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Lany Miller

Technology: Is It Taking Over Our Lives? - Crusader - Opinions - 0 views

  • The advancement of technology can be quite spoiling. With word processors, the internet and web messaging, our daily lives are much smoother and less stressful when we use computers and other electronic devises that categorize our schedules and plans better than our own memory.
    • Lany Miller
      In feed, the feed is designed to think for them and do all of the work. Now, the internet today has everything on it. Even things that are at the library. People turn to the dictionary to find the meaning of something, but now they're using the computer. In feed when Violet says a word that Titus doesn't know, all he has to do is look it up through his feed and there he has it.
    • Lily Pelanne
      Technology is taking over our lives!l!
  • About 23 million households in North America have a broadband connection, and over the next five years, that number is likely to triple.
    • Lany Miller
      23 million, that's a lot of people with internet connection. Just like in feed everyone has a feed. It's become a necessity in peoples lives.
  • eb with me wherever I go has two sides. I do enjoy being able to read my e-mail, talk to people, and lately, check the o
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  • The idea of having the World Wide Web with me wherever I go has two sides. I do enjoy being able to read my e-mail, talk to people, and lately, check the online Facebook.
    • Lany Miller
      It's great to be able to check email wherever you are by your phone, iPods, or iPads. But some of the technology seems to have gone a little too far.
  • I already find myself waking up in the morning and immediately heading to my computer to see who left me an instant message or what new friend is stalking me on the Facebook ... so what will happen if I have the internet with me at all time? The habit of being online will turn into a necessity, and perhaps that is not such a good thing.
    the internet is becoming our own memory and becoming addictive.
Jeffrey Baudisch

Pros & Cons of Mobile Phones | - 1 views

  • Mobile phones are a mixed blessing for many of us.
    • Jeffrey Baudisch
      The cell phone has caused concern for public safety. Since texting while driving has become such a concern, many states have made laws banning texting while driving.In feed Titus, the main character, has a younger brother that is distracted by the feed in his head so much that people can not even get his attention.
  • -year contract, limiting your choices if a cheaper plan becomes available.
    • Jeffrey Baudisch
      Cell phone plans can be very expensive and if you choose to get a cheaper plan you run the risk of going over your allowed minutes. If you run over your minutes or the number of texts you are allowed to use your bill can become very expensive very quick.n Feed the people can buy things over the feed and if they don't pay attention to how much they spend they might have a huge bill as well.
  • even thousand minutes and will include extras, such as text messaging. T
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  • And woe to those who go over their allotted minutes. Mobile phone bills can easily become 1,000 dollar nightmare.
  • Also, many people now use their mobile phones exclusively, after canceling their home phone service. Having one less bill to pay is definitely a positive.
    • Jeffrey Baudisch
      cell phones have the ability to call anyone in the county for the same price as calling your neighbor. This versatility has allowed people to replace their home phone completely eliminating one more bill to pay at the end of the month.In Feed the people are able to talk to each other by using a feed so there is no need for any type of phone.
    The cell phone has many great uses but these uses can also be its flaws. There is a danger of loosing focus while driving or even just racking up a oversized bill at the end of the month.
chris zabriskie

Nintendo to Make 3-D Version of Its DS Handheld Game - - 0 views

  • Nintendo has also scored successes, especially among casual game players, with its Wii video game machine. The Wii comes with a wandlike, motion-detecting remote controller that mimics motions in games, like a golf swing or boxing punch.
    • chris zabriskie
      Nintendo is selling to all types of games
  • manufacturers like Samsung, Panasonic and Sony are racing to bring 3-D technology into the living room. The 3-D LCD televisions come with more advanced “active shutter” glasses, which darken and lighten in sync with the TV to help create the illusion of three dimensions. Sony has also said that games for its PlayStation 3 consoles will be available in 3-D.
    • chris zabriskie
      3D has become the selling point for products
  • Hitachi, another Japanese manufacturer, released a cellphone last year that has a 3-D display that does not require glasses. Hitachi, together with Sharp, supplies LCD screens to Nintendo.
    • chris zabriskie
      soon 3D will be standard and a new style will have to be introduced as wants of the public change
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  • Apple’s multifunction phone and music players run games that can be downloaded from its online iTunes store, and have helped the company build a fan base among less hard-core game players
    • chris zabriskie
      Nintendo has reliable systems and when others fail customers go to Nintendo
    I think that Nintento is clever to make a 3-D version of their own DS handheld game. Currently, a lot of things are going 3D such as in movie theatres...more movies are in 3D version like the movie Step Up, Shrek 4, & Avatar. The chief spokesman of Nintendo said they'll try to convince consumers to play the new video game...this is similar to Feed because whenever Titus receives a signal about something he ends up seeing these vivid images & words of advertisement. Basically just like Ms. McCormick said in our in class discussion, Titus is like a walking advertisement.
    The idea of 3D will definitely draw in consumers...I have a feeling that now & in the upcoming future 3D is the new version of "cool" ...replacing everything that previously wasn't 3D.
    it is really convenient that u don't need glasses because it is adjustable 3D
Robert Porter

