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Browse Groups By Category: Schools & Education (totally 2476)
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SFE-MFPS es un grupo creado para compartir materiales utilizables en la asignatura SOCIEDAD, FAMILIA Y EDUCACIÓN (SFE) del MÁSTER DE FORMACIÓN DEL PROFESORADO DE SECUNDARIA. Son materiales de domini...
Tuesdays 3-6 p.m.
Cours sur la sécurité des annuaires et systèmes à 3IL Limoges.
Bookmark and Discussion center for Web Design1, 2nd Period 2010 school year.
no description
Links imprescindibles para estar al día de tecnología y metodología aplicable a la formación superior
Opetukseen sopivia e-materiaaleja,hyödynnä ja lisää omasi! Perustajana Koulutus- ja Kehittämiskeskus Palmenia
no description
This group provides a collection of resources on the topic of the semantic web. There is considerable effort being spent to bring fundamentally new functionality to the Internet, but too few educators ...
We're Web 2.0 researchers and future teachers of English. Wer're creating a library of links to best sites devoted to teaching ESL/EFL
Grup de treball per professors de l'àrea de Tecnologia.
This group has been created for second year Media Studies students doing a seminar in Digital Media. Students are encouraged to collect and share resources about digital media. The course blog is http:...
This is where we will practise our social bookmarking skills :)
Resources shared by, for, and with the Iowa Library Association's ACRL section