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"Engage Me or Enrage Me": What Today's Learners Demand (EDUCAUSE Review) | - 2 views

  • the kids back then didn’t expect to be engaged by everything they did. There were no video games, no CDs, no MP3s—none of today’s special effects. Those kids’ lives were a lot less rich—and not just in money: less rich in media, less rich in communication, much less rich in creative opportunities for students outside of school. Many if not most of them never even knew what real engagement feels like.
  • All the students we teach have something in their lives that’s really engaging
    • normairisrodz
      If teachers could tap into what engages their students, they can also tap into their motivation to learn and be active participants in the learning process.
  • Rather than being empowered to choose what they want
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • in school, they must eat what they are served
  • In my view, it’s not “relevance” that’s lacking for this generation, it’s engagement.
  • So we have to find how to present our curricula in ways that engage our students—not just to create new “lesson plans,” not even just to put the curriculum online
    • normairisrodz
      How do you engage your students in innovative ways in your classroom? With such emphasis placed on standardized test preparation, are you allowed academic freedom to engage your students with alternative teaching practices?
  • kids’ long-term engagement in a game depends much less on what they see than on what they do and learn.
  • And if we educators don’t start coming up with some damned good curricular gameplay for our students—and soon—they’ll all come to school wearing (at least virtually in their minds) the T-shirt I recently saw a kid wearing in New York City: “It’s Not ADD—I’m Just Not Listening!”
    • normairisrodz
      It's not just about graphics and special effects, it's about substance. Do students learn and are they challenged?
  • That’s one more reason the kids are so enraged—they know their stuff is missing!
    Engaging students who "tune us out". This article reinforces Brain Rule 4: Attention, "we don't pay attention to boring things." Educators must seek ways of engaging students... solution - game-based learning.
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