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stephen richards

The Good and the Bad Things About Technology - Associated Content from Yahoo! - associa... - 1 views

  • Technology allows us to conserve energy and more quickly produce goods. What used to take fifty people to do, can now be done by one machine. Is this a good thing?
    • Ryan Clarke
      Conserving energy and producing goods quickly is a very good thing because it makes our economy more stable and by conserving more energy we can save nature.
  • Technology does allow us to do so many more things that once couldn't be done. It saves people's lives, but it also ends careers. It runs the world. We can no longer get to town on a horse. We depend on technology.
    • Ryan Clarke
      This relates the the novel "Feed" because the characters in the book are relying on technology to get them through the day and even their lives
    • Dan Tusler
      When the article says it runs the world, it is not completly true. It directly relates to M.T Andersons themes of technological domination as the feed is a piece of technology and it completly runs society as a consumer.
    • stephen richards
      i agree ryan and dan. when titus cant find a word to use for why he thought violet was attractive he relied on the feed to find the word.
    This article is about the good of technology but it is also questioning the good of technology. Also this article relates to the novel "Feed" really in every way because we do need and rely and most technology to save us and get us through are lives.
    This article is about the good of technology but it is also questioning the good of technology. Also this article relates to the novel "Feed" really in every way because we do need and rely and most technology to save us and get us through are lives.
Robert Porter

'Like' it or not, online ads are getting personal - - 1 views

  • industry speak for ads that target users through the use of cookies that can track your internet browsing and shopping history, among other activities.
    • Robert Porter
      Some people might view this as an invasion of privacy. The use of cookies by the industry to 'track' the users activities sure does point out a valid point. Most consumers would see advertisers as using 'personal' information to target what the users might have more interest in. In the eyes of the consumers this is seen as generally bad, in the eyes of the advertisers this type of advertising would not only keep away the advertisements that people don't want to see for products they don't need, but for advertisements for products they might want and need as the user travels to different sites. Cookies enable for this to happen, and although there is work on the web-browsers to keep advertisers away from information "internet browsing and shopping history". A question is asked though, how much personal information have people been giving away unknowingly?
    • Jeffrey Baudisch
      I think that you have a good point that people find online shopping a invasion of property. I believe though that the risks can be avoided if you are smart about where you shop.
    • Dan Tusler
      This can be related to the feed itself in a sense that it works just like a cookie. It tracks everything you do and basically uses the information it collect to try to market a product or get you to spend money. This could be where M.T Anderson got his inspiration for the feed.
  • "If you have something that you don't want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn't be doing it in the first place."
    • Robert Porter
      -Google CEO Eric Schmidt. Schmidt has a valid point that what people do on the internet shouldn't be something people want to conceal. Yet there should be limits that advertisers and any site that uses peoples information on. People don't want to know the fact that everything they do and click on in a site will be recorded down as activity and then process to be put into a category. Just like in Feed, where Titus and his friends go to the mall the Feed immediately advertises cloths that they would want, or cloths that the feed thinks they want. Even with no alert the feed does this to Titus throughout the book, even when he is just laying there or sleeping the Feed advertises things that he would want and that he should by those things based on his shopping history and habits, just like these advertisements are foreseen to be becoming.
    • Jeffrey Baudisch
      If our information is so open then should we even put out any information? The Feed uses the peoples information to advertise to them so why don't we let the advertisers do the same and make shopping easier.
    • Robert Porter
      Because information is vital, people view information (that is helpful) as valid sources of income. Sites that take your information for something can in all their rights, sell it to another advertising company. Hence the source of spam emails. So giving away personal information is a bad idea for you and the site that is distributing your information should not have that right.
    The Article By CNN states an uncomfortable outlook onto what might be a more personal advertising than ever before. Big sites such as Facebook and Twitter are mentioned in this article about tracking your 'likes' onto post, businesses, products and similar things among them. Both Google and Mozilla have recognized this as a slight problem as they both are working on a choice to block out cookies (For anyone who doesn't know what cookies are, they are what track your every move on the internet and any site you go to can have access to them, within limits of course). Questions are raised about this though, by both my Anderson and I. If this persist and evolves, would this type of advertising become as radical as it is seen in Feed? Would the advertising for this become more personal? In what limits are these ads allowed to do this within the law? Who would pay nearly 100,000 dollars to advertise in an social site? How far would advertisers go to make more money by 'invading' someones privacy or monitoring someones online activity? All are valid concerns raised from this article, and should be considered as time goes on.
gabriel reid

