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Browse Groups By Category: Schools & Education (totally 2476)
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Groupe des enseignants de Meth 192 - Université Paris Sud
The Collaborative Montessori Initiative (CMI) is a grassroots initiative bringing together all Montessori educators and parents, everyone wishing to transform public education’s current standardized...
A group for the Hawthorn EF2 students to share links and other resources.
Grup de treball i compartició de cerques creat per Pere Vilardell i Roca en el marc de l'assignatura de Competències TIC del grau d'ADE de la UOC. Curs 2013-2014 (primer semestre).
Sharing of resources for year 7 students
Para profesorado dbh de la PRESENTACIÓN.
Shift Our Schools Podcast is a bi-monthly podcast by Jeff Utecht and David Carpenter and can be found at www.sospodcast.org. This group is for listeners to join, send us links or keep track of the thin...
Department of Interdisciplinary Studies - Senior Philosophy
Grupo de coordinadores TIC de centros educativos de Hijas de la Caridad de la provincia de San Vicente
Irrespective of how much cash you are paying on on line advertising, it is not getting you anywhere close to the bang for the sale that natural search engine optimization services may according to one ...
Grupo para compartir webs, aplicaciones, artículos y todo lo que nos pueda servir para mejorar la función docente dentro del ámbito de los recursos didácticos.
Groups of students taken a course called: Introduction to Virtual Learning Environments starting August 19, 2012.