Amazon sales pop as Kindle e-books overtake paperbacks - Jan. 27, 2011 - 0 views

  • OK, bookworms, now you can declare Armageddon: Kindle e-books have overtaken paperback books as the bestselling type of content in Amazon's bookstore.
    • Robert Porter
      "Ok, bookworms, now you can declare Armageddon"... This alarming yet realizing statement states that there is a potential danger of the extinction of paperback books. Yes, that is an exaggeration for just one yearly report, yet if this yearly report is the same annually, then that could actually mean the extinction of books, hard copies that is. The kindle has many great aspects to it, it can hold dozens of books in its small case, the books are fairly cheaper, and the portability of it lets users carry around more information in a less encumbering way. Yet as stated in the description box of this article there is certainly many possible negatives to the kindle. Yet as said before this isn't much to worry, yet as technology replaces many things withing life, books just really aren't meant to be replaced, although that doesn't mean that the kindle has to disappear for that to happen. 
  • In fact, for every 100 paperback books sold, Amazon has sold 115 Kindle books since the beginning of the year, the company said.
    • Robert Porter
      Adding on to the previous sticky note, this divide between books and Kindles doesn't seem really much of a huge difference at a 100 to 1155 book, on paper that is. Yet for every Kindle (Lets say the Version 2 of it) can hold over 1,000 books. So say (not practical numbers but to support the argument) 500-100 books are downloaded onto the kindle, so that would be around 5,075 to 111,500, while the paperbacks still remain at 100. The amount here is greatly different, as books are now becoming E-Books, it could set a expatriation date on when the last hard copy of a book is printed. 
    This article states that the sales in amazon's ( which is one of the biggest online retailers) 'Kindle' have oversold the sales of paperback books. Although it's not necessarily alarming, it is something to think about, as actual copies of books are being replaced by a single piece of technology. As it's assumed in M.T. Andersons book 'Feed', the thought of reading books in an actual hard copy seems to be looked at as embarrassing as writing is now look at to be embarrassing in the scene where Violet and Titus are talking. Questions are raised about this particular subject; although there is always a positive to certain things, there is undoubtedly a negative; what is that certain negative? Is it, if there is some certain situation where technology is somewhat not excess able (aka, world war 3, some variation of the Bubonic Plague, or something where technology and humanity are separated as it couldn't be maintained) and 500 years later, most of the recent copies of book or even 1000 year old books are on electronic copies only, and for those generations of people not being able to read from the? Would'nt reading from the screen become tiring, and enables a more subtle way to skip some of the reading? Some things really just seem to be left alone as is; maybe this is one? Cushing Academy, transformed their whole library to an E-Book library, what is this saying about educated the youth, and what precedent does this set for the future? As changing things to suit our technological needs seems great. it has a very subtle uneasy feeling to it.
Jonathan McDavid

Texting,is it not a big deal? - 0 views

  • In other words, if you get anxious because you can't check your BlackBerry while camping, then you might have a problem. The mental health community has yet to officially classify computer overuse, including e-mail and text messaging, as a mental health disorder.
    • Jonathan McDavid
      Here it shows the ease and coman likely hood of how texting and other email like comunication can become adictive.
  • The all-consuming phone might make you superhuman at work, but it can also turn you into a flaky friend, a jealous lover or a distant parent
    • Jonathan McDavid
      results of over used instant messaging rather than have normal HUMAN interaction, as in face to face.
  • The California State Assembly last month passed a bill specifically banning teenagers from using cell phones for any purpose while driving. California already has a law that bans everyone from using hand-held cell phones while driving. That law will go into effect next year.
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  • phone to check e-mail or send a text message at least every 25 minutes. He doesn't feel guilty about his BlackBerry behavior--interrupting his conversations and social activities, including spending time with his wife.
    • Jonathan McDavid
      Adictive texting/emailing does ruin socail interactions, as shown in example to Alex Pasos.
    In regards to this article that discusses how texting is/becoming an additcion. Texting is a simple way of sending text messages through by phone or computer to another individual. However, is becoming an over used tool by most teens. They text so much that it slowly decreases human intereactions, such as texting your best friend who is in the same room as you! in relation to the book feed, the characters can "text" mental notes/messages to their friends without the need to verbaly talk. To a digree texting has become an adiction because of how easy it is and its availibility/
stephen richards

