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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Anna EWSIS


2010 Haiti earthquake - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • The United States Geological Survey recorded a series of at least 33 aftershocks , fourteen of them between magnitudes
    • Anna EWSIS
      wow 33 aftershocks and many of them at 5.0 and 5.9. thats terrible. I dont like earthqukes.
  • destroyed, including the Presidential Palace (President René Préval survived), the National Assembly building, the
    • Anna EWSIS
      im glad to hear that President Rene Preval survived. Being a president is important and in this situation right now, the president is needed to take care of this. However alot of the important buildings are gone.
  • Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere ,[22] ranked 149th of 182 countries on the Human Development Index
    • Anna EWSIS
      This makes it even more worse. Haiti is a very poor country and they just had an earthquke. Its very sad. It will take a long time for Haiti to be fixed.
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  • The main
  • The main
  • The main
  • prison in Port-au-Prince collapsed during the earthquake. Many prisoners escaped into the streets, and their whereabouts are unknown.[
    • Anna EWSIS
      wow. This is no good. It will be hard to find the prisoners back. Who knows what bad thing they are doing now.
  • The main

2010 Haiti earthquake - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • The 2010 Haiti earthquake was
    • Anna EWSIS
      wow a 7.0 M earthquake? thats very strong. its so sad.

Smoking Side Effects - 3 Smoking Hazards and a List of Illnesses Brought about by the Vice - 4 views

    I been researching about smoking and its effects. There are a lot of effects and they are terrible. One of them is "Cancer of the lungs, troubles in the respiratory system as well as heart diseases are only few of the illnesses you can obtain from constantly smoking cigarette. These hazards of smoking are intensifying every year." People should stop smoking especially for their love ones. My grandpa smokes and I dont like seeing him do that. I tell him everytime to stop but he doesnt listen and the reason is because he is addicted to it. This is the biggest effect of smoking , is that you can get addicted to it and its hard for one to stop. There are help for people who wants to quit but sometimes its hard.

5 Little Known Reasons to Stop Smoking: Other Devasting Effects of Smoking Cigarettes a... - 3 views

    I'm learning more about smoking right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about is: What are the effects of smoking on you? I was researching this question online, and this blog post caught my attention because of the title. In the blog post, it lists 5 reasons to stop smoking. It lists 5 effects of smoking on smokers. This quote from the post caught my attention: "Every smoker knows that smoking can cause cancer and heart disease. Other effects of smoking on mind and body are less well-publicised but can be equally disastrous." What this quote is saying is very true. When you ask a person what can happen to you when you smoke, they would be like cancer. But no, there are much more disasters to you and the body. This is very important.

20091211 :: Latino USA - 1 views

    Sam wasn't aware of the deadlines.

Why Can't I dream anymore? - 1 views

    I been researching on why certain people can't dream. As I was looking for answers, I came upon this website. It caught my attention because of its title.The title and my question is both the same. What that website said is "Sometimes where we are at in our internal processing is so deep that there are no recognizable symbols to be given to the dreamer by the deeper level of consciousness. Think of it as a meal not fully cooked - therefore not ready to be served. Trust the process. Relax in the reassurance that your dreams will resume." Its basically saying that we are not deeply asleep yet therefore no dreams are coming to us. The peson related it to a not fully cooked meal. When the meal is not cooked fully, its not ready to be eaten. Same goes with if you are not deeply asleep, there will be no dreams. So, just relax, be patient, and try to sleep well. Close your eyes and wait. Everyone has to dream.

Letters: Drought, Sentencing, and Nightmares : NPR - 0 views

    I'm learning more about dreams right now. I was researching about dreams online and this podcast caught my attention because of the title. It had nightmare in it and nightmares are a type of dream. In the podcast it said "Another listener, Scott Guffy(ph), just wishes he could dream at all. I'd be happy to have nightmares, he wrote. I have no sensation of dreaming at all. I shut my eyes at night and, suddenly its morning. I don't think that's normal." The quote I chose here is basically saying that this guy, Scott can't dream at all. In the podcast, it says that, that have been happening to him for 20 years now. Well it doesnt mention how old he is but if hes older than 20, then Im thinking something happened to him that disabled him from dreaming. This is interesting. I never heard that some people cant dream. I would like to research more about this. I thank the podcaster for this podcast.

Nightmare - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

shared by Anna EWSIS on 15 Dec 09 - Cached
  • This approach appears to reduce the effects of nightmares and other symptoms in acute stress disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder.[3]
    • Anna EWSIS
      This is saying that stress is another cause for nightmares. I can see why because one is so stressed out that when they go to sleep, the stress goes to sleep with him/her making him/her all think about or dream about is whats making him/her stressed.

Being Chased in Dreams - 0 views

    I read this article and its interesting. It talks about how people can have a dream where they are being chased. "Chasing dreams are usually about fears or anxiety." The dreamer is usually being chased from what they are fearing and worrying about. This would make he/she run because he/she would like to get away from their fear or anxiety. He/She don't want to be near their nightmare. I hate getting these dreams because I don't like the feeling I get after I wake up from the dream. After I wake up from these dreams, I still feel the panic. It's quite scary.

