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Binetou EWSIS

ReliefWeb » Document » Promoting girls' empowerment through sport in Afghanistan - 0 views

  • The girls on Bamyan's football team are between 12 and 20 years of age. All of them have experienced disrespect and violence at home.
    I have been learning about women's rights at the moment. I actually stumbled on this article an article similar to this one before hand. This article was a previous one to the one I bookmarked before. I have been wondering though...What about the non believers?....I mean there are always people who don't believe the same thing as you and will discourage you from reaching your goals. ""My mother has been trying to discourage me from attending school since I have reached the age of being married," says Shekeba, a 15-year-old participant. "The exchange with my friends in the YICC has made me understand that we are all in a similar situation and that this cannot continue." " The quote I chose here kind of tells me about the people who disapprove of women's rights...even if they are women themselves. It's really interesting to see someone discourage something like that. I mean they're going to benefit from it I don't get it kind of. I guess they just want things back to being what it usually was. I love it though how the girl in this article isn't going to listen to what her mom is disapproving and is following what she believes in. I think this is important for us, young people to do...since we are the future...
    I am learning more about women rights right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about is: Is there still domestic violence? I was researching this question online, and this article caught my attention because it talks how women are being abuse around the world. "The girls on Bamyan's football team are between 12 and 20 years of age. All of them have experienced disrespect and violence at home." The quote i chose here is basically saying that at a very young age they are being abuse. I think this is wrong because everyone should have freedom. It makes me wonder if everyone is like this around the world. Domestic violence is a crime and that is wrong. The people who actually does this should put in jail.
Chris Wood

ReliefWeb » Document » Tackling gender-based violence in Rwanda - 1 views

    Sexism is still around in the world and it seems like a big conflict as well. Women and men should have equal rights in every way. If men had less rights then women then there would be the same problem in the world probably even more chaotic. If we were treated like this it goes bothw ays we should treat others on how we are treated. ""As the police are responsible for investigating gender and domestic violence cases, they have to understand gender inequalities and gender-based violence," said Violet Kaberanze, a consultant at the Centre, which runs a hotline. "This helps them listen to victims, take violence against women as a security and human rights issue and to be compassionate to them." Well in the world there is always conflicts. Conflicts usually are resolved after a period of time. Even the U.S has suffered of sexism period and segregation. There are also problems like genocide not so long ago. We shouldn't take part in other countries beliefs even though it's not right to give women equal rights. We will have to wait and hope for their rights. It'll eventually turn out good.

ESCAP Press Release: ESCAP Urges Recognition of Women's Informal Work as Crucial to Imp... - 0 views

  • A special session to commemorate International Women’s Day on 25 March at ESCAP headquarters in Bangkok, with the theme, “Women Speak Up: Voices from the Informal Sector,” heard messages about valuing women’s informal work and their contributions to the global economy. The event included a discussion on women informal workers, addressing accountability and the need to affirm the value of women’s work in the informal sector while making linkages with migration, HIV, violence against women and women’s leadership.
  • “We must have the involvement of women and girls in finding effective solutions. It is women who raise sons and daughters and are influencing children’s attitudes and values about gender equality and human rights,” said keynote speaker Dr. Saisuree Chutikul, a former Minister attached to the Office of the Prime Minister of Thailand and current member of the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. “They should have freedom to express their views, to participate in decision-making and have leadership roles in areas of their concern.”
  • “Women are more marginalized than men. And as workers, women are the bottom of the job hierarchy. They have limited access to productive resources, often working for low wages, in contractual and flexible employment, without legal or social protections or collective bargaining mechanisms, and subject to market vagaries,”
    A special session to commemorate International Women's Day on 25 March at ESCAP headquarters in Bangkok, with the theme, "Women Speak Up: Voices from the Informal Sector," heard messages about valuing women's informal work and their contributions to the global economy. The event included a discussion on women informal workers, addressing accountability and the need to affirm the value of women's work in the informal sector while making linkages with migration, HIV, violence against women and women's leadership. "We must have the involvement of women and girls in finding effective solutions. It is women who raise sons and daughters and are influencing children's attitudes and values about gender equality and human rights," said keynote speaker Dr. Saisuree Chutikul, a former Minister attached to the Office of the Prime Minister of Thailand and current member of the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. "They should have freedom to express their views, to participate in decision-making and have leadership roles in areas of their concern." "Women are more marginalized than men. And as workers, women are the bottom of the job hierarchy. They have limited access to productive resources, often working for low wages, in contractual and flexible employment, without legal or social protections or collective bargaining mechanisms, and subject to market vagaries,"

