Instructional strategies: Real time interaction, just as in a classroom.
Expository - 2010 Spring ETC647 - 2 views
Instructional strategies: Learner-content interaction; No Learner-Instructor interaction, Learner-Interface interaction.
Instructional strategies:Lecture; Learner-content interaction; Very little Learner-Instructor interaction, Learner-Interface interaction.
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Interactive - 3 views
American and foreign students connect via video conferencing. Technology upgrades the traditional "penpal" model. The students continue to connect via online social media tools to create a collaborative project. Instructional strategies can include asynchronous discussions, synchronous discussions, learner-learner, and collaborative interaction.
Am I doing this right? :)
Expository (ETC677) - 1 views
Instructional strategies: Um, providing something for parents that the kids should have picked up in class but for whatever reason forgot/lost.
Classroom web page of daily assignments/objectives listing
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Group6 (ETC677) - 2 views
I will ask each group several common questions and specific question on your group treatise paper. These questions can be responded by any of your group members as an individual opinion or as group response. It is your group decision. Please list five most critical elements of distributed learning system in distance learning.
Most of people probably would agree that all instructions should have integrated online technology. Do you agree or disagree? Why? Please at least provide three reasons with good literatures to support your arguments.
Technology has become an increasingly vital tool in our growing society. The use of PowerPoint presentations upon lecturing promotes student interaction and improves student engagement with whatever the subject may be. The option to download pictures/graphics upon organizing my PowerPoint presentations has been a great instructional tool for my students. Teaching dental hygiene students the importance of patient education and providing the tools to enhance and perfect their skills is critical as an educator. Dental education has improved dramatically over the past 20 years. Technology has played a huge role in facilitating communication and collaboration among students. We now have web-based and software-based programs that are available to facilitate learning in 3D animation and HD footage for dental treatment educational purposes. MediaMed is a web-based tool that I make great use of in the classroom to educate my students on the various dental procedures. MediaMed also serves as an instructional component that not only provides patient education on the necessary treatment needed, but also increases patient treatment acceptance, which then improves the overall oral health of the individual. Eaton, Reynolds and Cox (2008), believe that the use of CD-ROM's have made a major contribution to the development of teaching practice and the greater availability of educational material for students. Teaching dental anatomy in the dental hygiene program utilizing ADAM interactive CD-ROM, has validated the necessary interaction between student and teacher upon lecturing. Today's computer has replaced all means of traditional communication significantly. Many distant learning tools claim to be interactive, but few can offer two-way communication. Email is the most popular means of communication medium now-a-days. Therefore, it may be used as an educational tool for learning (Rahman, Anwar, & Numan, 2008, p. 180). To imagine how one can function and be productive as edu
Sorry Group 6, I accidentally posted on the wrong page. Adrianna
In distributed learning assessment (collaborative learning), it is very difficult to know who is doing the course work. How do we know the actual students are doing the course work and how can we assess?
Having Elluminate chat sessions with participating instructors reduces the chances of students having others do their course work. Chat session personalizes each session. Besides, most online students are mature, working, adults. I presume they want to learn and participate since their own money is invested in their education. Mandatory peer and self evalutions along with personal phone conversations or chats at least once in the semester with instructors can facilitate assessment.
Sorry Group 6, I accidentally posted on the wrong page. Adrianna
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Great job on your treatise. I think that (like others have mentioned) it might have flowed a little better with an introductory paragraph, as well as some additional references. 5 points.
Thank you for the abstract. It was a great summary that identified the purpose of the paper. This was also well organized, and you followed the instructor's suggestions of including the group discussions; that was something that we found difficult to do. Finally, I appreciate the recommendations at the end. It helped give the writing a purpose.
