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Anne Bubnic

Copyright Case Study [ Video] - 0 views

    BEST PRACTICES IN FAIR USE from the folks at Temple University's Media Literacy Education Lab. This is a case study of PROJECT LOOK SHARP and their use of media literacy materials. Included are discussion questions that would be appropriate for teaching teachers and/or students.
Anne Bubnic

Raising Good Digital Citizens - 0 views

    From Cable In The Classroom Project. Some tips for teachers who are paving the way for better digital citizenship.
Anne Bubnic

Digital Legacy: Lesson Plans - 0 views

    Lesson plans developed for a group of students at Ute Meadows Elementary on the idea of creating and tending their Digital Legacy (or what some people call "digital footprint"). Some excellent examples here of building and protecting your digital identity.
Anne Bubnic

The Carnegie Cyber Academy - 2 views

    The Carnegie Cyber Academy is a cybersecurity program of instruction developed at Carnegie Mellon University for classrooms, community centers and home schoolers. Students enter a cyber academy and take on three missions that teach them safe computer practices. Learning objectives and outcomes correspond to ISTE NETS. The group has a FACEBOOK page that links you to daily updates, blogs and activities. See:
Anne Bubnic

FBI-SOS: Safe Online Surfing - 0 views

    The FBI-SOS Internet Challenge is an internet safety program designed to help students recognize potential dangers associated with the internet, email, chat rooms and social networking sites. The program addresses and defines topics serious in nature such as seduction, child pornography, solicitation, exploitation, obscenity and online predators. Students take web-based quizzes and review specific web sites aimed at promoting online safety.
Anne Bubnic

Digi Teen: Ning for Digital Citizenship topics - 1 views

    Ning based on Gerald Rubble's Book, Digital Citizenship in the Schools
Anne Bubnic

Facebook in classroom, bad idea? - 0 views

    Social networking sites are extremely popular among students, but there appear to be two competing trends for social media in school classrooms and on university campuses. Some teachers and lecturers are embracing Facebook and Twitter as new ways of communicating with students, and some universities and school boards are banning access to social networking tools entirely, citing security concerns.
Anne Bubnic

Google Digital Literacy and Citizenship Curriculum - 22 views

Google has partnered with child safety experts at iKeepSafe to develop classroom lesson plans. Three classes are now available with pre- and post-assessments.

ad4dcss digital citizenship digital footprint identity theft digital literacy authentic sources evaluation lesson plan

started by Anne Bubnic on 30 Jul 13 no follow-up yet
Colette Cassinelli

Curriculum: Understanding YouTube & Digital Citizenship - Google in Education - 9 views

    Ten lessons from Google about how to be a responsible digital citizen and YouTube community member
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