overuse of useless technology (cell phones..iPhones..sidekicks..etc.) (computer, deskto... - 0 views

  • The problem with texting is that people have gotten so use to it to the point that they have no idea how to carry on a conversation with another person anymore..the word "YES" is just a few keystrokes away!
    • stephen richards
      This idea that people would rather text than actually carry out a conversation with someone has an essence of truth behind it, and M.T. Anderson touches on this when Titus' father comes to visit the hospital and instead of talking to his son he tries to M-chat him thus saying that people would rather talk through technology than verbally.
  • I am not fully against it( obviously i'm on the computer typing this thread)
    • stephen richards
      The writer is advocating a step back from an overuse of technology but is using technology to voice his ideas. Almost this exact idea occurs in the book when the kids are driving past the people protesting the feed, while using the feed to broadcast their protest of the feed.
  • The problem with texting is that people have gotten so use to it to the point that they have no idea how to carry on a conversation with another person anymore..the word "YES" is just a few keystrokes away!
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  • The problem with today's world is that people are too stuck on their WANTS!! and not on their NEEDS!...whats funny is that people are being brain washed to think that these "wants" are "the NEEDS"
    • stephen richards
      This idea the writer is touching upon that people are beginning to think that what they want is actually what they need because technology tells them it is, is exactly what the feed does when it "knows" you so well that it "knows everything you want and hope for, sometimes before you even know what those things are."(48)
    This article is about how technology has made us lazy and how people rely to heavily on it to do simple tasks. Questions are raised about if we begin to, as we have, rely on technology too much will we end up losing the ability to think for our selves?
Nathan Nast

The invention of the Internet has had negative effects on our civilization « ... - 1 views

  • People also use the Internet to steal other people’s money or spread bad things like gossips or unfounded criticisms.
    • Nathan Nast
      This also connects to the high school, where cyber bulling is a big problem.
  • When children went home, some of them go straight to their room to start their computers instead of having a chat with their parents.
    • Nathan Nast
      This is one example of kids not having a good relationship with their family. This is related to the feed because both kids don't have a good relationship with their parents, due to the amount of internet.
  • We rely on it to communicate instead of talking to each other, and our relationship between each other become distant
    • Nathan Nast
      What will happen if our relationships become more and more distant? I believe relationships will become viral.
    This is a good article showing how kids plug into the internet. It also talks about how criminals can get more information.
Elizabeth Hughes

Texting while Driving Facts - 0 views

  • ever, using mobiles phones while driving can lead to dangerous or fatal results on the road. As the trend of texting has gone beyond bounds, there are many youngsters and teenagers who are found texting while driving. One of the most prominent texting while driving facts is
  • ever, using mobiles phones while driving can lead to dangerous or fatal results on the road. As the trend of texting has gone beyond bounds, there are many youngsters and teenagers w
  • According to a study conducted, teenagers and youngsters are more susceptible to car crashes and fatal road accidents. If you are writing or reading text messages, your reaction time in case of emergency reduces by approximately 35%. One of the most surprising texting while driving facts is that this activity is more dangerous than driving under the influence of alcohol or marijuana.
    • Elizabeth Hughes
      this is so true, when you take your eye of the road for a second, something bad could happen at an instance, people should always be focusing on the road and not texting
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  • Around 50% of teenagers agree to the fact that they do texting while driving.
    • Elizabeth Hughes
      This fact is huge!! Teenagers should be more aware of this.
    • john peacen
      this will not stop because is big problem, even knowing is illegal does not resolve the problem.
    • john peacen
      the older people text in the car too, how this will stop if the older give this example too.
    Texting is taking over our young drivers today. It's even worse when they text while driving. Not only is it dangerous but its very distracting to the driver who won't see an oncoming car and crash or run a red light and possibly crash. Hopefully none of us will turn into that now that Texting or talking is now illegal and against a criminal law.
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    If texting is so dangerous then why is it not against the law in all states? Texting while driving is more dangerous then driving under the influence of alcohol or Marijuana so why do we still do it?
    Do older people text as well not just teens?
    i think that it is not just teenagers that are texting while driving. I think that texting become a big distraction for every one while driving
    i believe now that driving and texting is illegal that they have to hide there phone when they do text because some people are going to do it anyways. but now they wont even be looking at the road while they text when i could text on there wheel so they could actually see the road. other then looking down to try to hide there phone to avoid getting a ticket!
john peacen