Video game behavioral effects - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • From both a social and psychological standpoint, video games have the ability to influence their players both on implicit and explicit levels.
    • Hawa EWSIS
      What does it mean when it says both on implicit and explicit levels?
  • Research on aggressive behavior as an effect of playing violent video games began in the 1980s and 1990s and still continues today.
    • Hawa EWSIS
      This is seen a lot in our society today. Many people who are video game addicts exhibit this behavior.
  • some researchers claim that these violent games may cause more intense feelings of aggression than nonviolent games, and may trigger feelings of anger and hostility. Several studies that have supported such findings.
    • Hawa EWSIS
      as one can see at the bottom of this, there is another article supporting this theory.
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • The average gamer, far from being a teen, is actually a 35-year-old man who is overweight, aggressive, introverted — and often depressed, according to a report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).[4]
    • Hawa EWSIS
      Woah, that is actually really surprising. I thought that the average gamer was a teenager not a 35 year old man
  • Female video game characters are often hypersexualized and unrealistic,[8][9] and have been shown to play a factor in hard-core gamers’ perceptions of ideal beauty
    • Hawa EWSIS
      this is really true since when I play some video games the girls are so unrealistic with huge breasts and all that. It actually makes me feel ugly all the time compared to them.
  • This repetition of violence and reward system create a psychological effect on people telling them that violence is okay.
    • Hawa EWSIS
      Is that people commit murders and stuff? This it because of huge influence of the video games?
  • This addiction could lead to physical health problems, spending problems, and time displacement leading to missed work or school days. In one example, a 28 year old South Korean gamer died after 50 hours of StarCraft online gameplay.[12]
    • Hawa EWSIS
      I know that video game addiction can make someone socially awkward, but can it really make someone die? Somebody should really go into that....
  • The rise in childhood obesity in the U.S. has raised awareness of media consumption in children.[citation needed] Not only are parents and organizations blaming the food industry for the problem, but they are turning to television and video games as a key factor. Displacement Theory supports the notion that the time that would normally be spent being active outdoors or in sports, children are now replacing with leisure and inactive time in front of the television.[citation needed] Others tend the blame the problem on parental enforcement.[citation needed]
    • Hawa EWSIS
      In short, parents are just blaming video games for their child being overweight. Why would blame others? It's their fault in my opinion since it's the parents that give children access to video games and other things....
  • Anderson and Bushman explain how violent video games promote violent behavior, attitudes and beliefs.
  • have written that video games are neither good or bad alone, because it all depends on the individual and the context they are played in.[18]
    • Hawa EWSIS
      I have to agree for the fact that it all does depend on the person. They all have different effects on someone even though sometimes they share the same effects.
  • The interactive nature allows for high levels of entertainment, but has not yet been shown to subtract from the educational lessons being taught. Additionally, developers are beginning to change the view of traditional video games by creating popular games that require the player to be active -Wii Fit, Dance Dance Revolution- or focus on using brain power -Brain Age 2.
    • Hawa EWSIS
      see....a lot of people tend to think that video games is coupled with laziness and being unhealthy. However there are someone games that help become active and some that requires brain power. So video games aren't always that bad.
  • Many authors disagree with the notion that suggests that the media can cause violence, they think that media cannot cause violence because human can recognize what is wrong and what is right and people are not copycats
    • Hawa EWSIS
      Well this can be true at times. It is usually built in someone that tells them what is wrong or not. However, what if it's a child who plays the violent games. They're so young that they might not know what is wrong or right...
  • Journalist and author, David Sheff, believes that many skills can be learned from the gaming experience, it builds practical and intellectual skills,” by playing video games children gain problem solving abilities, perseverance, pattern recognition, hypothesis testing, estimating skills, inductive skills, resources management, logistics mapping, memory, quick thinking and reasonal judgements”. [26]
    • Hawa EWSIS
      This can be true at times. However I don't really agree with the reasonal judgements. It depends on the person really.
  • There are many positive effects of video games on some people as suggested by some researches; people play because they want to get away from their everyday life, break routine, to relive stress, allow them to cool off when they are stressful, could help people take out their anger through the game rather in real life because they are fun and interesting way to spend time. [25]
    • Hawa EWSIS
      This is true, because you can get lost in the world of whatever game you are playing. You can become another character and just be someone else for a while. Also it's sort of a hea;thy way to release stress instead of surpressing it.
  • In research undertaken by Acta Psychologica, in a number of tasks, video game experts outperformed non-gamers. Experts were able to track objects moving at greater speeds, perform more accurately in a visual short-term memory test, switch between tasks more quickly, and make decisions about rotated objects more quickly and accurately.
    • Hawa EWSIS
      Well this is sort of true too since I experience something like this once. I think it does help hand eye coordination at times...
Genji N