Gains and Losses - 1 views

  • sharing of resources among institutions of widely varying size, endowment, focus, and stature. Similarly, the economical development, maintenance, and use of materials for interdisciplinary approaches, like the way networked hypertext resources create course and institutional memories, has enormous appeal for many.
    • gabriel reid
      this article has a connection to Anderson's text because not only does Anderson show s through his creative writing that there are the good sides to the advancing technology but there are the bads to and this article also explains the same thing
  • such as have always happened with shifts in technological and informational paradigms. Plato rightly feared the devaluing of memory by those who read and write, and those who earlier feared the democratizing effects of earlier changes in information technology, such as those introduced by books, copy machines, and calculators were, from their point of view, absolutely correct.
    • gabriel reid
      Andersen's text also shows us how thing in future technology can decrease our intellect and this article also suggests that to a certain degree.
    this article is about the advancing technology in Brown University and how there are some things that are gained from advancing technology. this article is also about even though there are things gained there are also things that are lost in exchange for theses gains
Tori O'Kane

Teen Campaign Against Vices - an Initiative of the Parent and Child - 0 views

  • Still others do it as a sign of rebellion.
    • Tori O'Kane
      the boys in the feed would do drugs to pass time at parties. it seemed to be a social thing for them and titus became embarrassed by it when violet was around, trying to hide his friends rebellious and attention seeking acts.
  • Teenagers usually prefer to listen to their peers than to adults
    • Tori O'Kane
      similar to the teens in the feed they were mostly disconnected to their parents and they were more consumed by their "peers" which i think is the feed because that told them and essentially controlled their activity when it came to what to wear and how to fit in.
  • Teenagers with low self esteem and those who find it hard to cope with the harsh realities of the world take to drugs
    • Tori O'Kane
      Also similar to the last comment i made that the boys did the "Drugs" it seemed because they were bored or insecure.
    • Robert Porter
      I agree with you, a lot of the times, if not most, people do drugs and other similar things because they have a insecurity with themselves whether they admit to it or not. It's something that everyone can get over and not do, yet many people still do it. Its the easier way to cope with things, yet as with everything else the easiest way to do things tend to have the most dire consequences.
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  • Delaying the first intercourse, promoting sexual abstinence among teenagers, avoiding early parenthood, responsible sexual behavior, contraception, sexually transmitted diseases etc could be topics covered in the teen campaign against vices.
    • Tori O'Kane
      Violet did not seem to be worried about these out comes in the Feed. Rather she wanted to experience it before she passed.
    This article discusses the use of drugs and alcohol by teens. This article suggests that all teens look to these things just to fit in or feel good about themselves. Will teens ever understand the dangers they are submitting themselves to regardless of the numerous negative results they see or hear of.
Christina Chan

In Scholastic Study, Children Like Digital Reading - - 2 views

  • Parents and educators have long worried that digital diversions like video games and cellphones cut into time that children spend reading. However, they see the potential for using technology to their advantage, introducing books to digitally savvy children through e-readers, computers and mobile devices
    This article is your DIIGO TEST article. 1) Save it to your personal Diigo page 2) Read, highlight, & annotate (2 sticky notes) 3) Write the summary and questions raised in the "description box" 4) Share to our group when you are done
    Digital reading is starting to replace books. This article argues out the pros and cons of reading on a kindle. Questions that are raised are: 1) Are kindles actually a good alternative to reading printed copies of books? 2) Are kids getting enough daily exercise still? 3) Do you think reading from a printed copy of a book provides more family time together for their children rather than reading from a handheld device? (Because moms can read to their babies & toddlers)
    You may think electronic reading can be good for you...but if you think about the long term effects...might make you rethink your decision. People only convert to technology is it's more efficient & convenient but very soon people become hooked on it which isn't good because people will find it an excuse to use their Kindles as like video games. Also, this stays true to the quote, "Too much of something isn't good."
stephen richards