Why Reliance on Technology is a Bad Thing | World of Psychology - 2 views

  • All of that has changed. I suspect some new architects wouldn’t know how to design a 50-story building on paper (without aid of a CAD program), or a doctor who had to diagnose a patient without the reliance on ordering 10 or 15 lab tests. Or a politician who couldn’t rely on instant polling techniques. Or citizens who had to resort to reading their news, instead of watching in on TV. Or an important stock exchange not being able to function because generators were never meant to be used full-time, indefinitely.
    • john peacen
      this relates to the book because titus and his friend are very dependent to the technology that even the technology think for them
    • john peacen
      this means that we can not function without the help of technology. before this innovation of technology we depend in our intelligence not like today that we can't make something that was very simple for us ancestor.
  • But as our thirst for power increases, and our infrastructure fails to keep pace with it
    • Dan Tusler
      This relates to the story because the thirst for power in Feed is overpowering the logical descionmaking part of our inteligance. It makes us want to make things more efficent even when their working just fine. If it aint broke don't fix it
  • As a tool, a computer is a useful aid. It has helped architects and engineers design and provide more reliable, interesting structures and buildings. It allows us to split atoms, and categorize human genomes.
    • Dan Tusler
      This give the ups about how computers and technology could be used responsibly and soely for the benifit of important work. It provides a contrasting view towards the book as the professions and uses listed still require a vast understanding of the use. In the story, there doesn't seem to be any depth or complication in anything, including professsions
    the article discuss the point how the people dependent in technology can produce big disaster when all this technology not be available, because all the architects and doctor etc.
chris zabriskie

Sony Introduces New Portable Game Device - - 0 views

    sony is trying to make it's product the new fad item that everyone wants by adding new features and expanding it's gaming horizon to other systems like the android getting playstation games. this is for the most part futile because nintendo has become the name of portable gaming while sony stood idle and the 3ds already has most of the feature and more.
Billy Mahoney

What Could Possibly Go Wrong: Flying Hummers | Popular Science - 0 views

  • The Pentagon agency’s $50-million-plus exploratory program for the Transformer (TX) calls for a “robust ground vehicle” that can quickly transform into a vertical-takeoff-and-landing (VTOL) aircraft with a 1,000-pound payload capacity and a flying range of nearly 300 miles. Darpa has a daunting list of specs for any would-be contractors: It must be able to take on small-arms fire and meet federal standards for safety and crash protection. It’s got to have four-wheel drive and be able to reach an altitude of 10,000 feet. Oh, and should the driver become incapacitated, it has to be able to fly itself.
    • Billy Mahoney
      This article about how hummers can now fly relates to the Feed and the upcars. The upcars are used as everyones way of transportation as well.
    • Dan Tusler
      This is an idea for a common dream or view of the future and how we are working to attain it. M.T anderson could be commentating on the fact that our dreams and ideas can be reality, but the message to go with that is there is going to be some tradeoff if we get too dependant on them. it somtimes can take away from reality which can make you care less about other possible issues
kaylyn kilmain

Buying Online Has Its Pros and Cons - The Advantages and Disadvantages of Buying Online... - 1 views

  • ou can do it 24/7. You can shop whenever you want
  • 3. Wide variety of stores within a few clicks. This is very important for me since there are few stores in our locale.
    shopping online is useful to be able to buy things from different places you are not able to get to. there are more items online then there are at the store
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    there may be more options to buying online and may seem easyer, but in regards to feed it takes away the human to human natrual can be good but not at the expence that your ONLY buying online. in addition it can have a lot of credit card trouble.... just sayin.
    Always good to go shopping on line, but when everybody was indict to shopping on line, then people will start to lose the job.
    This is similar to the feed because people can shop with out going to a store and now that the internet is on many phones it is possible to shop online pretty much whenever you want
gabriel reid