Iraq - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • Gulf War
  • In 1990, faced with economic disaster following the end of the Iran–Iraq War, Saddam Hussein looked to the oil-rich neighbour of Kuwait as a target to invade to use its resources and money to rebuild Iraq's economy. The Iraqi government claimed that Kuwait was illegally slant drilling its oil pipelines into Iraqi territory, a practice which it demanded be stopped; Kuwait rejected the notion that it was slant drilling, and Iraq followed this in August 1990 with the invasion of Kuwait. Upon successfully occupying Kuwait, Hussein declared that Kuwait had ceased to exist and it was to be part of Iraq, against heavy objections from many countries and the United Nations.
  • The UN agreed to pass economic sanctions against Iraq and demanded its immediate withdrawal from Kuwait (see United Nations sanctions against Iraq). Iraq refused and the UN Security Council in 1991 unanimously voted for military action against Iraq. The United Nations Security Council, under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter, adopted Resolution 678, authorizing U.N. member states to use "all necessary means" to "restore international peace and security in the area." The United States, which had enormous vested interests in the oil supplies of the Persian Gulf region, led an international coalition into Kuwait and Iraq. The coalition forces entered the war with more advanced weaponry than that of Iraq, though Iraq's military was one of the largest armed forces in Western Asia at the time. Despite being a large military force, the Iraqi army was no match for the advanced weaponry of the coalition forces and the air superiority that the coalition forces provided. The coalition forces proceeded with a bombing campaign targeting military including an occupied public shelter in Baghdad.[38][39][40] Iraq responded to the invasion by launching SCUD missile attacks against Israel and Saudi Arabia. Hussein hoped that by attacking Israel, the Israeli military would be drawn into the war, which he believed would rally anti-Israeli sentiment in neighboring Arab countries and cause those countries to support Iraq. However, Hussein's gamble failed, as Israel reluctantly accepted a U.S. demand to remain out of the conflict to avoid inflaming tensions. The Iraqi armed forces were quickly destroyed, and Hussein eventually accepted the inevitable and ordered a withdrawal of Iraqi forces from Kuwait. Before the forces were withdrawn, however, Hussein ordered them to sabotage Kuwait's oil wells, which resulted in hundreds of wells being set ablaze, causing an economic and ecological disaster in Kuwait.
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • After the decisive military defeat, the agreement to a ceasefire on February 28, and political maneuvering, the UN Security Council continued to press its demands that Hussein accept previous UN Security Council Resolutions, as stated in UNSCR 686. By April, UNSCR 687 recognized Kuwait's sovereignty had been reinstated, and established the United Nations Special Commission on Iraq (UNSCOM). Two days later, UNSCR 688 added that Iraq must cease violent repression of ethnic and religious minorities. The aftermath of the war saw the Iraqi military, especially its air force, destroyed. In return for peace, Iraq was forced to dismantle all chemical and biological weapons it possessed, and end any attempt to create or purchase nuclear weapons, to be assured by the allowing UN weapons inspectors to evaluate the dismantlement of such weapons. Finally, Iraq would face sanctions if it disobeyed any of the demands. Shortly after the war ended in 1991, Shia Muslim and Kurdish Iraqis engaged in protests against Hussein's regime, resulting in an intifada. Hussein responded with violent repression against Shia Muslims, and the protests came to an end.[41] It is estimated that as many as 100,000 people were killed.[42] The US, UK, France and Turkey claiming authority under UNSCR 688, established the Iraqi no-fly zones to protect Kurdish and Shiite populations from attacks by the Hussein regime's aircraft.
  • Disarmament crisis Main article: Iraq disarmament crisis While Iraq had agreed to UNSCR 687, the Iraqi government sometimes worked with inspectors, but ultimately failed to comply with disarmament terms, and as a result, economic sanctions against Iraq continued. After the war, Iraq was accused of breaking its obligations throughout the 1990s, including the discovery in 1993 of a plan to assassinate former President George H. W. Bush, and the withdrawal of Richard Butler's UNSCOM weapon inspectors in 1998 after the Iraqi government claimed some inspectors were spies for the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency.