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Anne Bubnic

Cyber Bullying: A Prevention Curriculum for Grades 6-12 [Book] - 1 views

    Cyber Bullying: A Prevention Curriculum for Grades 6-12 is a Curriculum that deals with attitudes and behaviors associated with cyber bullying. This eight-session Curriculum is designed to:
    1. Raise student and parent awareness of what cyberbullying is and why it is so harmful
    2. Equip students with the skills and resources to treat eachother respectfully when using cybertechnologies
    3. Give students information about how to get help if they, or others they know, are being cyber bullied
    4. Teach students how to use cyber technologies in positive ways.
Anne Bubnic

C-SAVE | - 1 views

    NCSA launched the Cyber Security Awareness Volunteer Education Project (C-SAVE) in April of 2009. The program will teach youngsters not just to be wary of online predators and bullies but alert to the tricks of data thieves and scam artists. Curriculum is customized for three grade levels: K-2, 3-5 and middle/high school. What makes this program unique is that they plan to use "tech pros" from the technology industry to deliver the Curriculum in the classroom.
Anne Bubnic

Cyberbullying: Understanding and Addressing Online Cruelty - 0 views

    This issue of Curriculum Connections provides educators with the tools to increase awareness about the problem of cyberbullying among their students. Each lesson introduces age appropriate information and skills that encourage youth to think critically about Internet communication, develop empathy for others, respond constructively to cyberbullying and online aggression and interact safely on the Internet. The resources in this edition of Curriculum Connections will be an important part of your school's broader efforts to foster an increased culture of e-safety and respect for differences among youth.
Anne Bubnic

Core Curriculum Projects | SimpleK12 - 3 views

    Helps teachers incorporate technology into core curriculum and creates student portfolios online to manage student projects.
Anne Bubnic

Teaching - 0 views

  • This misinformation is harmful, because it discourages kids and teens from following their natural inclination to be innovative and inquisitive. The innovators, artists and voters of tomorrow need to know that copyright law restricts many activities but also permits many others. And they need to know the positive steps they can take to protect themselves in the digital sphere. In short, youth don't need more intimidation — what they need is solid, accurate information
  • There's a lot of misinformation out there about legal rights and responsibilities in the digital era.
    EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation) created Teaching Copyright as a balanced curriculum encouraging students to make full and fair use of technology that is revolutionizing learning and the exchange of information. The Teaching Copyright curriculum was developed with the input of educators from across the U.S. and has been designed to satisfy components of standards from the International Society for Technology in Education and the California State Board of Education.
Anne Bubnic

Web Literacy for the Digital Generation [Video] - 2 views

    Microsoft and ISTE have joined forces to put together a series of web literacy lessons, activities, and support resources to help students develop their critical thinking skills when searching the web. The new student-centered curriculum will provide guidance and activities for your students on how to search effectively, how to analyze "the anatomy of a search result," and moreover, understand how to judge the validity and source of the content they find on the web. This curriculum was developed collaboratively by ISTE and Microsoft and will be available soon free to educators.
Anne Bubnic

Cyberbullying Prevention Curriculum Scope & Sequence: GR 6-12 [PDF] - 0 views

    Developed by the folks who designed the Olweus Bullying Prevention program, this curriculum offers students an opportunity to:
    1. interact, collaborate and publish with peers, experts or others, employing a variety of digital environments and media.
    2.communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences, using a variety of media and formats
    3. contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems.
Anne Bubnic

The Fight Against Cyberbullying - 0 views

    As tales of online cruelty mount, districts are trying a mix of prevention and punishment, incorporating internet safety into curriculum and tightening student conduct codes.Whether a pattern or merely an unfortunate streak, what's not disputed is the direction of the general drift in cyberbullying cases: upward. Once relegated to the playgrounds and back lots, the schoolyard bully now finds prey online. While the states are responding to cyberbullying by adopting legislation that mixes prevention with punishment, for school districts the issue quickly turns from educating the community about the threat of cyberbullying to crafting a response when an incident actually occurs. Districts are realizing that integrating internet safety education into curriculum isn't enough. They must also address cyberbullying in their conduct and discipline codes.
Anne Bubnic

So Sayeth Thy Blog: Lesson Plan - 0 views

    Curriculum-based lesson plan on blogging with activities and assessment. Part of the EasyTech Curriculum from
Anne Bubnic