Gains and Losses - 1 views

  • sharing of resources among institutions of widely varying size, endowment, focus, and stature. Similarly, the economical development, maintenance, and use of materials for interdisciplinary approaches, like the way networked hypertext resources create course and institutional memories, has enormous appeal for many.
    • gabriel reid
      this article has a connection to Anderson's text because not only does Anderson show s through his creative writing that there are the good sides to the advancing technology but there are the bads to and this article also explains the same thing
  • such as have always happened with shifts in technological and informational paradigms. Plato rightly feared the devaluing of memory by those who read and write, and those who earlier feared the democratizing effects of earlier changes in information technology, such as those introduced by books, copy machines, and calculators were, from their point of view, absolutely correct.
    • gabriel reid
      Andersen's text also shows us how thing in future technology can decrease our intellect and this article also suggests that to a certain degree.
    this article is about the advancing technology in Brown University and how there are some things that are gained from advancing technology. this article is also about even though there are things gained there are also things that are lost in exchange for theses gains
Jett Ankermann

Teens, Cell Phones and Texting - Pew Research Center - 1 views

  • channel of basic communication between teens and their friends, with cell calling a close second.
  • Some 75% of 12-17 year-olds now own cell phones, up from 45% in 2004.
    • Jett Ankermann
      Why is there such a large increase in texting teens in just 6 years? I assume it's because of the full-keyboard phones so commonly found today.
  • One in three teens sends more than 100 text messages a day, or 3000 texts a month.
    • Jett Ankermann
      Somehow, that isn't hard to believe
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  • However, while many teens are avid texters, a substantial minority are not. One-fifth of teen texters (22%) send and receive just one to 10 texts a day or 30 to 300 texts a month.
    • Jett Ankermann
      That sounds like where I fit in
  • Teens typically make or receive five calls a day. White teens typically make or receive four calls a day, or around 120 calls a month, while black teens exchange seven calls a day or about 210 calls a month and Hispanic teens typically make and receive five calls a day or about 150 calls a month.
    • Jett Ankermann
      Why is there such a big difference between races?
  • 64% of parents look at the contents of their child's cell phone and 62% of parents have taken away their child's phone as punishment.
    • Jett Ankermann
      Heh, well, can't say everyone's an angel.
  • 48% of parents use the phone to monitor their child's location
    • Jett Ankermann
      Only 48%? I must be missing something. I would think that the parents got the cell phone for their kids so that they COULD stay connected.
  • Teens whose parents limit their texting are also less likely to report being passengers in cars where the driver texted behind the wheel or used the phone in a dangerous manner while driving.
    • Jett Ankermann
      Why? Is that simply because they're not allowed to, or are they worried about the consequences?
  • 62% of all students say they can have their phone in school, just not in class.
    • Jett Ankermann
      Well, technically that's true, but not everyone who says that actually follows that rule.
  • Cell phones are seen as a mixed blessing.
    • Jett Ankermann
      It helps you stay connected, but can also cause personal problems with people and relationships
  • 25% have made or received a call during class time.
    • Jett Ankermann
  • 69% of cell-owning teens say their phone helps them entertain themselves when they are bored.
    • Jett Ankermann
      I obviously don't have a phone like that...
  • 98% of parents of cell-owning teens say a major reason their child has the phone is that they can be in touch no matter where the teen is.
    • Jett Ankermann
      That seems to make a lot more sense than that statisctic that said only 48%
  • Fully three-quarters of teen cell phone users (75%) have unlimited texting.
    • Jett Ankermann
      Even so, I feel like unlimited texting would still cost a fortune.
  • One in three (34%) texting teens ages 16-17 say they have texted while driving. That translates into 26% of all American teens ages 16-17.
    • Jett Ankermann
      I really can't see that happening. Maybe when they're at a stop light, sure, but it still seems risky.
    This is an article about the statistics of cell phone use among teens. I wonder how much all of this costs?
Elizabeth Hughes

