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john peacen

Why is technology bad? | Why - 0 views

  • I felt, that a common man has reached to a state that he is not able to live without electricity as every office is involved with the work related to electricity. Everyone almost will tend to suffer if there is no electricity.
    • john peacen
      true the humans are in the state that can't live without the electricity, because are highly dependent of technology that use electricity. the computer don't work if is not charge and the mans that work in office they will not work because they do not know how to work differently without computer.
  • I would like to say that we should also learn to live and make ourselves capable enough to live in the absence of technology. Always depending on something or someone will reduce our own skills and talents.
    • john peacen
      this relate to the book because everything is technology they can't do thing. but is more terrible because they have this program in the brain.
    the articulo describe how the people are very depend of electricity. this bring. how the human are depend technology lost the ability to survive by itself.
kaylyn kilmain

Is Internet Dependence Helping Us Evolve or Devolve? - Technorati Technology - 0 views

  • op, as well as pocket sized smartphones becoming the must have gadget for digital consumers, Google is becoming more and more prevalent in our everyday lives
    • kaylyn kilmain
      google is becoming a everyday need for most people
    • Nathan Nast
      Google is replacing everything from cookbooks to dictionaries. Soon everything will be on Google.
    • john peacen
      true google has everything book, translate, news,
    this article is talking about how having more technology can cause people to be more dependent on finding information on the internet. this results in loss of memory and only being able to remember how you found the information and not what it is.
john peacen

Why Reliance on Technology is a Bad Thing | World of Psychology - 2 views

  • All of that has changed. I suspect some new architects wouldn’t know how to design a 50-story building on paper (without aid of a CAD program), or a doctor who had to diagnose a patient without the reliance on ordering 10 or 15 lab tests. Or a politician who couldn’t rely on instant polling techniques. Or citizens who had to resort to reading their news, instead of watching in on TV. Or an important stock exchange not being able to function because generators were never meant to be used full-time, indefinitely.
    • john peacen
      this relates to the book because titus and his friend are very dependent to the technology that even the technology think for them
    • john peacen
      this means that we can not function without the help of technology. before this innovation of technology we depend in our intelligence not like today that we can't make something that was very simple for us ancestor.
  • But as our thirst for power increases, and our infrastructure fails to keep pace with it
    • Dan Tusler
      This relates to the story because the thirst for power in Feed is overpowering the logical descionmaking part of our inteligance. It makes us want to make things more efficent even when their working just fine. If it aint broke don't fix it
  • As a tool, a computer is a useful aid. It has helped architects and engineers design and provide more reliable, interesting structures and buildings. It allows us to split atoms, and categorize human genomes.
    • Dan Tusler
      This give the ups about how computers and technology could be used responsibly and soely for the benifit of important work. It provides a contrasting view towards the book as the professions and uses listed still require a vast understanding of the use. In the story, there doesn't seem to be any depth or complication in anything, including professsions
    the article discuss the point how the people dependent in technology can produce big disaster when all this technology not be available, because all the architects and doctor etc.
Kevin Zhou

Egypt's Autocrats Exploited Internet's Weaknesses - - 0 views

  • But now, as Egyptian engineers begin to assess fragmentary evidence and their own knowledge of the Egyptian Internet’s construction, they are beginning to understand what, in effect, hit them. Interviews with many of those engineers, as well as an examination of data collected around the world during the blackout, indicate that the government exploited a devastating combination of vulnerabilities in the national infrastructure.
    • Kevin Zhou
      Everyone is too dependent on internet, similar to how everyone is too dependent on the feed in Feed.
  • For all the Internet’s vaunted connectivity, the Egyptian government commanded powerful instruments of control: it owns the pipelines that carry information across the country and out into the world.
    • Kevin Zhou
      The internet is the place that contains all the information that anyone wants to find. By having it shut down within Egypt, it prevents information from leaving or entering, causing people to have no ideas. However, another way to gain information is also through books, but this way has become less common around people as the faster internet. This is related to the Feed as people has found no reason to use books to find any information and use their feed to find everything, much like us using the internet to find everything instead of books.
    Egypt's internet
natasha badohu