Shopping Online Risks - 1 views

  • If you go shopping on a website that isn’t secure, your data may be out in the open for anyone to pick up and use.
    • Jeffrey Baudisch
      One of the risks of shopping online is that your personal information like your credit card or your social security number can be accessed. The Feed in the people in feed were open to getting viruses like your info is at risk for being stolen.
    • Ryan Clarke
      WOAH Jeff nice point...this quote relates back the the novel "feed" very nicely. As we know violet and titus and all his her friends were attacked by the hacker. Later on in the novel Violet was taken over by the feed and lost various funtions until she died because of the feed.
    • stephen richards
      I completely agree with you Ryan. because of all the online access people like titus are more open to dangers like a virus, and even those who dont use the feed as the corps want them to can get a virus but then the corps wont help them for not using the feed to purchase merchandise.
  • Another risk with shopping online is that there are many website built just to phish account names and passwords.
    • Jeffrey Baudisch
      If you are careless with your information online there can be huge consequences. You can loose your accounts and passwords to fake sights that are just look like the website you wanted. They can then shop on the real website as you. The feed can access your thoughts and use them to advertise products to you.
    • Ryan Clarke
      WOAH JEFF so true there can be huge consecuences thats why you have to be on a secure network with a secure website. For example BANK OF AMERICAS website. People log into that all the time to do online banking and if thats not secure than WOW you will get your information stolen
  • Buying without thinking or without hesitation may lead to some bad experiences down the road.
    • Jeffrey Baudisch
      If you are not careful you can end up buying a product that seems real but really is fake. When people buy something without thinking there are often consequences like a huge bill. In Feed the people are able to buy products from inside their head making it easy for them to spend out of control.
    • Nathan Nast
      Thats is a GREAT POINT Jeff...People now are going through ebay and craigs list, because itS FAST and its CHEEP. Now in todays society, TIME is MONEY. No exceptions.
    • stephen richards
      Nathan That is a good point you had about jeffs GREAT POINT. also cheap is spelled cheap not cheep but i digress. it is true that through ebay and craigs list we are less conscious about how much we spend because until the credit card bill arrives you dont see the total of what you buy and that will begin to add up.
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  • This includes your credit card number, name, address and sometimes your social security number.
    This article shows the risks of shopping online and their consequences. It also teaches you a few things about how to shop online safely.
    This article shows the risks of shopping online and their consequences. It also teaches you a few things about how to shop online safely.
Christina Chan