Online schools clicking with students - CNN - 0 views

  • a new form of schooling
  • hundreds of thousands of students
    • kaylyn kilmain
      many students can stay home and go to school online.
    • Billy Mahoney
      This also relates to the feed because Violet is home-schooled.
    • Lany Miller
      so what? lol what does it do to their disadvantage of going to school at home and online??
  • online
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  • class runs from 11 p.m. to 1 a.m
    • Hank von GnarSlayer
      Haha! What Crazy Hours! This is a wild way to learn huh? Wouldn't you miss the wholesome environment a school provides for learning?
  • finds time
    • kaylyn kilmain
      the pros for having the ability to have schools online is for those people who don't have time in the day to go out and go to school.
  • orking her full-time job at Hewlett-Packard and raising her three children.
  • 110,000 online students
  • half its total student body
  • With your pajamas snug, your feet clad in bunny slippers, and a tub of ice cream on the desk, your computer glows in front of you. The clock reads 2 a.m. In other words, time for class.
    • Hank von GnarSlayer
      Hah! Time For Class! This is inspiring people to be lazy to get what they want. Do think sitting around wearing women's bunny slippers at night is a good way to spend your class time? Online school seems to be inspiring kids to sit around getting fat and avoiding classmates all in the comfort of their own home!
  • Janet
    • Elizabeth Hughes
      How could any students work for home if they made their own hours. They would not get anything done.
  • orking, married women in their 30s or 40s, who are reimbursed by employers and looking to boost their career prospects.
    • Elizabeth Hughes
      Why would parents work for this if they thought this would help their future? how did they think this?
    even schools are online, the social life has changed the average person doesn't need to have face to face contact to talk or learn.
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    even schools are online, the social life has changed the average person doesn't need to have face to face contact to talk or learn.
    This shows the dependency for technology the world is developing. That we as a nation are willing to substitute interaction through out the school day with online learning.
    The idea of the On Line schooling is great because people can save time and doing the school work at home, but in another way, people will be controlled by the technology,like the people in the book feed was controlled by the feed
Kevin Zhou

Egypt's Autocrats Exploited Internet's Weaknesses - - 0 views

  • But now, as Egyptian engineers begin to assess fragmentary evidence and their own knowledge of the Egyptian Internet’s construction, they are beginning to understand what, in effect, hit them. Interviews with many of those engineers, as well as an examination of data collected around the world during the blackout, indicate that the government exploited a devastating combination of vulnerabilities in the national infrastructure.
    • Kevin Zhou
      Everyone is too dependent on internet, similar to how everyone is too dependent on the feed in Feed.
  • For all the Internet’s vaunted connectivity, the Egyptian government commanded powerful instruments of control: it owns the pipelines that carry information across the country and out into the world.
    • Kevin Zhou
      The internet is the place that contains all the information that anyone wants to find. By having it shut down within Egypt, it prevents information from leaving or entering, causing people to have no ideas. However, another way to gain information is also through books, but this way has become less common around people as the faster internet. This is related to the Feed as people has found no reason to use books to find any information and use their feed to find everything, much like us using the internet to find everything instead of books.
    Egypt's internet
lauren hanson

How Ads Affect Our Memory - Technology Review - 1 views

  • just seeing an ad on a Web page can impact memory. The findings could have a significant impact on the way online advertising is made and metered.
    • lauren hanson
      Titus has the feed control what he thinks by the ads that pop up on his feed. This makes Titus want ridiculous things when they aren't really needed.
  • Subjects who paid attention to a banner advertisement were more likely than those who didn't to recall whole words and facts from the ad--facts stored in explicit memory
  • traditional ideas about media impact to the Internet. In other mediums, such as television, advertisers do not typically assume that audience members will interact with the ad.
    Ads affect our memory by the way that we interact with the ads itself. Its through your conscious and unconscious mind. Titus and his friends are playing music and really it was the advertisements jungle in the back of his mind going on. Advertisement's try to tell us that we need it and that it will improve are life drastically. Weather or not the ad is harmful or not they still want you to buy it and we remember that ad from your eyes liking what you see so you later on go and buy it.
Robert Porter