Texting May Be Taking a Toll on Teenagers - - 0 views

  • teenagers sent and received an average of 2,272 text messages per month in the fourth quarter of 2008
    • natasha badohu
      i feel like i text ten times more then this , but honestly it is becoming a problem , teens depend SO much on texting and cellphones in general , what if we didn't even have cell phones to use?
  • who say it is leading to anxiety, distraction in school, falling grades, repetitive stress injury and sleep deprivation.
    • natasha badohu
      how specifically does it cause injuries? can this be life long? i wonder if these types of things even bother teens, it bothers me!
  • texting among teenagers in the Boston area for three years, said it might be causing a shift in the way adolescents develop
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  • but if technology makes something like staying in touch very, very easy, that’s harder to do; now you have adolescents who are texting their mothers 15 times a day, asking things like, ‘Should I get the red shoes or the blue shoes?’ ”
    • natasha badohu
      I don't understand why thats such a bad thing ? should there be some type of relationship between parents and their children in general?
    teenagers text usage .. going to far ?
Hank von GnarSlayer

Virtually Diseased! Technology is taking over our lives | The Michigan Daily - 0 views

  • It is just that I am becoming conscious of the fact that as we give in to technological innovation, we give up on traditional human nature.
    • Lany Miller
      People depend on all types of technology. Even little things, to work up words, and directions. Its as if people can't follow a printed out map.
  • I believe it all started when I sat down to balance my checkbook (a depressing task as it is) and realized that I could not subtract without my calculator.
    • Lany Miller
      People need to be able to use their own brains instead of relying on technology. Since the feed is implanted into Titus and his friends' brains, they can't use their own brain power to think.
  • The power of computers is immense these days and I am so scared that our lives are succumbing to the use of them, thus swallowing up the importance of the human mind and personal interaction with others.
    • Lany Miller
      People are beginning to forget what the human mind is capable of doing. In feed they forget to just how easy it can be to think for yourself and have your own thoughts.
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  • I believe this is absurd! What is next? Virtual sex? I will not even attempt to illustrate that!
    • Hank von GnarSlayer
      Yuck! Sounds like technology really is trying to replace every aspect of life. That last bit about virtual sex sounds ridiculous but with the way technology advances, there might be an app for that soon!
  • Always value the potential of the human mind. Always cherish the human touch, voice and face. And never let a computer replace a friend or a lover.
    • Hank von GnarSlayer
      I Agree! The way computers dominate aspects of our lives is taking away from how it was back in the day, when you could leave your couch without a cell phone, computer, ipod, calculator, navigation system, remote control prius keys etc. This makes me wonder, does technology really make life easier? Or does it make it harder to live without thousands of dollars worth of equipment everyday?
    Technology is replacing simple tasks and abilities that people should have.
stephen richards

This is my blog: Smartphones: Advantages and Disadvantage - 2 views

  • Also they are quick because you can communicate in seconds with everybody, and also you can send important information and documents in seconds in any place…
    • stephen richards
      Being able to talk and search the web and your phones documents simultaneously makes accomplishing tasks easier and you can share what you find while still talking on the phone. Anderson uses this idea in a similar way with the feed when Titus and Violet are talking after their day at the mall, "look at everything i got from the feed. its going crazy with every thing we looked at today. its trying to work for me...' violet started to forward me things. there were sites for the spotlights and the dresses and endoscopy kits and she sent them in flurries. once they started coming, they started to call others to them, and i could feel them doing that call, and they were all around me"(106). Anderson's use of the feed in this way connects us to the story and shows us an underlying current in our own society that could potentially turn in to this.
    • Nathan Nast
      The new generation is completely dependent on these new phones. Its not just "convenient", it also makes kids not talk face to face. This is a perfect example connecting to the feed. People will be socially confused. Whats next? Do you think people wont have to leave their house at all to go to school/work/friends. Will It all be online? Will it all be on your phone?
    • Jeffrey Baudisch
      The Feed that MT Anderson uses in the book Feed is also complicated. In the story they are not able to figure out why it is killing people. The feed also helps people stay connected like the cell phone does.
  • they can be complicated and finally, they are less personal.
  • Also Smartphones are complicated because sometimes they require programs that are difficult to learn and there maybe a need to download new programs in order to have a better performance;
    this article is about the advantages and disadvantages to using a smart-phone. questions raised are is it worth it to be able to do more if it means you become "less personal"
    What about how the feed can cost a lot of money just like the smart-phone plans.
stephen richards