At Flickr, Fending Off Rumors and Facebook - - 1 views

  • “The Internet is starting to rotate around the axis of Facebook — not everything, but everything social,” Mr. Rohan said. “Yahoo and Flickr don’t really have the gravitational pull that would make Flickr the axis that they once imagined.”
  • A pioneer in combining photos with social networking features, Flickr is facing a stiff challenge from newer services. In addition to fighting rumors, it is having to work hard to keep its users returning as Facebook widens its lead as the popular destination for sharing party, vacation and family snapshots.
  • “The Internet is starting to rotate around the axis of Facebook — not everything, but everything social,” Mr. Rohan said. “Yahoo and Flickr don’t really have the gravitational pull that would make Flickr the axis that they once imagined.”
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  • once imagin
  • “The Internet is starting to rotate around the axis of Facebook — not everything, but everything social,” Mr. Rohan said. “Yahoo and Flickr don’t really have the gravitational pull that would make Flickr the axis that they once imagined.”
  • Flickr’s free service lets users display 200 of their most recently uploaded photos. For more, users must pay $25 annually.
  • ore improvements are on the horizon, he said. The goal, Mr. Rothenberg said, is to recall the experie
  • “What we are trying to do at Flickr ultimately is to use all these new technologies to get back to that experience — to get back to that rich storytelling experience — and to do it in the only way it can be done, w
  • “What we are trying to do at Flickr ultimately is to use all these new technologies to get back to that experience — to get back to that rich storytelling experience — and to do it in the only way it can be done, with the technologies of today,” he said.
    Flickr, a photosharing service, starts slumping and is struggling to keep up with the tough competition they face from others. Questions this article raises is whether Flickr really isn't a good site for exchanging photos between people AND if nowadays people are swayed in a revolution where people view photos online instead of flipping through photo albums.
    I can connect this to Feed because when more popular websites or things are high in start to see a slump in the other. In this situation, Flickr is losing their fan base while Facebook is becoming more widely known & is the top social networking website. In Feed Titus's dad said that the air factories are going to replace the deforested trees in Jefferson park in order to make way for air factories. Both of these situations show radicalism & the rapid pace of the ever-changing world.
kaylyn kilmain

Is Internet Dependence Helping Us Evolve or Devolve? - Technorati Technology - 0 views

  • op, as well as pocket sized smartphones becoming the must have gadget for digital consumers, Google is becoming more and more prevalent in our everyday lives
    • kaylyn kilmain
      google is becoming a everyday need for most people
    • Nathan Nast
      Google is replacing everything from cookbooks to dictionaries. Soon everything will be on Google.
    • john peacen
      true google has everything book, translate, news,
    this article is talking about how having more technology can cause people to be more dependent on finding information on the internet. this results in loss of memory and only being able to remember how you found the information and not what it is.
Elizabeth Hughes

Texting while Driving Facts - 0 views

  • ever, using mobiles phones while driving can lead to dangerous or fatal results on the road. As the trend of texting has gone beyond bounds, there are many youngsters and teenagers who are found texting while driving. One of the most prominent texting while driving facts is
  • ever, using mobiles phones while driving can lead to dangerous or fatal results on the road. As the trend of texting has gone beyond bounds, there are many youngsters and teenagers w
  • According to a study conducted, teenagers and youngsters are more susceptible to car crashes and fatal road accidents. If you are writing or reading text messages, your reaction time in case of emergency reduces by approximately 35%. One of the most surprising texting while driving facts is that this activity is more dangerous than driving under the influence of alcohol or marijuana.
    • Elizabeth Hughes
      this is so true, when you take your eye of the road for a second, something bad could happen at an instance, people should always be focusing on the road and not texting
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  • Around 50% of teenagers agree to the fact that they do texting while driving.
    • Elizabeth Hughes
      This fact is huge!! Teenagers should be more aware of this.
    • john peacen
      this will not stop because is big problem, even knowing is illegal does not resolve the problem.
    • john peacen
      the older people text in the car too, how this will stop if the older give this example too.
    Texting is taking over our young drivers today. It's even worse when they text while driving. Not only is it dangerous but its very distracting to the driver who won't see an oncoming car and crash or run a red light and possibly crash. Hopefully none of us will turn into that now that Texting or talking is now illegal and against a criminal law.
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    If texting is so dangerous then why is it not against the law in all states? Texting while driving is more dangerous then driving under the influence of alcohol or Marijuana so why do we still do it?
    Do older people text as well not just teens?
    i think that it is not just teenagers that are texting while driving. I think that texting become a big distraction for every one while driving
    i believe now that driving and texting is illegal that they have to hide there phone when they do text because some people are going to do it anyways. but now they wont even be looking at the road while they text when i could text on there wheel so they could actually see the road. other then looking down to try to hide there phone to avoid getting a ticket!
Robert Porter