'Like' it or not, online ads are getting personal - - 1 views

  • industry speak for ads that target users through the use of cookies that can track your internet browsing and shopping history, among other activities.
    • Robert Porter
      Some people might view this as an invasion of privacy. The use of cookies by the industry to 'track' the users activities sure does point out a valid point. Most consumers would see advertisers as using 'personal' information to target what the users might have more interest in. In the eyes of the consumers this is seen as generally bad, in the eyes of the advertisers this type of advertising would not only keep away the advertisements that people don't want to see for products they don't need, but for advertisements for products they might want and need as the user travels to different sites. Cookies enable for this to happen, and although there is work on the web-browsers to keep advertisers away from information "internet browsing and shopping history". A question is asked though, how much personal information have people been giving away unknowingly?
    • Jeffrey Baudisch
      I think that you have a good point that people find online shopping a invasion of property. I believe though that the risks can be avoided if you are smart about where you shop.
    • Dan Tusler
      This can be related to the feed itself in a sense that it works just like a cookie. It tracks everything you do and basically uses the information it collect to try to market a product or get you to spend money. This could be where M.T Anderson got his inspiration for the feed.
  • "If you have something that you don't want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn't be doing it in the first place."
    • Robert Porter
      -Google CEO Eric Schmidt. Schmidt has a valid point that what people do on the internet shouldn't be something people want to conceal. Yet there should be limits that advertisers and any site that uses peoples information on. People don't want to know the fact that everything they do and click on in a site will be recorded down as activity and then process to be put into a category. Just like in Feed, where Titus and his friends go to the mall the Feed immediately advertises cloths that they would want, or cloths that the feed thinks they want. Even with no alert the feed does this to Titus throughout the book, even when he is just laying there or sleeping the Feed advertises things that he would want and that he should by those things based on his shopping history and habits, just like these advertisements are foreseen to be becoming.
    • Jeffrey Baudisch
      If our information is so open then should we even put out any information? The Feed uses the peoples information to advertise to them so why don't we let the advertisers do the same and make shopping easier.
    • Robert Porter
      Because information is vital, people view information (that is helpful) as valid sources of income. Sites that take your information for something can in all their rights, sell it to another advertising company. Hence the source of spam emails. So giving away personal information is a bad idea for you and the site that is distributing your information should not have that right.
    The Article By CNN states an uncomfortable outlook onto what might be a more personal advertising than ever before. Big sites such as Facebook and Twitter are mentioned in this article about tracking your 'likes' onto post, businesses, products and similar things among them. Both Google and Mozilla have recognized this as a slight problem as they both are working on a choice to block out cookies (For anyone who doesn't know what cookies are, they are what track your every move on the internet and any site you go to can have access to them, within limits of course). Questions are raised about this though, by both my Anderson and I. If this persist and evolves, would this type of advertising become as radical as it is seen in Feed? Would the advertising for this become more personal? In what limits are these ads allowed to do this within the law? Who would pay nearly 100,000 dollars to advertise in an social site? How far would advertisers go to make more money by 'invading' someones privacy or monitoring someones online activity? All are valid concerns raised from this article, and should be considered as time goes on.
Elizabeth Hughes

technology - 1 views

  • Alan Kay, a brilliant polymath who has worked at Atari, Xerox, Apple, and Disney, came up with as good a definition of technology as I’ve heard. “Technology,” Kay says, “is anything that was invented after you were born.” By that clever reckoning, automobiles, refrigerators, transistors, and nylon are not technologies in our eyes -- just plain old stuff. But they were once technologies for my grandfather. By the same logic, CDs, the web, Mylar, cell phones, and GPS are authentic technologies for me – but not my kids! They’ll have their own technologies, invented in the last five minutes.
    • Elizabeth Hughes
      This is saying is it always a good thing to have technology in your life, what would happen if you didnt have in your life.
  • 1) everything that’s already in the world when you’re born is just normal; 2) anything that gets invented between then and before you turn thirty is incredibly exciting and creative and with any luck you can make a career out of it; 3) anything that gets invented after you’re thirty is against the natural order of things and the beginning of the end of civilisation as we know it until it’s been around for about ten years when it gradually turns out to be alright really.
    • Elizabeth Hughes
      this is showing how people would be different if technology was not present in their life. How people would act different and how people life are normal or not with then. Just like feed is this Violte that there talking about.
    This article is about how people act when the technology in their life doesn't work. This is like feed because sometimes the feed doesnt work and people go crazy.
kaylyn kilmain

Is Internet Dependence Helping Us Evolve or Devolve? - Technorati Technology - 0 views

  • op, as well as pocket sized smartphones becoming the must have gadget for digital consumers, Google is becoming more and more prevalent in our everyday lives
    • kaylyn kilmain
      google is becoming a everyday need for most people
    • Nathan Nast
      Google is replacing everything from cookbooks to dictionaries. Soon everything will be on Google.
    • john peacen
      true google has everything book, translate, news,
    this article is talking about how having more technology can cause people to be more dependent on finding information on the internet. this results in loss of memory and only being able to remember how you found the information and not what it is.
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