4- This treatise paper is certainly well put together. I did have minor hesitation is allotting full points. I found the paper to be very informative and adequately descriptive of the material. However, I found that quantity of references was not as I would've expected. I also found that the paper could've used a final or closing paragraph to sum-up the covered content. I was certainly in agreement with the examples and explanations provided. In my opinion, this team put forth great efforts in communicating the prescribed content and material. I fully agree with the argument and statement that Online Learning brings forth learning opportunities with "no limits". A well-written work by Team 6.
Group5 (ETC677) - 11 views
I will ask each group several common questions and specific question on your group treatise paper. These questions can be responded by any of your group members as an individual opinion or as group response. It is your group decision. Please list five most critical elements of distributed learning system in distance learning.
Group 5 collaboration via elluminate answers as follows: 1. Knowing the stakeholders 2. Choosing the right authoring tool 3. Basing instruction on the best pedagogical model (constructivist / connectivist) 4. Delivering instruction with appropriate strategies for online learning (collaboration, portfolio, discussion, etc). 5. Appropriate assessment tools (rubrics, peer review, self-reflection, etc).
Most of people probably would agree that all instructions should have integrated online technology. Do you agree or disagree? Why? Please at least provide three reasons with good literatures to support your arguments.
During our group discussion on this topic, we can to the conclusion that integrating technology in the classroom is something we all should do, but it is still something that we have not fully embraced quite yet. The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE, 2007) and the National Council of the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE, 2002) advocate the use of technology in education and suggest students should be provided opportunities to engage in technology-supported activities that enhance their learning experiences. Obviously the use of technology in the classroom is recommended, but there is a period of transition for most teachers. Unfortunately this period of transition is taking longer than most would have hoped. Old educational approaches based on traditional thinking aimed at specialization and standardization, are no longer appropriate. An education system needs to reflect the needs of the learner, be contextually relevant and prepare the learner for a changing society (Esbin, 2002). During our discussion we came up with a list of all the great things that incorporating technology into classroom instructions could provide. They are listed below, and represent what we came up with in just a few minutes of brainstorming. Integrated technology pros: 1. Links to relevant resources and web pages. 2. Ability to reach out to students beyond the classroom. 3. 21st century skills require 21st century technologies 4. More access to content beyond book and lecture. 5. Practice at distance learning. 6. Information is available anytime, anywhere 7. Convenience In order to move forward in a student-centered learning environment the learners will have to engage in different activities (Bhattacharya, 2009). If we expect these students to compete in a world that is so connected, we should provide them an opportunity to practice these skills. Integrating technology into the classroom is a benefit to the teacher as much as it is to the s
In distributed learning assessment (collaborative learning), it is very difficult to know who is doing the course work. How do we know the actual students are doing the course work and how can we assess?
Group 5 elluminate collaborative answer is as follows: This is very difficult to determine. Online work should be combined with some synchronous interaction involving voice and even better, video to determine that written work matches with student's capability.
I meet with my online students by phone or in Elluminate at least monthly and ask them questions about their learning while viewing samples of their work. It is still very hard to tell!
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Group 5 Score:5 Overall a very nice job. A great variety and number of sources, including a nice focus on academic peer reviewed journals all add to the paper. Each section is thoroughly detailed with a nice amount of reference based support for models discussed. I also liked the discussion of both connectivism and constructivism in support of DL (though you could also mention socio-culturalism). In terms of weaknesses, the paper would benefit from a proper introduction (to match the nice conclusion) also sub-headings which the divided the sections were not in proper APA style (Heading 2, italicized). More time could also have been spent formatting as different font styles and sizes were mixed in (Each section is different).
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Very nice explanation of the benefits of online learning. It was clear, concise and convincing. I also like the mention of the evolution from CMS to Personal learning Environments. It was a great transition.
5 - This treatise paper was found to have great flow; making it easy to follow. I appreciated the adequate level of definitions integrated in, while also noting the great use of references and hyperlinks. The use of hyperlinks, especially Appendix, added great depth and substance to their work. I particularly enjoyed the examples and statistics provided which allowed for a better illustration of their argument. Additionally, I found the example to be very interesting as I am an alumni from Tucson's Unified School District (1997). A very concise list of references and strategically embedded references throughout the work. Nice work Team 5 !