Japanese Fashion: LED. Lights for Your Teeth - - 3 views

  • Method Man might have helped make gold fronts famous, but it looks like Japanese schoolgirls could be the driving force behind a new era of fashionable accessories for your teeth.
    • Robert Porter
      As technology is applied to the LED lights for the teeth, it proves that technology is being used more and more for useless reasons other than for it to look "cool" or good. The trends are obviously started by celebrities for the most part, as the book Feed states by M.T. Anderson the trends of the culture are immediately displayed upon the feeds and the girls such as calista go in the bathroom to change her look completely. Although no one knows wether this trend of LED lights in the mouth will catch on or not, its the use of LED technology in the mouth points out the fallacious use of it. There is no reasonable point to this 'fashion' trend, it looks silly, preposterous, ugly, and illogical to waste money on such a thing
  • The video below, which was created by the designers and titled “party in your mouth,” shows a curated group of Japanese schoolgirls wandering the street wearing the glowing lights.
    • Robert Porter
      To start off, the title of the video promoting this device is called "party in your mouth" is just incongruous, considering it includes the stereotypical 'Japanese school girls' (i hope i dont have to elaborate on that one), subtly it promotes this product with sex, of course, yet it also targets the teen demographic as it is the biggest demographic out there currently. Throughout the video the girls are just walking around all smiling, its supposed to somehow attract customers and other teens to think that the LED in your mouth 'grillz' are the new thing and according to this article on the nytimes site, its working. As pointed out multiple times over and over again in the book Feed, Anderson points out the useless adaptions we made for technology and how we are beginning to use it.
    This article is about a new Japanese fashion trend, LED (Light emitting diode) lights in the teeth. Two Japanese designers came up with the idea after seeing some sort of "LED Throwies" which are LED lights that are attached to a magnet that can be thrown at metal surfaces. The designers hope that the teens of Japan will catch on soon, as the demmand for the LED 'smiles' rieses. Questions are being raised about this; is it safe to have a LED light in ones mouth? If it cost a large amount of money why spend money on something like this, if the money can be spent on  more beneficial items? If there is a large crowd of people in the streets of Japan with the glowing LED lights in there mouth, would it cause hazards to drivers? The lights seem to completely ridiculous why have something such as that become the 'sought after accessory'? Is there anything significantly beneficial to this product that will prove worthy to the user?
Robert Porter

Amazon sales pop as Kindle e-books overtake paperbacks - Jan. 27, 2011 - 0 views

  • OK, bookworms, now you can declare Armageddon: Kindle e-books have overtaken paperback books as the bestselling type of content in Amazon's bookstore.
    • Robert Porter
      "Ok, bookworms, now you can declare Armageddon"... This alarming yet realizing statement states that there is a potential danger of the extinction of paperback books. Yes, that is an exaggeration for just one yearly report, yet if this yearly report is the same annually, then that could actually mean the extinction of books, hard copies that is. The kindle has many great aspects to it, it can hold dozens of books in its small case, the books are fairly cheaper, and the portability of it lets users carry around more information in a less encumbering way. Yet as stated in the description box of this article there is certainly many possible negatives to the kindle. Yet as said before this isn't much to worry, yet as technology replaces many things withing life, books just really aren't meant to be replaced, although that doesn't mean that the kindle has to disappear for that to happen. 
  • In fact, for every 100 paperback books sold, Amazon has sold 115 Kindle books since the beginning of the year, the company said.
    • Robert Porter
      Adding on to the previous sticky note, this divide between books and Kindles doesn't seem really much of a huge difference at a 100 to 1155 book, on paper that is. Yet for every Kindle (Lets say the Version 2 of it) can hold over 1,000 books. So say (not practical numbers but to support the argument) 500-100 books are downloaded onto the kindle, so that would be around 5,075 to 111,500, while the paperbacks still remain at 100. The amount here is greatly different, as books are now becoming E-Books, it could set a expatriation date on when the last hard copy of a book is printed. 
    This article states that the sales in amazon's ( which is one of the biggest online retailers) 'Kindle' have oversold the sales of paperback books. Although it's not necessarily alarming, it is something to think about, as actual copies of books are being replaced by a single piece of technology. As it's assumed in M.T. Andersons book 'Feed', the thought of reading books in an actual hard copy seems to be looked at as embarrassing as writing is now look at to be embarrassing in the scene where Violet and Titus are talking. Questions are raised about this particular subject; although there is always a positive to certain things, there is undoubtedly a negative; what is that certain negative? Is it, if there is some certain situation where technology is somewhat not excess able (aka, world war 3, some variation of the Bubonic Plague, or something where technology and humanity are separated as it couldn't be maintained) and 500 years later, most of the recent copies of book or even 1000 year old books are on electronic copies only, and for those generations of people not being able to read from the? Would'nt reading from the screen become tiring, and enables a more subtle way to skip some of the reading? Some things really just seem to be left alone as is; maybe this is one? Cushing Academy, transformed their whole library to an E-Book library, what is this saying about educated the youth, and what precedent does this set for the future? As changing things to suit our technological needs seems great. it has a very subtle uneasy feeling to it.
Christina Chan