The Good and the Bad Things About Technology - Associated Content from Yahoo! - associa... - 1 views

  • Technology allows us to conserve energy and more quickly produce goods. What used to take fifty people to do, can now be done by one machine. Is this a good thing?
    • Ryan Clarke
      Conserving energy and producing goods quickly is a very good thing because it makes our economy more stable and by conserving more energy we can save nature.
  • Technology does allow us to do so many more things that once couldn't be done. It saves people's lives, but it also ends careers. It runs the world. We can no longer get to town on a horse. We depend on technology.
    • Ryan Clarke
      This relates the the novel "Feed" because the characters in the book are relying on technology to get them through the day and even their lives
    • Dan Tusler
      When the article says it runs the world, it is not completly true. It directly relates to M.T Andersons themes of technological domination as the feed is a piece of technology and it completly runs society as a consumer.
    • stephen richards
      i agree ryan and dan. when titus cant find a word to use for why he thought violet was attractive he relied on the feed to find the word.
    This article is about the good of technology but it is also questioning the good of technology. Also this article relates to the novel "Feed" really in every way because we do need and rely and most technology to save us and get us through are lives.
    This article is about the good of technology but it is also questioning the good of technology. Also this article relates to the novel "Feed" really in every way because we do need and rely and most technology to save us and get us through are lives.
Lany Miller

The Internet transforms modern life - CNN - 0 views

  • In 1994, most people had to call the bank to check their balances. Or inquire in person, or wait for a paper statement to arrive in the mail
  • experimental browser called Mosaic, followed by an improved browser from Netscape
  • Then along came an
    • Lany Miller
      The feed was a new way life, and so is the internet, and since it was introduce to many of us early in our childhood we have become very dependent on it.
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  • Today, the audience for the Web numbers more than one billion and is growing
    • Lany Miller
      In feed the amount of people who are currently using the feed is everyone, and almost everyone in our society uses the internet.
  • According to the Pew Internet & American Life Project, fewer than one in seven Americans were online in 1995.
    • Lany Miller
      A few people just used the feed int he book, and when the internet was beginning to become huge, only a few people (less than seven) were using it. Now, everyone has a feed,and everyone uses the internet.
    How the internet is taking over what people used to be able to do.
Elizabeth Hughes