Group4 (ETC677) - 4 views
I will ask each group several common questions and specific question on your group treatise paper. These questions can be responded by any of your group members as an individual opinion or as group response. It is your group decision. Please list five most critical elements of distributed learning system in distance learning.
1. The creation lesson plans in which students can collaborate in online group activities to have the ability to share knowledge and learn from each other's ideas. 2. Integrating a variety of Web 2.0 tools that facilitate learning and allow students to complete and submit assignments in a timely manner. 3. Self and peer evaluations to improve educational growth. 4. Educators should have means to evaluate student work and provide necessary feedback and serve as facilitators. 5. Having effective Professional Development for staff and administrators that support and encourage the awareness of new technologies in today's changing society.
Most of people probably would agree that all instructions should have integrated online technology. Do you agree or disagree? Why? Please at least provide three reasons with good literatures to support your arguments.
Technology has become an increasingly vital tool in our growing society. The use of PowerPoint presentations upon lecturing promotes student interaction and improves student engagement with whatever the subject may be. The option to download pictures/graphics upon organizing my PowerPoint presentations has been a great instructional tool for my students. Teaching dental hygiene students the importance of patient education and providing the tools to enhance and perfect their skills is critical as an educator. Dental education has improved dramatically over the past 20 years. Technology has played a huge role in facilitating communication and collaboration among students. We now have web-based and software-based programs that are available to facilitate learning in 3D animation and HD footage for dental treatment educational purposes. MediaMed is a web-based tool that I make great use of in the classroom to educate my students on the various dental procedures. MediaMed also serves as an instructional component that not only provides patient education on the necessary treatment needed, but also increases patient treatment acceptance, which then improves the overall oral health of the individual. Eaton, Reynolds and Cox (2008), believe that the use of CD-ROM's have made a major contribution to the development of teaching practice and the greater availability of educational material for students. Teaching dental anatomy in the dental hygiene program utilizing ADAM interactive CD-ROM, has validated the necessary interaction between student and teacher upon lecturing. Today's computer has replaced all means of traditional communication significantly. Many distant learning tools claim to be interactive, but few can offer two-way communication. Email is the most popular means of communication medium now-a-days. Therefore, it may be used as an educational tool for learning (Rahman, Anwar, & Numan, 2008, p. 180). To imagine how one can function and be productive as educat
Continued Discussion: To imagine how one can function and be productive as educators without the use of electronic mail is extremely difficult. Eaton, K. A., Reynolds, P. A., & Cox, M. J. (2008). Top of the pops-CD-ROM and DVD's in dental Education [Electronic Version]. British Dental Journal, 204(4), 203-207. Rahman, K. M., Anwar, S., & Numan, S. (2008). Enhancing distance learning through email communication: A case of BOU [Electronic Version]. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 9(2), 180-185.
Assessment: In distributed learning assessment (collaborative learning), it is very difficult to know who is doing the course work. How do we know the actual students are doing the course work and how can we assess?
Having Elluminate chat sessions with participating instructors reduces the chances of students having other do the course work. Chat session personalizes each session. Besides, most online students are mature, working, adults. I presume they want to learn and participate since their own money is invested in their education. Having students communicate with instructors via chat or phone at least once during the semester can be one way to assess proper participation.
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Group 4 Score:5 Overall a very good job here. For the most part APA mechanics were held to, the paper flowed nicely and the content was supported by references. I particularly enjoyed section IV, as a nice look into the future of DL. It does a nice job of touching the surface of online based game learning (though many still argue if Second Life is actually a game). Section 3 provided a wonderful look at constructionist theory though also could have mentioned Connectivisim and Socio-Culturalism that drives DL based pedagogy. In terms of weaknesses of the paper, I would have liked to have seen many more academic peer reviewed journal references as these were lacking. More time could also have been spent formatting as different font styles and sizes were mixed in. And while the conclusion was nicely done, the paper could have benefited from a proper introduction.
