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Browse Groups By Category: Schools & Education (totally 2477)
You are here: Diigo Home > Groups > Schools & Education
A space for McDowell County Schools teachers to share bookmarks.
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Share and comment on articles, podcasts and videos for English 101
Learning more about Diigo groups while working through the ITS certification coursework.
This group is for students to share the open resources they use to support their learning.
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Compilation of resources relating to the work of UNICEF.
LIbrería de enlaces de interés sobre educación en las Cienicas, elaborado de manera colaborativa por los participantes en la actividad de formación "Unidades multimedia en la clase de ciencias"
Grupo para compartir ligazóns e recursos na internet que poidan ser de utilidade para os docentes de todos os departamentos do centro.
Grupo de diigo para la asignatura tico, primero de bachiller A
Bu grup Gelecek Nesil Teknolojiler dersi kapsamında oluşturulmuştur
Questo gruppo di lavoro condivide e annota contenuti sul web al fine di apprendere
Links and Internet resources associated with the book "A Whole New Mind" by Daniel Pink.
A group to share bookmarks from the class.
A group for Vientiane College ADS students to share articles they've found concerning Australian Studies.
This is a link-sharing group for the faculty of the Program for Writing and Rhetoric at CU Boulder. Join the group, install the Diigo toolbar on your browser, and start sharing links of potential inte...
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