When You Dream of Work All Night : NPR - 0 views

    I just finish listening to this podcast from NPR and it was interesting. It was basically saying that sometimes people can dream about work. They can dream about their life at work. Martin said "Which is usually what I think when I wake from my dreams. If we're going be spending half of our day of work and two-thirds of the remaining day asleep, it would be nice to think dreaming about work would actually do us some good." I guess people do dream about life at work because people usually spend most of their day at work. I consider my work as a student. Its not really work because I dont get paid for what I do at school but I consider it a job for me because I do a lot of classwork, homework, projects and many more. What Im trying to say is that people dream about what happen recently to them. And for me, what happens recently at my day is school. I do remember dreaming many times about school. I dream about the test im going to have the next day, I dream about the homework I just did and if i did a good job on it. I also dream about my friends and teachers at my school. I like this NPR I just listened to.

Dream - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

shared by Anna EWSIS on 09 Dec 09 - Cached
  • Dreams are a succession of images, thoughts, sounds, or emotions passing through the mind during sleep.[1]
    • Anna EWSIS
      I find dreams to be very interesting and cool. Its like your in a movie or your watching a movie while sleeping.
  • Throughout history, people have sought meaning in dreams or divination through dreams.[citation needed] They have been described physiologically as a response to neural processes during sleep, psychologically as reflections of the subconscious, and spiritually as messages from gods or predictions of the future.
    • Anna EWSIS
      Thats cool for some cultures to look at it that way that its a spiritual message from gods or predictions of the future. Sometimes I would have bad dreams and sometimes I would have good dreams. I wonder how my future will turn out to be.
  • Judaism has a traditional ceremony called "hatavat halom" – literally meaning making the dream a good one. Through this rite disturbing dreams can be transformed to give a positive interpretation by a rabbi or a rabbinic court.
    • Anna EWSIS
      Wow I like that idea. I like it when the rabbi would give bad or disturbing dreams a positive look at it. So I guess when that happens, you won't feel terrified from the bad dreams you had.
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  • Most dreams last only 5 to 20 minutes

Causes and Cures of Nightmares - 0 views

    I'm learning more about dreams right now and in particular what I'm wondering about is why do we have nightmares. I was researching this question online and this blog post caught my attention because this blog has all the answers to my question. "Stress is another factor, which triggers nightmares. When a person is in extreme stress, he/she may get nightmares. In scientific terms, it is a way to release all the stress." The quote I chose here is basically saying that stress is one cause to having nightmares. And when you have the nightmare, its a way to get rid of all the stress you have. I think thats true because I remember me having a couple of nightmares before and what I was dreaming about was about what I was stressing about. I was very stressed about the SAT and I was dreaming about the SAT. It wasnt such a good dream.

Understanding the Meaning of Your Dreams - 1 views

    I'm learning more about dreams right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about is: What types of dreams are there. I was researching this question online, and this news item caught my attention because this news item contains the answers to my question. It explains well the types of dreams there are and why we dream that dream. "What does it mean when you falling in a dream? What does it mean when your dream takes place in your own home or apartment? What does it mean when you fly in your dreams?" The quote I chose here is basically giving some examples of the types of dreams there are. I have dreamed about some of those before and some were frightening and some were happy and pleasant.

Global warming cause debated | StandardNET - Ogden, Layton, Brigham, Weber, Davis, Top ... - 1 views

    I think this article is quite interesting. It says if global warming is us, humans fault or is it just simply mother nature. I feel that global warming is caused by humans. Others, will think differently.

Global Warming - 0 views

    I'm learning more about global warming right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about is: How to stop global warming? I was researching this question online, and this blog post caught my attention because this blog post tells you what you need to know about global warming to know how to prevent it from continuing. This post tells you what global warming is and the causes of global warming. This post is helpful and informational. "Most modern attention to the problem of global warming began with discussion of depletion of the Earth's Ozone layer. Ozone (O3) is a molecular form of Oxygen. The Ozone layer is a relatively thin strata of these molecules set in the lower portion of the Earth's stratosphere. Depletion of the Earth's Ozone layer has resulted in a large increase in Ultra Violet Radiation reaching the surface of the earth. Does this increase in UV rays equate to global warming? Not really. In fact most scientific opinion is that depletion of the Ozone layer results in cooling of both the stratosphere and troposphere. So why mention depletion of the Ozone layer as regards to global warming? Because it represents a needed balance between harmful radiation being allowed to reach the earth's surface and our desire to stem the rapid increase in our air and water temperature. Remember, we are viewing global warming as a chain of events." The quote I chose here is basically saying that people think the reduction of the Earth's Ozone layer is one cause of global warming. Ozone is a molecular form of Oxygen. The reduction of the Earth's Ozone layer resulted in an increase in Ultra Violet Radiation appearing on earth. I think global warming is a very important issue because global warming happens on earth and thats where we live. Global warming is not a positive issue but a negative one so I think we all should work together to find a solution to this problem if we want to save the place where we live on.
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