[43] On multiple occasions throughout the disarmament crisis, the UN passed further resolutions (see United Nations Resolutions concerning Iraq) compelling Iraq to comply with the terms of the ceasefire resolutions. It is estimated more than 500,000 Iraqi children died as a result of the sanctions.[44][45] With humanitarian and economic concerns in mind, UNSCR 706 and UNSCR 712 allowed Iraq to sell oil in exchange for humanitarian aid. This was later turned into the Oil-for-Food Programme by UNSCR 986. Over the years, U.S. land forces were deployed to the Iraq border, and U.S. bombings were carried out to try to pressure Hussein to comply with UN resolutions. As a result of these repeated violations, US Secretary of State Madeline Albright, US Secretary of Defense William Cohen, and US National Security Advisor Sandy Berger held an international town hall meeting to discuss possible war with Iraq, which seemed to have little public support. In October 1998, U.S. President Bill Clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act, calling for "regime change" in Iraq, and initiated Operation Desert Fox. Following Operation Desert Fox, and end to partial cooperation from Iraq prompted UNSCR 1284, disbanding UNSCOM and replacing it with United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission (UNMOVIC).
  • The Bush administration made a number of allegations against Iraq, including that Iraq was acquiring uranium from Niger and that Iraq had secret weapons laboratories in trailers and isolated facilities throughout Iraq;[citation needed] none of these allegations have proven true. Saddam Hussein, under pressure from the U.S. and the U.N., finally agreed to allow weapons inspectors to return to Iraq in 2002, but by that time the Bush administration had already begun pushing for war. In June 2002, Operation Southern Watch transitioned to Operation Southern Focus, bombing sites around Iraq. The first CIA team entered Iraq on July 10, 2002. This team was composed of elite CIA Special Activities Division and the U.S. Military's elite Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) operators. Together, they prepared the battle space of the entire country for conventional U.S. Military forces. Their efforts also organized the Kurdish Peshmerga to become the northern front of the invasion and eventually defeat Ansar Al-Islam in Northern Iraq before the invasion and Saddam's forces in the north. The battle led to the killing of a substantial number of terrorists and the uncovering of a chemical weapons facility at Sargat.[46][47] In October 2002, the U.S. Congress passed the Joint Resolution to Authorize the Use of United States Armed Forces Against Iraq, and in November the UN Security Council passes UNSCR 1441.
  • Invasion and civil war Main article: 2003 invasion of Iraq Further information: Iraq War On March 20, 2003, a United States-organized coalition invaded Iraq, with the stated reason that Iraq had failed to abandon its nuclear and chemical weapons development program in violation of U.N. Resolution 687. The United States asserted that because Iraq was in material breach of Resolution 687, the armed forces authorization of Resolution 678 was revived. The United States further justified the invasion by claiming that Iraq had or was developing weapons of mass destruction and stating a desire to remove an oppressive dictator from power and bring democracy to Iraq. In his State of the Union Address on January 29, 2002, President George W. Bush declared that Iraq was a member of the "Axis of Evil", and that, like North Korea and Iran, Iraq's attempt to acquire weapons of mass destruction posed a serious threat to U.S. national security. These claims were based on documents that were provided to him by the CIA and the government of the United Kingdom.[48] Bush added, Iraq continues to flaunt its hostilities toward America and to support terror. The Iraqi regime has plotted to develop anthrax, and nerve gas, and nuclear weapons for over a decade... This is a regime that agreed to international inspections — then kicked out inspectors. This is a regime that has something to hide from the civilized world... By seeking weapons of mass destruction, these regimes [Iran, Iraq and North Korea] pose a grave and growing danger. They could provide these arms to terrorists, giving them the means to match their hatred.[49] However, according to a comprehensive U.S. government report, no complete, fully functional weapons of mass destruction have been found since the invasion.[50] There are accounts of Polish troops obtaining antiquated warheads, dating from the 1980s, two of which contained trace amounts of the nerve gas cyclosarin, but U.S. military tests found that the rounds were so deteriorated that they would "have limited to no impact if used by insurgents against coalition forces." [51][52][53][54][55][56] Iraq was also home to 1.8 tons of low-enriched uranium, miscellaneous other nuclear materials, and chemical weapons paraphernalia; the nuclear material was under the supervision of the IAEA until the beginning of the war.
