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Reasat EWSIS

CFB - - FOX Sports on MSN - 0 views

    One of the most discussed issues in American sports today is the current bowl system in college football. Majority of the Americans, especially fans, favor on having a playoff, just like in every other sports leagues, to determine a National Champion, rather than having multiple Bowl games. According to survey conducted by Quinnipiac University, 63 percent favor a playoff system while getting rid of the current system. Only 26 percent favor on keeping the BCS (Bowl Championship Series) system. Even the President of our nation, Barack Obama favors a playoff system in college football. This issue was even involved in the U.S. Congress. The House was planning on passing a legislation to remove the current BCS system and implement a playoffs to decide a National Champion. However, 48 percent of the fans do not think it's a good idea for Congress to get involved with this, while 45 percent do. The Congress hasn't done anything yet. I personally believe that the Congress should stay out of this and worry about much more important government issues. What exactly is the BCS? It is a selection process that creates five bowl games that matches up the top 10 ranked teams in the nation. The Number 1 and 2 ranked teams in the nation are matched up for the BSC National Championship game. The other teams are subjected to other BCS bowl games which are, the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, California, the Sugar Bowl in New Orleans, the Fiesta Bowl in Glendale, Arizona and the Orange Bowl in Miami Gardens, Florida. From the season when the BCS was created, the National Championship game rotated among the 4 bowls. But starting from 2007, the BCS made the Championship Game as a separate match up from the other 4 bowls. How are teams selected to a bowl game? There are two types of qualifications, which are automatic qualifications and at-larger berths. The top 2 ranked teams automatically qualify for the National Championship Game. In college football, there are many confere
Reasat EWSIS

Bowl Championship Series - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    One of the most discussed issues in American sports today is the current bowl system in college football. Majority of the Americans, especially fans, favor on having a playoff, just like in every other sports leagues, to determine a National Champion, rather than having multiple Bowl games. According to survey conducted by Quinnipiac University, 63 percent favor a playoff system while getting rid of the current system. Only 26 percent favor on keeping the BCS (Bowl Championship Series) system. Even the President of our nation, Barack Obama favors a playoff system in college football. This issue was even involved in the U.S. Congress. The House was planning on passing a legislation to remove the current BCS system and implement a playoffs to decide a National Champion. However, 48 percent of the fans do not think it's a good idea for Congress to get involved with this, while 45 percent do. The Congress hasn't done anything yet. I personally believe that the Congress should stay out of this and worry about much more important government issues. What exactly is the BCS? It is a selection process that creates five bowl games that matches up the top 10 ranked teams in the nation. The Number 1 and 2 ranked teams in the nation are matched up for the BSC National Championship game. The other teams are subjected to other BCS bowl games which are, the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, California, the Sugar Bowl in New Orleans, the Fiesta Bowl in Glendale, Arizona and the Orange Bowl in Miami Gardens, Florida. From the season when the BCS was created, the National Championship game rotated among the 4 bowls. But starting from 2007, the BCS made the Championship Game as a separate match up from the other 4 bowls. How are teams selected to a bowl game? There are two types of qualifications, which are automatic qualifications and at-larger berths. The top 2 ranked teams automatically qualify for the National Championship Game. In college football, there are many confere
Reasat EWSIS

Poll shows fans want to dump Bowl Championship Series, get playoff - ESPN - 0 views

    One of the most discussed issues in American sports today is the current bowl system in college football. Majority of the Americans, especially fans, favor on having a playoff, just like in every other sports leagues, to determine a National Champion, rather than having multiple Bowl games. According to survey conducted by Quinnipiac University, 63 percent favor a playoff system while getting rid of the current system. Only 26 percent favor on keeping the BCS (Bowl Championship Series) system. Even the President of our nation, Barack Obama favors a playoff system in college football. This issue was even involved in the U.S. Congress. The House was planning on passing a legislation to remove the current BCS system and implement a playoffs to decide a National Champion. However, 48 percent of the fans do not think it's a good idea for Congress to get involved with this, while 45 percent do. The Congress hasn't done anything yet. I personally believe that the Congress should stay out of this and worry about much more important government issues
KatherineG EWSIS

UNICEF - Afghanistan - Promoting girls' empowerment through sport in Afghanistan - 1 views

  • UNICEF and the YICC have created a girls’ volleyball, hockey and football team – the latter has 16 members and is affiliated with the Afghanistan Football Federation – with the goal of engaging girls in community development and peace-building.
    Right now, I'm learning about Women's Rights in different countries. I actually don't know a place from the top of my head that doesn't have equality for women. It makes me think how would my life be different today, if I was in one of those countries with no equality at all for women. I really think it would be really horrible and I can't imagine not having equality. It's like a nightmare almost... "The female football players in Bamyan have various plans for the future, from teacher to doctor, translator to painter. Once she completes her education, for example, Shekeba plans to become a police officer - "because so far, the policemen in Bamyan are not helping women when it is needed," she explains. " The quote I chose here is basically saying that Afghanistan doesn't have equality for women. The young girl here who says that women are not being helped by policemen is really interesting. I never thought they wouldn't...since police are suppose everyone. I guess it just shows that women's equality is really important. I hope that women's rights is established in that country and others. I would take effort and it's little girls like that who dream to become something for the benefit of others that issues like this will be solved.
  • ...1 more comment...
    "In Bamyan, UNICEF has been working with the government since 2001 to support women's rights. Besides sport for girls and literacy classes for women, the agency supports local women's associations and works to raise awareness about gender equality at the family, community and district level."
    "UNICEF and the YICC have created a girls' volleyball, hockey and football team - the latter has 16 members and is affiliated with the Afghanistan Football Federation - with the goal of engaging girls in community development and peace-building."
    I'm learning more about Girls/ Womens empowerment right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about this is how can you empower women or girls. I was researching this question online i came across this article. It caught my attention because the title is 'Promoting girls' empowerment through sport in Afghanistan.' It caught my attention because the title pretty much speaks for it's self. Girls can in fact be empowered through sports! This sparked my interest and so i began reading it. "Participation in sport is a critical part of any child's physical and social development, especially for girls. Sport can help to improve their self-esteem and self-awareness," says Dr. Atiqullah Amiri of UNICEF's Outpost Bamyan. "Sport teaches integrity and self-management by setting objective standards that girls can work to achieve." The quote I chose here is basically saying that sports can be a very big part of someones life. Sports can improve your overall self in many different ways. The ways in which are spoke about here is helping girls. It can improve their self-esteem and self-awareness, self-management and i believe it can build up great skills that can be put to use in everyday lives. Skills like team work, responsibility and so on. I think this is an very important fact. Sports can in fact help girls. It makes me wonder how powerful something can be, and how it can change something or someone like a sport. Like what is spoken about in this article.
Binetou EWSIS

