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Rachel EWSIS

Nursing ethics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • The nature of nursing means that nursing ethics tends to examine the ethics of caring rather than 'curing' by exploring the relationship between the nurse and the person in care.
    • Rachel EWSIS
      What this is saying is becoming a nurse instead of curing for the person you have to care for them.
  • The focus of nursing ethics is on developing a caring relationship
    • Rachel EWSIS
      This is important because, if the nurses don't care then in my opinon i don't think that they will pick this career choice. Also if you don't have a caring relationship then, the patients won't really open up to their nurses.
  • This is where information about the person is only shared with others after permission of the person, unless it is felt that the information must be shared to comply with a higher duty such as preserving life. [5].
    • Rachel EWSIS
      I think that this is interesting because, i wonder if nurses do talk about the patients business. If i were a nurses patients i wouldn't want them telling my business unless it was necessary.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • Nursing ethics shares many principles with medical ethics, such as beneficence, non-maleficence and respect for autonomy
    • Rachel EWSIS
      I wonder why some nurses sret up a list of laws for themselves? Aren't they given a set of rules or laws already?!
  • This is considered by its advocates to focus more on relationships than principles and therefore to reflect the caring relationship in nursing more accurately than other ethical views.
    • Rachel EWSIS
      I think caring about the relationships more than the principles is good because, the principles don't get you to a point where you could bound with the person and in my opinion i think that being a nurse you connect with the person on a professsional and emotional level.
  • People are then enabled to make decisions about their own treatment.
    • Rachel EWSIS
      I think that it's important for people to make their own decisions wether or not they want the treatment because, what if their family doesn't have enough mom to pay for it or they on't have insurance. Usually depending upon the situation like lets say if it's really bad then the person won't take the treatment if they are close to dying.
  • There is a balance between people having the information required to make an autonomous decision and, on the other hand, not being unnecessarily distressed by the truth.
    • Rachel EWSIS
      I wonder why sometimes people aren't able to handle tghe trhuth when they hear bad news about their health?!
  • This is because nursing theory seeks a collaborative relationship with the person in care.
    • Rachel EWSIS
      Patients and thie nurses need to have a caring relationship with each other.

Can Politics and Ethics go together? - 0 views

    poll it for your opinion
Madeline Brownstone

Virtual goods: Duping the masses? | Software, Interrupted - CNET News - 0 views

    Includes a video of debate between Zynga and the press on the ethics of the marketing schemes.
LeandroA EWSIS

Meaning (linguistics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • This type of semantics is contrasted with communication-focused semantics where understanding the intent and assumptions of particular speakers and writers is primary as in the idea that people mean and not words, sentences or propositions.
    • LeandroA EWSIS
      this differs from other branches of semantics because generally semantics are associated with making people look like idiots but this demonstrates that this specific branch is associated with finding meaning without going in so deeply
  • the good or bad associations we make with words
    • LeandroA EWSIS
      i think this is important because it puts a huge idea into simple wording and shows a philosophy put into a pysics style. the sentence on its own shows a human word game where we associate words with other words that show taste or distaste in a subject
  • Meaning as intent seems to be the oldest use of the word and goes back to Anglo-Saxon and still exists in German as an association made with the verb "meinen" as to think or intend
    • LeandroA EWSIS
      its strange to think the meaning of meaning has changed over time i guess it's sort of strange that meaning went from think to associate.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • persuasion more an aspect of rhetoric and deception rather than judging people, positions and philosophy more by weight of evidence or legitimate argumentation.
    • LeandroA EWSIS
      the author suggests that persuasion is not convincing people but more deceiving them to get what you want andchanging their ideals
  • The field of semantics is often understood as a branch of linguistics, but non-idealized meaning as a type of semantics is more accurately a branch of psychology and ethics.
    • LeandroA EWSIS
      this is strange to me i've thought that even though semantics has some deeper undertone it's a branch of literature, but (at least the non-idealized part) is a branch of psycology, which is a nice twist.
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