Cell Phones for Kids - Pros and Cons - 0 views

  • safety for kids since a cell phone can be used to determine the whereabouts of kids and the kids can also call the parents in case of emergency when they need help.
    • kaylyn kilmain
      a good pro for having a cell phone at a young age is to make sure were ever they are, they are safe.
    • Lany Miller
      I agree!! But what could be a con?
  • Nowadays with the increasing number of threats at schools, it is obvious for parents to be worried about their child’s safety
  • s for the cons of cell phones, there are many. First and foremost, the parents have to be really sure whether their child is capable of handling the responsibility of carrying a mobile phone. Having a cell phone might lead the child to all the probable ways in which the cell phone can be misused. It is one thing to make the children comfortable with technology but giving them their very own mobile phone at an early age might turn them into mobile junkies who are addicted to their mobile phones with constant short messaging, cell phone games and other add-ons. Also think of it from the health point of view. In a world where we hear reports about excessive use of mobile phones being harmful for the health, how could we possibly allow the children to be exposed to these threats?
    • Elizabeth Hughes
      I can see why parents would be hesititant to get their kids a cell phone, but i think it is useful for kids to get one because if they were every need a situation when they needed to get in contact with their parents they will have it.
    • natasha badohu
      I feel that most kids who do have a cellphone still barely keep in contact with there parents, or ignore texts/calls from them. I actually know teenagers that do this exactly, which totally defeats the purpose of there parents buying them the cell phone i the first place.
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  • wever even if the cell phones are provided with the safety interests in mind, the kids will soon start demanding the higher range and fancy cell phones that would be next in line. Providing expensive mobile phone to kids would actually attract muggers and threaten your child’s security instead of safeguarding it
    • Elizabeth Hughes
      again this shows how kids should have cell phone to make sure that their protected in situation. This will help them be safe in all situations.
    cell phones are now not only for adults to use but now are being used for little kids. people today have become addicted to technology.
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    This is funny because of how crazy the technology has become now. But ironic in the way that it relates to how you can track other peoples feeds, this is much like that for a parent to be tracking their child's location.
    cellular divices have become a nescesity to everyday life ESPECAILY for adolecence's. [my spelling in general may probly be way off...] but it gets to the point of a "need" rather than a "want" to the point where a teen can hardly go an hour let alone 5 minutes without sending a text message.
    Cell phone is a great technology, just like the feed, a new way to communicate with other people, in feed, people can connect to each other, similar to the cell phone
    this is a good example of how everyone is dependent on cell phones especially now that they are giving them out to younger kids
    i do agree with this, this is so a good reason why kids should have cell phones for a good reason.
Billy Mahoney

What Could Possibly Go Wrong: Flying Hummers | Popular Science - 0 views

  • The Pentagon agency’s $50-million-plus exploratory program for the Transformer (TX) calls for a “robust ground vehicle” that can quickly transform into a vertical-takeoff-and-landing (VTOL) aircraft with a 1,000-pound payload capacity and a flying range of nearly 300 miles. Darpa has a daunting list of specs for any would-be contractors: It must be able to take on small-arms fire and meet federal standards for safety and crash protection. It’s got to have four-wheel drive and be able to reach an altitude of 10,000 feet. Oh, and should the driver become incapacitated, it has to be able to fly itself.
    • Billy Mahoney
      This article about how hummers can now fly relates to the Feed and the upcars. The upcars are used as everyones way of transportation as well.
    • Dan Tusler
      This is an idea for a common dream or view of the future and how we are working to attain it. M.T anderson could be commentating on the fact that our dreams and ideas can be reality, but the message to go with that is there is going to be some tradeoff if we get too dependant on them. it somtimes can take away from reality which can make you care less about other possible issues
Nathan Nast

How does good technology go bad? | Hoover Institution - 0 views

  • To put it mildly, our health care system demonstrates large-scale confusion about whom to treat and how intensively to treat them.
    • Nathan Nast
      Our health care is now being put up on the internet. Everyones medical history can be viewed online. This can be an invasion of privacy. Having hospitals depend on something that could shit down at any moment, is non reliable.
  • Cure of neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease and ALS Growth of new bone and joint tissue to reverse arthritic damage Regeneration of pancreatic functions to reverse diabetes Repair of diseased portions of the cardiovascular system
    • Nathan Nast
      All of these new diagnoses/cures, are incredible. This is one way of futuristic medicine being very helpful. The words that are used are"Cure...growth....regeneration...and repair. All of which is helping our body. Although their are bad parts to this technology, you can't pass the fact that its saving lives.
  • Broadcast and print media now overwhelm us with direct-to-consumer ads, most notably for drugs that affect people’s lifestyles, including those treating hair loss, heartburn, and the ubiquitous erectile dysfunction but also for drugs that can have important consequences for survival, including various cholesterol-reducing drugs (statins and their kin) and hypertension medications
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  • rules
    The danger of using to much technology when it comes to health. Should we keep "feed"ing money into these hospitals? What comes next?
Nathan Nast

