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Browse Groups By Category: Schools & Education (totally 2476)
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This course emphasizes on the application of digital media technology in solving visual communication problems. Topics include includes Developing Visual Elements in Layout, Rules as Guides in Visual C...
Oakland County, Michigan, K12 Educational Technology Leadership Team
This group was created for the use of Xavier University's EDMS 350/550 class for the fall 2009 semester.
Created in 2011 to share websites that inform teaching practice or that could be usd with e-learning.
no description
Compartimos recursos y fuentes sobre investigación en educación.
Resources for the students, staff and community of Highland Park ISD.
It will be helpful to have a common drop-off point for links and resources that may be useful. The various projects may mean we need to set up different lists to organize links. This may be done as we ...
no description
Partage de références pour contribuer au développement de l'école numérique en Wallonie
A page dedicated to the Kirsty Murray novel "Zarconi's Magic Flying Fish".
Llistat de materials relacionats directament amb l'ús de les pissarres digitals interactives (PDI) a les aules.