In Scholastic Study, Children Like Digital Reading - - 1 views

  • Many children want to read books on digital devices and would read for fun more frequently if they could obtain e-books. But even if they had that access, two-thirds of them would not want to give up their traditional print books.
    • Jeffrey Baudisch
      With the use of E books there would be no need for paper books anymore. We would also save a lot of paper using things like E books.
  • Parents and educators have long worried that digital diversions like video games and cellphones cut into time that children spend reading. However, they see the potential for using technology to their advantage, introducing books to digitally savvy children through e-readers, computers and mobile devices.
    • gabriel reid
      even though technology that kids have are mostly used for gaming and socializing the fact that ebooks are now capible of being acsesed on cell phones can change how and when we are able to read and that fact that we would whant to read
  • But many parents surveyed also expressed deep concerns about the distractions of video games, cellphones and television in their children’s lives. They also wondered if the modern multi-tasking adolescent had the patience to become engrossed in a long novel. “My daughter can’t stop texting long enough to concentrate on a book,” said one parent surveyed, the mother of a 15-year-old in Texas. Another survey participant, the mother of a 7-year-old Michigan boy, said, “I am afraid my son’s attention span will only include fast-moving ideas, and book reading will become boring to him.”
    • gabriel reid
      this can become a big problem the things we think are great for us to have can also be destroying us and we might not even know it
    • Jeffrey Baudisch
      would kids be more engaged if the book was on a scene like their video games? Kids may be finding it harder to focus because of all the instant gratification they always have with things like tv and the internet.
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    • Christina Chan
      I agree with Gabe. You may think electronic reading can be good for you...but if you think about the long term effects...might make you rethink your decision. People only convert to technology is it's more efficient & convenient but very soon people become hooked on it which isn't good because people will find it an excuse to use their Kindles as like video games. Also, this stays true to the quote, "Too much of something isn't good."
  • I agree with Gabe. You may think electronic reading can be good for you...but if you think about the long term effects...might make you rethink your decision. People only convert to technology is it's more efficient & convenient but very soon people become hooked on it which isn't good because people will find it an excuse to use their Kindles as like video games. Also, this stays true to the quote, "Too much of something isn't good."
    in this article it talks about the gains and the losses that come from being able to have ebooks on most of are technology devises
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    I agree with Gabe. You may think electronic reading can be good for you...but if you think about the long term effects...might make you rethink your decision. People only convert to technology is it's more efficient & convenient but very soon people become hooked on it which isn't good because people will find it an excuse to use their Kindles as like video games. Also, this stays true to the quote, "Too much of something isn't good."
    Digital reading is starting to replace books. This article argues out the pros and cons of reading on a kindle. Questions that are raised are: 1) Are kindles actually a good alternative to reading printed copies of books? 2) Are kids getting enough daily exercise still? 3) Do you think reading from a printed copy of a book provides more family time together for their children rather than reading from a handheld device? (Because moms can read to their babies & toddlers)
    I agree with Gabe. You may think electronic reading can be good for you...but if you think about the long term effects...might make you rethink your decision. People only convert to technology is it's more efficient & convenient but very soon people become hooked on it which isn't good because people will find it an excuse to use their Kindles as like video games. Also, this stays true to the quote, "Too much of something isn't good."
    Digital reading is starting to replace books. This article argues out the pros and cons of reading on a kindle. Questions that are raised are: 1) Are kindles actually a good alternative to reading printed copies of books? 2) Are kids getting enough daily exercise still? 3) Do you think reading from a printed copy of a book provides more family time together for their children rather than reading from a handheld device? (Because moms can read to their babies & toddlers)
    I can similarly connect to what Gabe said..just like Violet & everyone else gets hooked on their feeds the kids get addicted to their digital devices. It totally defeats the purpose of even reading at all. Education is diminshed. When people become too absorbed by everything around us like iPods/iTouch, cell phones, texting, AIM, Facebook, YouTube, etc..people eventually become too dependent on these services losing touch with family & friends & the REAL WORLD.
    I agree with Gabe. You may think electronic reading can be good for you...but if you think about the long term effects...might make you rethink your decision. People only convert to technology is it's more efficient & convenient but very soon people become hooked on it which isn't good because people will find it an excuse to use their Kindles as like video games. Also, this stays true to the quote, "Too much of something isn't good."
Ryan Clarke