To much, To fast - 0 views

  • A fear of many Web analysts and observers is that today's teenagers, who have never known a world without the Web, will become fixated on instant communication for all their socializing
    • Nathan Nast
      This comment makes me wonder what would happen if the internet was shut down for a day. Would the new generation be able to function? It's scary to think about how much we depend on technology.
  • Despite the ongoing concerns of identity theft, viruses, spam, and fraud, most people successfully use the Web to meet their wants and needs.
    • Nathan Nast
      "Wants and needs", This is the problem. The society today want's more than they need. For example companies are advertisement more than they need to. They also do to for the idea of competition. People are pushing other people to use more technology.
    This article is talking about the new generation.
Christina Chan

In Scholastic Study, Children Like Digital Reading - - 1 views

  • Many children want to read books on digital devices and would read for fun more frequently if they could obtain e-books. But even if they had that access, two-thirds of them would not want to give up their traditional print books.
    • Jeffrey Baudisch
      With the use of E books there would be no need for paper books anymore. We would also save a lot of paper using things like E books.
  • Parents and educators have long worried that digital diversions like video games and cellphones cut into time that children spend reading. However, they see the potential for using technology to their advantage, introducing books to digitally savvy children through e-readers, computers and mobile devices.
    • gabriel reid
      even though technology that kids have are mostly used for gaming and socializing the fact that ebooks are now capible of being acsesed on cell phones can change how and when we are able to read and that fact that we would whant to read
  • But many parents surveyed also expressed deep concerns about the distractions of video games, cellphones and television in their children’s lives. They also wondered if the modern multi-tasking adolescent had the patience to become engrossed in a long novel. “My daughter can’t stop texting long enough to concentrate on a book,” said one parent surveyed, the mother of a 15-year-old in Texas. Another survey participant, the mother of a 7-year-old Michigan boy, said, “I am afraid my son’s attention span will only include fast-moving ideas, and book reading will become boring to him.”
    • gabriel reid
      this can become a big problem the things we think are great for us to have can also be destroying us and we might not even know it
    • Jeffrey Baudisch
      would kids be more engaged if the book was on a scene like their video games? Kids may be finding it harder to focus because of all the instant gratification they always have with things like tv and the internet.
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    • Christina Chan
      I agree with Gabe. You may think electronic reading can be good for you...but if you think about the long term effects...might make you rethink your decision. People only convert to technology is it's more efficient & convenient but very soon people become hooked on it which isn't good because people will find it an excuse to use their Kindles as like video games. Also, this stays true to the quote, "Too much of something isn't good."
  • I agree with Gabe. You may think electronic reading can be good for you...but if you think about the long term effects...might make you rethink your decision. People only convert to technology is it's more efficient & convenient but very soon people become hooked on it which isn't good because people will find it an excuse to use their Kindles as like video games. Also, this stays true to the quote, "Too much of something isn't good."
    in this article it talks about the gains and the losses that come from being able to have ebooks on most of are technology devises
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    I agree with Gabe. You may think electronic reading can be good for you...but if you think about the long term effects...might make you rethink your decision. People only convert to technology is it's more efficient & convenient but very soon people become hooked on it which isn't good because people will find it an excuse to use their Kindles as like video games. Also, this stays true to the quote, "Too much of something isn't good."
    Digital reading is starting to replace books. This article argues out the pros and cons of reading on a kindle. Questions that are raised are: 1) Are kindles actually a good alternative to reading printed copies of books? 2) Are kids getting enough daily exercise still? 3) Do you think reading from a printed copy of a book provides more family time together for their children rather than reading from a handheld device? (Because moms can read to their babies & toddlers)
    I agree with Gabe. You may think electronic reading can be good for you...but if you think about the long term effects...might make you rethink your decision. People only convert to technology is it's more efficient & convenient but very soon people become hooked on it which isn't good because people will find it an excuse to use their Kindles as like video games. Also, this stays true to the quote, "Too much of something isn't good."
    Digital reading is starting to replace books. This article argues out the pros and cons of reading on a kindle. Questions that are raised are: 1) Are kindles actually a good alternative to reading printed copies of books? 2) Are kids getting enough daily exercise still? 3) Do you think reading from a printed copy of a book provides more family time together for their children rather than reading from a handheld device? (Because moms can read to their babies & toddlers)
    I can similarly connect to what Gabe said..just like Violet & everyone else gets hooked on their feeds the kids get addicted to their digital devices. It totally defeats the purpose of even reading at all. Education is diminshed. When people become too absorbed by everything around us like iPods/iTouch, cell phones, texting, AIM, Facebook, YouTube, etc..people eventually become too dependent on these services losing touch with family & friends & the REAL WORLD.
    I agree with Gabe. You may think electronic reading can be good for you...but if you think about the long term effects...might make you rethink your decision. People only convert to technology is it's more efficient & convenient but very soon people become hooked on it which isn't good because people will find it an excuse to use their Kindles as like video games. Also, this stays true to the quote, "Too much of something isn't good."
Elizabeth Hughes