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Paper review: 4/5 This paper was well thought out and had good organizational structure. I think the argument was well made but, like our group, the argument was solidified in the conclusion. Until you read the conclusion you weren't sure what the group was arguing. Great paper over all.
4 - This treatise paper was found to be very informative while maintaining organizational structure. The content of this paper remained tasteful without imposing too much fact or formality. I was unsure of whether the following sentenced needed to be worded in this fashion: "The result is a place to wander, socialize, build, shop, and screw." Overall, a nicely written document containing applicable information to be shared. Great use of resources; perfectly noted on the Reference Page. Thank you for sharing.
Group3 (ETC677) - 2 views
I will ask each group several common questions and specific question on your group treatise paper. These questions can be responded by any of your group members as an individual opinion or as group response. It is your group decision. Please list five most critical elements of distributed learning system in distance learning.
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Group 3 Score: 5 I love that the introduction promptly addressed an operational definition of Distributed learning, while accounting for other possible definitions. Very well done here. The overall flow and content of the paper is also very good , making it a good and clear read. All claims are supported by references which helps frame the paper. I also like the use of the tables. In terms of weaknesses of the paper, I would have liked to have seen a few more academic peer reviewed journal references. However, the authors did an excellent job of including links to web-based sources which was a plus. Also, being nitpicky, since overall the content was very good the tables are not in proper APA style (i.e. no vertical lines and heading is above not below). Finally a few too many quotes for my taste as normally it is best not to use quotations in a paper unless there is no better way to put it than what the author originally did. The document was also missing a title page.
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Paper review: 5/5 Putting each section as a question was very unique. It made a powerful statement/argument for each section and tied the paper together in a well thought out and executed structure.
5 - It is not my intent to be bias and it was my goal to look at 'our' paper objectively. For that fact, I will maintain my commentary brief. I did find that Team 3's paper retained formatting of text, spacing, and font uniformity throughout the paper. I also noted 21 References (>5 per team member). I did appreciate the presence of the Appendix at the bottom of the document without the need to visit elsewhere. The paper did appear much longer than other teams' work; unclear on that feeling. One item I did note some of the paragraphs to only contain two full sentences, where I believe a minimum of four is needed to make up a paragraph. I felt the subject matter was well-covered and explained clearly with the utilization of examples.
L7 Discussions - 2009 Fall ETC647 - 2 views
deeper thinking process
deeper thinking process.
potentials to enhance our learning via deeper thinking process
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Group1 (ETC677) - 11 views
1. I will ask each group several common questions and specific question on your group treatise paper. These questions can be responded by any of your group members as an individual opinion or as group response. It is your group decision. Please list five most critical elements of distributed learning system in distance learning.
Most of people probably would agree that all instructions should have integrated online technology. Do you agree or disagree? Why? Please at least provide three reasons with good literatures to support your arguments.
As a teacher that is not "afraid" of technology, I completely agree that online or offline technology should be integrated into lessons daily. In fact, I could not think of the last day I have taught my 4th grade students without using at least the digital projector in my room and I continuously dream of next year when I will have time to truly implement all that I have learned while taking my masters. The students and I love and enjoy how various technology tools enhance the lessons (or at least most of the students do, I think). However, as a horrible person to put in a debate, I can easily see the other side and do realize that not every teacher or situation would fit this mold. To support my view of integrating technology online or off into daily lessons, I chose the following 3 sources: 1. National Center for Advanced Technology in Schools (NCATS) This is a great example of how important online, computer based learning is becoming. The U.S. Department of Education put 9,833,451 reasons into the NCATS to develop an algebra based online game for 9th grade students to research if it would increase their development through high school. There is even a second research program in place for middle school students with 9.2 million Washingtons supporting the Center for Children and Technology (CCT) and the Center for Science Education (CSE) to develop and evaluate the Super Sleuths Nintendo DS game for 7th grade students. There were numerous others with millions of dollars flying around to cover ELL research, gifted and talented, rural education, testing, performance, data, etc. It was easy to get lost. 2. An article I found when I first started the ETC program was written by Mishra & Moehler and based on the fairly "new" combined concept of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK). It combined technology, pedagogy, and conte
Group 1 review: 4/5 Our paper had a good argument but the argument was solid until you read the whole paper and the conclusion. Afterwords the argument was evident.