  • Post-invasion Main articles: Post-invasion Iraq, 2003–present, Insurgency in Iraq, Civil war in Iraq, and Humanitarian Crises of the Iraq War Occupation zones in Iraq after invasion. Following the invasion, the United States established the Coalition Provisional Authority to govern Iraq.[57] Government authority was transferred to an Iraqi Interim Government in June 2004, and a permanent government was elected in October 2005. More than 140,000 troops, mainly Americans, remain in Iraq. Some studies have placed the number of civilians deaths as high as 655,000 (see The Lancet study), although most studies estimate a lower number; the Iraq Body Count project indicates a significantly lower number of civilian deaths than that of The Lancet Study, though IBC organizers acknowledge that their statistics are an undercount as they base their information off of media-confirmed deaths. The website of the Iraq body count states, "Our maximum therefore refers to reported deaths – which can only be a sample of true deaths unless one assumes that every civilian death has been reported. It is likely that many if not most civilian casualties will go unreported by the media."[58] After the invasion, al-Qaeda took advantage of the national resistance to entrench itself in the country. On December 30, 2006, Saddam Hussein was hanged.[59] Hussein's half-brother and former intelligence chief Barzan Hassan and former chief judge of the Revolutionary Court Awad Hamed al-Bandar were likewise executed on January 15, 2007;[60] as was Taha Yassin Ramadan, Saddam's former deputy and former vice-president (originally sentenced to life in prison but later to death by hanging), on March 20, 2007.[61] Ramadan was the fourth and last man in the al-Dujail trial to die by hanging for crimes against humanity. President of Iraq Jalal Talabani with U.S. President Barack Obama in 2009. At the Anfal genocide trial, Saddam's cousin Ali Hassan al-Majid (aka Chemical Ali), former defense minister Sultan Hashim Ahmed al-Tay, and former deputy Hussein Rashid Mohammed were sentenced to hang for their role in the Al-Anfal Campaign against the Kurds on June 24, 2007.[citation needed] Al-Majid was sentenced to death three more times: once for the 1991 suppression of a Shi'a uprising along with Abdul-Ghani Abdul Ghafur on December 2, 2008;[62] once for the 1999 crackdown in the assassination of Grand Ayatollah Mohammad al-Sadr on March 2, 2009;[63] and once on January 17, 2010 for the gassing of the Kurds in 1988;[64] he was hanged over a week later on January 25.[65] Acts of sectarian violence have led to claims of ethnic cleansing in Iraq, and there have been many attacks on Iraqi minorities such as the Yezidis, Mandeans, Assyrians and others.[66] A U.S. troop surge to deal with increased violence and improve security became a contentious political issue in the United States. The surge in troops was enacted in early 2007; in his September 2007 testimony to Congress, General Petraeus stated that the surge's goals were being met.[67] Iraq also suffered a cholera outbreak in 2007.[68]
  • olence in Iraq began to decline from the summer of 2007.[69] The mandate of t
  • On June 29, 2009, U.S. troops formally withdrew from Baghdad streets, in accordance with former U.S. President George W. Bush's security pact with Iraq known as the Status of Forces Agreement. The SOFA pact stated, among other things, that U.S. troops will withdraw from Iraq's cities by June 30, 2009, and will leave the country on Dec. 31, 2011.[70] Throughout the country, as the citizens of Iraq celebrated with fireworks,[71] television programs declared June 30 as National Sovereignty Day.[72][73] However, crime and violence initially spiked in the months following the US withdra
  • last extended by UN resolution 1790, expired on December 31, 2008.
  • ssaults, and shootings increased dramatically.[74][78] According to the Associated Press, Iraqi military spokesman Major General Qassim al-Moussawi said investigations found that 60 to 70 percent of the criminal activ
  • As Iraqi security forces struggled to suppress the sudden influx of crime, the number of kidnappings, robberies, bomb
  • ity is carried out by former insurgent groups or by gangs affiliated with them — partly explaining the brutality of some of the crimes.[74] United States Secretary of Defense Robert Gates said that the withdrawal caused a change of chemistry with “a real sense of empowerment on the part of the Iraqis.”[79] U.S. troops continue to work with Iraqi forces after the pullout.[80] Despite the initial increase in violence, on November 30, 2009, Iraqi Interior Ministry officials reported that the civilian death toll in Iraq fell to its lowest level in November since the 2003 invasion.[81]
Veronica EWSIS