ISTE | Microsoft Digital Citizenship Curriculum - 2 views

    "In partnership with Topics Education, Microsoft is sponsoring an education initiative that supports teachers' needs for addressing digital citizenship and helping students understand how to handle and share digital content and respect for an authors/students intentions for sharing creative work. Topics Education developed a comprehensive turnkey, end-to-end curriculum that provides educators with teaching resources, an experiential student curriculum and tools to teach students about creative rights so that it is meaningful and relevant to their lives and achieving their potential."
Anne Bubnic

LOOKBOTHWAYS FOUNDATION | K-12 Online Safety Curriculum - 0 views

    Lessons have been developed to be consistent with national student learning standards, including the ISTE Standards and the National Council of Teachers of English. Right now, lesson plans are only available for high school students but elementary and middle school curriculum is coming soon.
Anne Bubnic

EFF: Teaching Copyright - 1 views

    This curriculum, from the Electronic Frontier Foundation, is designed to give teachers a comprehensive set of tools to educate students about copyright while incorporating activities that exercise a variety of learning skills. Lesson topics include: the history of copyright law; the relationship between copyright and innovation; fair use and its relationship to remix culture; peer-to-peer file sharing; and the interests of the stakeholders that ultimately affect how copyright is interpreted by copyright owners, consumers, courts, lawmakers, and technology innovators.
Anne Bubnic

Microsoft Digital Citizenship Curriculum [Grades 5-8] - 1 views

    Microsoft offers this free digital citizenship curriculum to educators. The four units of study are all related to creative rights. They are downloadable as PDF files and include pre- and post-assessment materials. The program is aligned with ISTE Standards and the American Association of School Libraries. It is also endorsed by the National Council on Economic Education.
Anne Bubnic

Questioning Video, Film, Advertising and Propaganda [video] - 0 views

    Check out the commercials and curriculum ideas presented by Jamie McKenzie. Should be part of media literacy curriculum for all students.
Anne Bubnic

Digital Literacy and Citizenship Curriculum for Grades 9-12 | CSM - 5 views

    Free curriculum from Common Sense Media for GR 9-12. Designed to empower students to think critically and make informed choices about how they create, communicate, and treat others in our ever-evolving, 24/7 digital world. Browse the units to find the topics and lessons that are just right for your students.
Megan Black

Digital Citizenship Curriculum From Common Sense - 1 views

    Full Middle school Curriculum in three strands: Safety and Security, Digital Citizenship, and Research and Information Literacy
Anne Bubnic

Digital Citizenship at MICDS - 6 views

    Middle School curriculum at this wiki is aligned to the 9 elements of digital citizenship descibed by Bailey and Ribble.
Anne Bubnic

Purchase Info - Cyber Bullying: Prevention Curriculum/GR 6-12 - 0 views

    This is the link to purchasing information for this book. The authors are three School Psychologists who also published Cyberbullying in the Digital Age.
Anne Bubnic

SB 2426 Cyberbullying Law passes [Illinois] - 0 views

    Amends the Harassing and Obscene Communications Act. Creates the Cyberbullying Law. Provides that the offense of harassment through electronic communications also includes the use of electronic communication for making a harassing statement for the purpose of alarming, tormenting, or terrorizing a specific person on at least 2 separate occasions; or creating and maintaining an Internet website or webpage, which is accessible to one or more third parties for a period of at least 24 hours, and which contains harassing statements made for the purpose of alarming, tormenting, or terrorizing a specific person. Establishes penalties. Effective immediately. The new law takes effect January 1st and provides that the Internet safety curriculums in schools will begin with the 2009-2010 school year. The bill allows the age-appropriate unit of instruction to be incorporated into the current courses of study regularly taught in the districts' schools.
Anne Bubnic

WEB|WISE|KIDS: MISSING [Interactive Software Adventure] - 0 views

    MISSING, from Web Wise Kids, is designed to SHOW rather than TELL children about online safety. It's a fun and positive way to teach children how to avoid danger on the Internet. The interactive software adventure tells the story of Zack, a kid in Vancouver, Canada who forms an online friendship with Fantasma. This guy is so cool - he has an online magazine about beach life in California and he sends Zack great stuff, like graphic arts and software. Little does Zack know that he is a predator. After Zach agrees to go to San Diego to be with Fantasma, players work with a detective to find and rescue Zack and arrest Fantasma. Available both as a home edition and a school edition. [Windows and Mac OSX versions available]. Note: Local middle school science teachers have successfully worked this program into their science curriculum since solving the game involves researching and collecting clues.
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