In distributed learning assessment (collaborative learning), it is very difficult to know who is doing the course work. How do we know the actual students are doing the course work and how can we assess?
For collaborative learning, I liked how things are sectioned and assigned before combined in ETC 677. Often in my 4th grade class I have had to just give a participation grade for the final assignment. If I assigned sections, I could assess individually and for participation. Then I could assess their ability to combine their sections together, maybe even assign each person (or have them decide) a job at that point. Finally, during the presentation each person in the group would be responsible for a section and would receive a grade.
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This paper was easy to follow and organized, but I would have liked to see more of an explanation in the "Pedagogy Preparation" section. I also thought that Appendix B was a helpful addition to the Treatise. 5 points.
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Thank you for the abstract and introduction. It was a great summary that identified the purpose of the paper. I really liked the quote at the beginning of the introduction. The conclusion, as well, was a nice summary of the writing. Your paper was very organized. The headings made me feel like I needed to read on. It stressed the importance of the topics ("Immensely Important Instructional Intentions"). Very well done.
Thank you for the positive comments. I realize I am late on commenting. I got confused on the dates. I do appreciate the comments on the organization especially because I think that is what the group stressed the most. We planned a lot, stressed organization, used many APA checklists, and tried our best! Thanks again. | Tech&Learning - Ideas and Tools for Ed Tech Leaders - 1 views
The Resource for Education Technology Leaders focusing on K-12 educators. Site contains a Software Reviews Database, articles from Technology & Learning Magazine, articles from Educators in Educators' eZine, Event and Contest listings, Reader suggested Web sites, and weekly news updates on education technology leaders." />niLVl+nwkb8VjQFfn4395mkZOSOgGMzqbjJG4xZNGas=
Group2 (ETC677) - 7 views
I will ask each group several common questions and specific question on your group treatise paper. These questions can be responded by any of your group members as an individual opinion or as group response. It is your group decision. Please list five most critical elements of distributed learning system in distance learning.
Distributed learning is a broad term "associated with face-to-face(f2f) instruction that incorporated some form of technology-based learning experience, either inside or outside the classroom." (Simonson, et al, 2009) 1. Unless access is deliberately restricted, courses are available to any qualified individual anywhere in the world with properly equipped computer and internet connection. Students can participate from school, home, office, or community locations 2. Asynchronous course components are available 24/7- time zone independent 3. Students can work at own pace. 4. Online materials are easy to update and change on the fly 5. Materials and methods are designed to take advantage of the interactivity and resources that the internet provides; The internet can provide a student centered learning environment
Most of people probably would agree that all instructions should have integrated online technology. Do you agree or disagree? Why? Please at least provide three reasons with good literatures to support your arguments.
