s) already have annotation on it."
"However, we don't allow editing of URL for the following reason: although allowing changing URL is very simple, because of Diigo's unique ability to annotate on webpages and those are specific to URLs, offering the options to allow users to edit the URL will potentially lead to unexpected complication."
Of course that's a risk, but the decision still doesn't make sense. Consider the possible outcomes:
1. User correctly edits a URL that has moved (where the original URL is no longer valid); orphaned annotations are moved to the updated URL.
2. User incorrectly edits a URL that has moved (where the original URL is no longer valid); orphaned annotations are still orphaned--but due to the moved URL, those annotations were already orphaned anyway. Nothing lost, nothing gained.
3. User correctly edits a URL that was already working just fine; annotations are still good.
4. User incorrectly edits a URL that was already working just fine; orphans his/her annotations.
EDITABLE scenario summary: 1. orphaned - > properly linked (good) 2. orphaned - > stays orphaned (neutral, but can be fixed) 3. properly linked - > properly linked (neutral) 4. properly linked - > orphaned (BAD, but fixable)
There are only four scenarios and only ONE of the four results in orphaned annotations due to user error. And even in that one bad scenario, the user can always go back and correct the URL to undo the problem.
As the current system works (editing URLs not possible), you GUARANTEE that annotations connected to a URL that is no longer valid get orphaned:
1. Site changes URL, rendering bookmarked URL obsolete; annotations get orphaned. 2. Site adds an additional URL while the original URL is still usable; annotations remain properly linked.
Therefore your conservative approach to user data (don't let them screw up their own URLs) doesn't really make sense when you consider the worst-case scenarios of each possibility.
Agree - but I think it's not as simple as it may seem. It may cause problems for highlights and annotations. If that's the case, I prefer to lose the annotations and have URL editing. There could be a mention 'This link has been edited. All annotations have been deleted"
I know that when you highlight something on someone's else bookmarked page, it automatically save a bookmark in your library with no tags, so it's a user thing. But I think it may not be the case for group bookmarks - Read somewhere that one couldn't delete a group bookmark if other had hi-lighted it (?)
Would be nice if we had more information on how things worked... a visualisation of Diigo data. (can't even image how it would look like)
Workflow between the personal library copy of a bookmark and the group copy of a bookmark. What should happen when any group member finds what they think is an alternative URL for the group bookmark.
However, we don't allow editing of URL for the following reason: although allowing changing URL is very simple, because of Diigo's unique ability to annotate on webpages and those are specific to URLs, offering the options to allow users to edit the URL will potentially lead to unexpected complication.
Please see earlier discussion here
Note: it's on our to-do list to consider making this option available (though it seems like a simple request, unlike other services, it will require quite a bit of coding changes), and we have much higher priority tasks now. So, sorry, the answer is still no at the moment.
For now, is there a way to redirect the deleted bookmark such as
to the new one
? (avoids breaking backlinks)
The first group was ok, but the second came up with the error "Sorry, you cannot delete this bookmark because other(s) already have annotation on it."
However I cannot see any annotations (except my own) in the group bookmarks view
or in the 404 page when I view it with the diigolet
Have I uncovered a bug?
Now that I know this I'll try to add a slash when bookmarks don't lead me anywhere
Of course that's a risk, but the decision still doesn't make sense. Consider the possible outcomes:
1. User correctly edits a URL that has moved (where the original URL is no longer valid); orphaned annotations are moved to the updated URL.
2. User incorrectly edits a URL that has moved (where the original URL is no longer valid); orphaned annotations are still orphaned--but due to the moved URL, those annotations were already orphaned anyway. Nothing lost, nothing gained.
3. User correctly edits a URL that was already working just fine; annotations are still good.
4. User incorrectly edits a URL that was already working just fine; orphans his/her annotations.
EDITABLE scenario summary:
1. orphaned - > properly linked (good)
2. orphaned - > stays orphaned (neutral, but can be fixed)
3. properly linked - > properly linked (neutral)
4. properly linked - > orphaned (BAD, but fixable)
There are only four scenarios and only ONE of the four results in orphaned annotations due to user error. And even in that one bad scenario, the user can always go back and correct the URL to undo the problem.
As the current system works (editing URLs not possible), you GUARANTEE that annotations connected to a URL that is no longer valid get orphaned:
1. Site changes URL, rendering bookmarked URL obsolete; annotations get orphaned.
2. Site adds an additional URL while the original URL is still usable; annotations remain properly linked.
NOT-EDITABLE scenario summary:
1. orphaned - > stay orphaned (BAD--no solution in current system)
2. properly linked - > properly linked (neutral)
Therefore your conservative approach to user data (don't let them screw up their own URLs) doesn't really make sense when you consider the worst-case scenarios of each possibility.
It may cause problems for highlights and annotations. If that's the case, I prefer to lose the annotations and have URL editing.
There could be a mention 'This link has been edited. All annotations have been deleted"
I know that when you highlight something on someone's else bookmarked page, it automatically save a bookmark in your library with no tags, so it's a user thing.
But I think it may not be the case for group bookmarks - Read somewhere that one couldn't delete a group bookmark if other had hi-lighted it (?)
Would be nice if we had more information on how things worked... a visualisation of Diigo data. (can't even image how it would look like)
Workflow between the personal library copy of a bookmark and the group copy of a bookmark. What should happen when any group member finds what they think is an alternative URL for the group bookmark.