ReliefWeb » Document » Promoting girls' empowerment through sport in Afghanistan - 0 views

  • The girls on Bamyan's football team are between 12 and 20 years of age. All of them have experienced disrespect and violence at home.
    I have been learning about women's rights at the moment. I actually stumbled on this article an article similar to this one before hand. This article was a previous one to the one I bookmarked before. I have been wondering though...What about the non believers?....I mean there are always people who don't believe the same thing as you and will discourage you from reaching your goals. ""My mother has been trying to discourage me from attending school since I have reached the age of being married," says Shekeba, a 15-year-old participant. "The exchange with my friends in the YICC has made me understand that we are all in a similar situation and that this cannot continue." " The quote I chose here kind of tells me about the people who disapprove of women's rights...even if they are women themselves. It's really interesting to see someone discourage something like that. I mean they're going to benefit from it I don't get it kind of. I guess they just want things back to being what it usually was. I love it though how the girl in this article isn't going to listen to what her mom is disapproving and is following what she believes in. I think this is important for us, young people to do...since we are the future...
    I am learning more about women rights right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about is: Is there still domestic violence? I was researching this question online, and this article caught my attention because it talks how women are being abuse around the world. "The girls on Bamyan's football team are between 12 and 20 years of age. All of them have experienced disrespect and violence at home." The quote i chose here is basically saying that at a very young age they are being abuse. I think this is wrong because everyone should have freedom. It makes me wonder if everyone is like this around the world. Domestic violence is a crime and that is wrong. The people who actually does this should put in jail.
Michael Harris

Ex-NFL player says league is ducking mounting toll of head trauma -- - 0 views

    I'm learning more about sports and head trauma right now, and in particular what I'm wondering is: Why are concussions not taken seriously in the NFL? I was researching this question, and this news item caught my attention because is addresses my question. The title brought me to it. "A doctor examined Stein on the sideline and told him he might have a concussion. As was the custom at the time, he asked if Stein wanted to return to the game; as was the custom, Stein said yes. He had no idea he had a skull fracture until 15 years later, when a sinus infection slipped through the break and morphed into a near-fatal case of spinal meningitis." The quote that I chose here is basically saying that a football player came to the sidelines with symptoms of a concussion. The medical trainer came and told him that he has one, then asked him if he wanted to go back into the game. I think this is ridiculous because If someone has a concussion, they should not be permitted to return to the playing field. It makes me wonder if the player had died how the trainer would have reacted. What if he had been questioned by the press on why he handled it that way.
corey stanley

Basketball Rules and How To Play The Game - 0 views

  • Women's basketball began in 1892 at Smith College when Senda Berenson, a physical education teacher, modified Naismith's rules for women
    • corey stanley
      this is something that i didnt even know, i thought womans basketball was created much later.
  • Dribbling, the bouncing of the ball up and down while moving, was not part of the original game except for the "bounce pass" to teammates. Passing the ball was the primary means of ball movement. Dribbling was eventually introduced but limited by the asymmetric shape of early balls. Dribbling only became a major part of the game around the 1950s as manufacturing improved the ball shape.
    • corey stanley
      So before the traveling rule was inforced, ball players would just run with the ball without bouncing the ball, im glad they changed that rule because it would be too easy to actually score and move the ball back and forth.
  • Basketball was originally played with a soccer ball
    Im learning more about college basketball and basketball in general, and what i am particulary wondering about is how different was the sport then (in 1891) to now. I was reasearching this question online and this blog post caught my attension because it explains the history of the game. "After rejecting other ideas as either too rough or poorly suited to walled-in gymnasiums, he wrote the basic rules and nailed a peach basket onto a 10-foot (3.05 m) elevated track. In contrast with modern basketball nets, this peach basket retained its bottom, so balls scored into the basket had to be poked out with a long dowel each time. A soccer ball was used to shoot goals. Whenever a person got it in the basket, they would give their team a point. Whoever got the most points, they would win the game.[2]" The quote I chose here is showing how the game evolved over many years. When the game was first created the basket was very different from the ones we have today, along with the basketball and some of the rules. Now everything is completly different but for the better. There are gyms, parks, rec centers a lot of different places all over the world where people can play the game for fun of try to actually make it a career. Before it was just something to do to get kids off the streets, now it has perks. Scholarships are given out, and many are getting paid millions of dollars to play the game. I think this is a perfect blog about the game then and now because a lot of people can really learn from this. It makes me wonder if people really know the complete history behind the sport even college and NBA players.
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