The Twelve Gates: Patrick Swayze and Lisa Niemi Synastry Part 2 - 0 views

    I'm learning more about synastry right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about is: How accurate is it? I was researching this question online, and this blog post caught my attention because it actually focuses on two real, well-known, people. "The patnership works best when they pursue goals with passionate commitment. Obviously there is the need to be aware that this can be a difficult contact and they have had their fair share of psychic conflicts that can at times spill out into violence of some sort. Lisa's control and distance can create passionate fury in Patrick's Mars. The couple have faced a lot in their relationship and this shows in their more difficult contacts. Patrick has battled alcohol, cocain and a riding accident that almost left him paralyzed, and his final battle was the fight against Cancer." The quote I chose here is basically saying that because of their synastry the two celebrities blend well. Also, their personalities tend to make them work together more. I think this is great support in favor of my topic because it focuses on real people providing an accurate example. It makes me wonder if I'll find more articles like this. I hope so. I kind of want to change my question. I can't find enough news articles on the topic.
John B

Favela - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    "The cocaine trade has impacted Brazil and in turn its favelas, which tend to be ruled by drug lords. Regular shoot-outs between traffickers and police and other criminals, as well as assorted illegal activities, lead to murder rates in excess of 40 per 100,000 inhabitants in the city of Rio and much higher rates in some Rio favelas.[12] Traffickers ensure that individual residents can guarantee their own safety through their actions and political connections to them. They do this by maintaining order in the favela and giving and receiving reciprocity and respect, thus creating an environment in which critical segments of the local population feel safe despite continuing high levels of violence. Drug use is highly concentrated in these areas run by local gangs in each highly populated favela. Drug sales and use run rampant at night when many Favelas host their own baile, or dance party, where many different social classes can be found. These drug sales make up "a business that in some of the occupied areas rakes in as much as US$ 150 million per month, according to official estimates released by the Rio media.""

Racism and violence - Heber Springs, AR - The Sun-Times - 0 views

    I'm learning more about racism right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about is are people being racist even to the president? I was researching this question online, and this news item caught my attention because this news item basically is about people bagan to criticize our president Obama. Here is the quote I found "His conclusion by using surveys is that most of us are racists, we just don't realize we are. He is absolutely amazed that the American people are criticizing our president. It seems inconceivable to him and others like him that many of us are upset at the direction Obama is attempting to lead our country." The quote I chose here is basically saying people are criticizing Obama. The level and tone of the dissent against Obama is more primal and vicious than any leveled at Bush, and for far less reason that people had to criticize Bush. It has just been couple of month, people were criticizing Bush and hope to have a new president. All people vote for Obama but now, why people are criticizing Obama too? I think this doesn't make sense because people are not satisfy with what the president were doing. I understand that being a president is hard. It also takes time to rule a country and bring the economy back. It's not a piece of cake.
CameronD EWSIS

UNICEF - Child protection from violence, exploitation and abuse - Female genital mutali... - 1 views

    Im learning more about FGM/C right now, and in particular im wondering about is: why do women think it is OK to prefrom FGM/C. I was researching this question online, and this article showed up. ( It caught my attention because of the large number of women who still preform FGM/C to this day. "FGM/C is mainly performed on children and adolescents between four and 14 years of age. In some countries such as Ethiopia however, more than half of FGM/C is performed on infants under one year old." The purpose of this quote is to inform people on the ongoing events involving FGM/C. In particular, FGM/C on children and adolesense. I think this is very important to know about because in most societies, sexual is over looked, and given to practically anyone. However, in most places around the world, sexual activites are extremely important learn about.

