Technology adds to students' math comprehension | eSchool News | eSchool News - 7 views
The animations are so powerful; bisecting an angle becomes a really visual experience,” Bates said.
The report found that students often referred to the roles of visual imagery, animations, and videos in helping them understand key concepts.
Moving imagery was clearly a key means for [students] to ‘see what is meant,’ rather than their trying to ‘imagine what is meant’ when it is just described by teachers,” the report found
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Very interesting! Your comments made me wonder if teachers, more often than not, stand in the way of learning more than trying to act as mediators. It is sad to see that young children start their lives at school eager to learn and being active participants of that amazing process of discovery that is the acquisition of knowledge and then see them 3 years down the road, so discouraged and demotivated! What happened? Somehow that is regarded as a normal process, part of their growing and maturing. I have to say that I disagree. Answering your questions...I belong to the generation of the Commodore, Basics and Texas Instruments. I remember spending hours programming my computer. It did make me more curious about technology and I found fascinating that just a few symbols could create so much magic. Children nowadays do not have that much of a connection with the process of creation but they do develop a lot more hands on skills that are essentially the ones they will need in the future. These skills are key but they still require the development of critical thinking in order for them to acquire a more in depth knowledge of any topic. It is at this juncture that teachers are invaluable partners in the educational process. In my opinion, this should be the center of every planning and strategic use of educational methodologies.
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Jackie, i found a great article on why some children are bad in math! I do not believe that some kids lack the aptitude for math !
It is certainly lovely to see children learning in different ways that make sense to the particular individual. I wish I had the chance to learn new concepts with the aid of visualization. The question is: how many teachers are truly using the resources that are available to them?