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Browse Groups By Category: Schools & Education (totally 2476)
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A space to organize and share research sources, and to enable group members to connect to information gathered by others. <br /> <br />". . . experiencing the world as a single place"
Grupo creado para el curso Docencia de la Formación Profesional para el Empleo
Grupo de la clase de opinión pública de la licenciatura en ciencias de la comunicación: http://opinionpublica.tumblr.com/
This group centers on discussing the use of Diigo in the educational environment and the creation of a "dedicated education version of" Diigo, EduDiigo.
Grupo para compartir enlaces, informaciones interesantes entre tichers.
Grupo de links da disciplina de Criação de Campanhas, perÃodo 2011.2
These are important links about Web 2.0 techniques and issues of web accessibility for people with various physical, mental, and language abilities. These articles and websites address issues faced whi...
Grupo no Diigo para apoiar a UC de Tecnologia no Ensino da Matemática
Grupo para desarrollar la actividad 2 (marcadores sociales) del Diplomado en estrategias de enseñanza web 2.0
A group for MYP Humanities teachers
no description
A class group to collect reseach on ICT issues, online communities and course related content
no description
<b>Nationell bokmärkessamling för utbildning och lärande är ett bokmärkesprojekt i samarbete mellan <a href="http://lankskafferiet.skolverket.se/">Länkskafferiet</a> och <a href="http://shareandu...