Online schools clicking with students - CNN - 0 views

  • a new form of schooling
  • hundreds of thousands of students
    • kaylyn kilmain
      many students can stay home and go to school online.
    • Billy Mahoney
      This also relates to the feed because Violet is home-schooled.
    • Lany Miller
      so what? lol what does it do to their disadvantage of going to school at home and online??
  • online
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  • class runs from 11 p.m. to 1 a.m
    • Hank von GnarSlayer
      Haha! What Crazy Hours! This is a wild way to learn huh? Wouldn't you miss the wholesome environment a school provides for learning?
  • finds time
    • kaylyn kilmain
      the pros for having the ability to have schools online is for those people who don't have time in the day to go out and go to school.
  • orking her full-time job at Hewlett-Packard and raising her three children.
  • 110,000 online students
  • half its total student body
  • With your pajamas snug, your feet clad in bunny slippers, and a tub of ice cream on the desk, your computer glows in front of you. The clock reads 2 a.m. In other words, time for class.
    • Hank von GnarSlayer
      Hah! Time For Class! This is inspiring people to be lazy to get what they want. Do think sitting around wearing women's bunny slippers at night is a good way to spend your class time? Online school seems to be inspiring kids to sit around getting fat and avoiding classmates all in the comfort of their own home!
  • Janet
    • Elizabeth Hughes
      How could any students work for home if they made their own hours. They would not get anything done.
  • orking, married women in their 30s or 40s, who are reimbursed by employers and looking to boost their career prospects.
    • Elizabeth Hughes
      Why would parents work for this if they thought this would help their future? how did they think this?
    even schools are online, the social life has changed the average person doesn't need to have face to face contact to talk or learn.
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    even schools are online, the social life has changed the average person doesn't need to have face to face contact to talk or learn.
    This shows the dependency for technology the world is developing. That we as a nation are willing to substitute interaction through out the school day with online learning.
    The idea of the On Line schooling is great because people can save time and doing the school work at home, but in another way, people will be controlled by the technology,like the people in the book feed was controlled by the feed
Hailey Kolb

Technology Is Taking Over Americans' Lives -- Digital Home Messaging Survey -- Informat... - 0 views

  • If there was any doubt that computers and technology are taking over the lives of Americans, it was dispelled Monday by two studies -- one noting that most Americans spend more time with their computers than with their spouses, the other revealing many drivers are e-mailing and instant messaging while driving.
    • Hailey Kolb
      just like the feed technology is taking over the human mind.  In the book they have the feed all of the time because it is in there minds.  Today people are spending more time with technology than doing there every day activities and/or their families
  • "Technology is one of the greatest DWD culprits," the insurance firm said, noting that younger drivers are most likely to drive while multitasking.
    • Hailey Kolb
      just like the feed technology is distracting and you start to feel dependent on it  
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