ReliefWeb » Document » UN Governing Bodies Visit Police Gender Desk and Survi... - 0 views

  • Supported by UNFPA, UNICEF and UNIFEM, the centre is the first of its kind in Rwanda, providing medical, psychosocial, investigation and legal assistance to survivors of violence. Since its opening in July 2009, it has assisted more than 500 women, men and children. Another centre, built on this model, will be opened shortly in Rusizi District in western Rwanda.
    • Kit EWSIS
      I think the UN helped a lot of women in Rwanda. The hosptital are supported by UNFPA,UNCEF and UNIFEM. It help over 500 peoples. And they are going to open another one.,
Daniel T

Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • – People's Army
  • guerrilla
  • guerrilla organization based in Colombia
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • Colombian government had initially ignored the growing influence of several communist enclaves in and around Sumapaz (a locality of Bogotá) until 1964 when, under pressure by Conservatives who considered the autonomous communities (which were labeled as “independent republics” by senator Álvaro Gómez Hurtado,[31]) to be a threat, the Colombian National Army was ordered to take full control of the area.
  • By 1985, the major guerrilla groups (EPL, FARC-EP, M-19, and ELN) had come together under an umbrella organization known as the Guerrilla Coordinating Board (CNG). This group evolved in 1987 into the Simón Bolívar Guerrilla Coordinating Board (CGSB), which led negotiations between the numerous guerrilla groups and the government. While the CGSB did achieve some of its goals, its success was very limited. The CGSB's initiative led to the successful peace process with the M-19. The FARC-EP and ELN, on the other hand, decided to continue their struggle.
  • The FARC-EP have demanded a mechanism for prisoner exchange, which would involve the liberation of 21 military and police "prisoners of war"[12] (not including civilians held for extortion or ransom, which may number in the thousands) that the group currently holds, in exchange for the release of at least 500 jailed criminal rebels. During the duration of the DMZ negotiations, a small humanitarian exchange took place.
  • Partial hostage releases and escapes during 2006 and 2007
  • Anti-FARC rallies
  • Death of Raúl Re
  • Death of Manuel Marulanda Vélez
  • Hugo Chavez's call to disarm
  • Operation Jaque
  • FARC receives most of its funding -which has been estimated to average some $300 million per year- from taxation of the illegal drug trade, ransom kidnappings, bank robberies, and extortion of large landholders, multinational corporations, and agribusines
  • Drug trafficking Main article: Illegal drug trade in Colombia FARC-EP was not initially involved in direct drug cultivation, trafficking, or trans-shipment prior to or during the 1980s. Instead, it maintained a system of taxation on the production that took place in the territories that they controlled, in exchange for protecting the growers and establishing law and order in these regions by implementing its own rules and regulations[100][101]. During the 1990s, FARC expanded its operations, in some areas, to include trafficking and production, which has provided a significant portion of its funding[102]. Right-wing paramilitary groups also receive a large portion of their income from drug trafficking and production operations[102]. FARC has called for crop substitution programs that would allow coca farmers to find alternative means of income and subsistence. In 1999, FARC worked with a United Nations alternative development project to enable the transition from coca production to sustainable food production. On its own, the group has also implemented agrarian reform programs in Putumayo[103][100][101][104]. In areas where it is involved in coca production, FARC generally makes sure that peasant coca growers receive a much larger share of profits than the paramilitaries would give them[105][99][101], and demands that traffickers pay a decent wage to their workers[99]. According to journalist and author Garry Leech, when growers in a FARC-controlled area are caught selling coca to non-FARC brokers, they are generally forced to leave the region, but when growers are caught selling to FARC in paramilitary-controlled areas, they are generally killed[105]. He concludes that the lower prices paid for raw coca in paramilitary-controlled areas lead to significantly larger profits for the drug processing and trafficking organizations, which means that they generally prefer that paramilitaries control an area rather than FARC[105]. After the April 21, 2001 capture of Brazilian druglord Luiz Fernando da Costa (aka Fernandinho Beira-Mar) in Colombia, Colombian and Brazilian authorities accused him of cooperating with FARC-EP through the exchange of weapons for cocaine. They also claimed that he received armed protection from the guerrilla group.[106][107][108] [edit] Kidnappings Main article: Kidnappings in Colombia The FARC-EP is responsible for ransom kidnappings in Colombia. The group’s kidnapping targets are usually those that it considers wealthy landowners and businessmen, the police and military, as well as foreign tourists and entrepreneurs, and prominent international and domestic officials.[109] Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has expressed his disagreement with their resorting to kidnappings[110]. [edit] Human rights concerns
  • Child soldiers FARC-EP, the ELN, and right-wing paramilitaries all train teens as soldiers and informants. Human Rights Watch estimates that the FARC-EP has the majority of child combatants in Colombia, estimating that approximately one quarter of the guerrillas are under 18 years of age[112][113]. Forcible recruitment of children, by either side, is rare in Colombia; most of the children join of their own volition without any threats of force to themselves or their families. They join for a variety of reasons including poverty, lack of educational opportunities, avoiding work in the coca processing plants (which is dangerous), escaping from domestic violence, offers of money (mostly from paramilitaries, who pay their soldiers), and other reasons[113].
Gavriela C