(all answers consist of collaborative work by all members of team 2) I have recently talked to many who tell me that online learning is not for them. When I ask why they tell me that they need the physical presence of other learners….no mention of an instructor. Some have told me that they are not disciplined enough for online learning. While I know that there are all types of learners and learning styles, I am still amazed to hear people say these things. I originally would have said yes to this question, but now I know that some learners are turned off by online learning. There are many different teaching styles as well. Some teachers may not feel comfortable or want to teach online. Also in different cultures, the use and acceptance of technology is different (say in the Middle East where some teachers do not want their students to go online for fear they may be exposed morally deficient material). In this case, it is best to integrate technology to meet the socio-cultural needs of both the students and the teachers, making sure everyone is comfortable with the technology. Sloan-C. (2003) Sizing the Opportunity: The Quality and Extent of Online Education in the United States. Retrieved November 13, 2009, It would seem a great idea given the fact that many 21st century learners are technology literate. However, we need to examine barriers that must be overcome: Some teachers do not want or are uncomfortable with technology in the classroom. Students in a lower socio-economic strata may not have access to equipment. Some classrooms are not equipped and some teachers are not trained to incorporate technology into the lessons. The digital divide is real. Internet courses are labor intensive. Support infrastructure (technology, technicians, training) may be minimal or nonexistent. (Simonson, et al, 2009) Simonson, M., Smaldino, S., Albright, M., Zvacek, S. (2009) Teaching and learning at a
In distributed learning assessment (collaborative learning), it is very difficult to know who is doing the course work. How do we know the actual students are doing the course work and how can we assess?
(all answers consist of collaborative work by all members of team 2) In the real work world, it is an accepted fact that often the work is distributed unevenly. This can happen in the academic world as well. Often a teacher or the group will assign different roles to each member for full responsibility. In other words, the members of the team provide the peer pressure when the "jobs" are given to each member for assessment. In the distance learning world, a synchronous element with recording and video could make members more responsible. In order to help structure group work, often assigning the group specific roles (such as leader, task manager, editor, etc..) can help ensure that everyone is responsible for specific parts of an assignment and therefor will spend time working. Another way to help ensure equal group is to implement a group and self peer-review form, in which group members review both the quality and quantity of work their peers have done as well as having to be responsible to for detailing the work they put into a project. Using programs like wiki's and Google Docs leaves a trail of timestamps and changes allowing teachers to determine how much an individual student has added to an assignment. However, this should only be used as a final step in determining group work as it can be quite tedious. Finally, when forming groups, allowing the students choose who they work with can often (though not always) help ensure group work is done with more equal distribution.
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Evaluator: Bodi Anderson Group 2 Score:5 Overall I am impressed with our work on this paper. We used a broad range of sources focusing primarily on academic peer reviewed journals. We also went beyond the questions Chih proposed and created our own ideas for each sub-section based on research done on those questions. While we were each responsible for writing our individual sections (and each section outline had a primary author and feedback from other members), we also we sure to comment on and proofread each other's sections. We met near weekly on Skype to discuss how to fit the paper together and deal with problems with individual sections and that really payed off. Working in a coherent intro and conclusion was a bit more interesting as, after we had completed each individual we collaborated real time in Google docs to make sure both sections were cohesive and complete. One problem , as usual, we had we reformatting the document for Google docs. As you can see the posted version has a few spacing problems and the sources are not really APA style. In the end it was a pleasure working with Jan and Sandra and I think we cooperated quite well together. Everyone participated equally and 100%.
Great organization of the paper that flowed with ease from one section to another. I particularly liked reading your section on DLE's. Good use of research to support this section. Be careful to not use first person in an APA paper (stuck out in the conclusion). Overall, nice work Team 2! I enjoyed reading your take on distributed learning! Score: 5
Paper review: 5/5 I think group 2 made a strong argument for the importance of Distributed learning. Each sections was backed up with relevant details and the conclusion summed up their argument.
iNACOL - International Association for K-12 Online Learning - 1 views
"We are a non-profit 501(c)(3) membership association based in the Washington, DC area with more than 2,500 members. We are unique; our members represent a diverse cross-section of K-12 education from school districts, charter schools, state education agencies, non-profit organizations, research institutions, corporate entities and other content & technology providers."
My school is sending me to the Virtual School Symposium sponsored by iNACOL next week. I'm very excited and a friend of mine is presenting about online vs. traditional teaching.