Genocide in Darfur | Stop the Genocide in Sudan | Save Darfur - 0 views

  • he Darfur genocide has killed more than 400,000 civilians and displaced 2.5 million people from their homes. About the size of Texas, the Darfur region of Sudan is home to racially mixed Muslim tribes. In February 2003, frustrated by poverty and neglect, two Darfurian rebel groups launched an uprising against the Khartoum government. The government responded with a scorched-earth campaign, arming and bankrolling militias against the innocent civilians of Darfur. A small peacekeeping force run by the African Union is in place, but it is largely unsupported by the rest of the world. Civilian protection is desperately needed to stop the violence and end the genocide.
Reggie ace

Girls accept gun running and rape as price of joining violent male gangs - Times Online - 3 views

    I'm learning more about gangs right now, and in particular what i am wondering is: Why do teenage girls want to join gangs? I was researching online, and this new item caught my attention because I myself hate gangs and the thought of a young girl interacting with gangs i wrong. She gave up her childhood just to be cool. "Teenage girls wanting to join violent male gangs are being forced into having sex and ferrying guns, knives and drugs, police and charities have found." Young teenage girls want to join gangs for what and at what cost? These days girls and boys would do anything to be down with the people. Today's world is going crazy, Kids needs to stop trying to be down and finish school. I think this is all pointless because all gangs are good for is learning how to shoot and kill someone. That is what you wanna do then you join the army.
    Well, I'm not saying that I like the situation, but instead that the article caught my interests. I never would have thought girls would join gangs especially for a silly reason such as protection. It makes me disgusted knowing that the gangs take advantage of them and treat them like the inferior group even when they are transporting their guns and supplies. Disturbing!
Shehrina EWSIS

Dissociative Identity Disorder and the Cycle of Violence - 0 views

    I'm learning more about dissociative identity disorder or DID also known as multiple personality disorder or MPD right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about is what causes DID and is there a was cure this disorder. I was researching this question online, and this news item caught my attention because the article had a lot of information about the dis order and it was an interesting article. Treatment may vary, but the general consensus involves steps of psychotherapy. Firstly, the therapist should foster an attitude of respect of each personality for each other. Secondly, a therapist should establish meaningful conversation with as many personalities as possible without siding with any one of them. Lastly, the therapist should help the personalities to merge together to become one complete integrated personality (Howe, 1984). Dissociative identity disorder does not cure itself, thus treatment is extremely important. The quote I chose here is basically saying how a therapist should start treatment with a DID patient. The steps of each treatment and also that DID doesn't cure itself and it needs treatment.
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