Young People Cop to It: Technology Is Bad for Us - ABC News - 1 views

  • "It's bad for us, but it sure is fun," said Eric Bautista, 13, one of the students in Sister Jolene Schmitz's junior high school class at Resurrection School in Sunnyvale, Calif.
    • Ryan Clarke
      This goes to show that technology is consuming our lives even if the children and others know that its bad for us.
  • r, the Apple computer and the Atari video game all were invented. They spend their days (and nights) surfing the Web, playing online games and instant messaging. Most have cell phones in their backpacks. And many have at least one parent who works in the electronics industry.
    • Ryan Clarke
      Again these children and other people are being consumed by technology...staying up all night surfing the web, talking to people on chat, playing online games
  • Yet, when asked to weigh the benefits of having high technology in their lives versus the costs -- intellectually, emotionally, socially -- of that technology, the class voted 31-3 negative … a ratio so extreme that it argues against an aberration and toward a larger question about the overall impact of technology on the lives of our young people.
    Young people cop to it: Technology is bad for us is telling us the reality of technology's negative side. Using young children as the main consumer and using their words in this article leads us to believe even more that technology is consuming out lives.
natasha badohu

Texting May Be Taking a Toll on Teenagers - - 0 views

  • teenagers sent and received an average of 2,272 text messages per month in the fourth quarter of 2008
    • natasha badohu
      i feel like i text ten times more then this , but honestly it is becoming a problem , teens depend SO much on texting and cellphones in general , what if we didn't even have cell phones to use?
  • who say it is leading to anxiety, distraction in school, falling grades, repetitive stress injury and sleep deprivation.
    • natasha badohu
      how specifically does it cause injuries? can this be life long? i wonder if these types of things even bother teens, it bothers me!
  • texting among teenagers in the Boston area for three years, said it might be causing a shift in the way adolescents develop
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  • but if technology makes something like staying in touch very, very easy, that’s harder to do; now you have adolescents who are texting their mothers 15 times a day, asking things like, ‘Should I get the red shoes or the blue shoes?’ ”
    • natasha badohu
      I don't understand why thats such a bad thing ? should there be some type of relationship between parents and their children in general?
    teenagers text usage .. going to far ?
Elizabeth Hughes

technology - 1 views

  • Alan Kay, a brilliant polymath who has worked at Atari, Xerox, Apple, and Disney, came up with as good a definition of technology as I’ve heard. “Technology,” Kay says, “is anything that was invented after you were born.” By that clever reckoning, automobiles, refrigerators, transistors, and nylon are not technologies in our eyes -- just plain old stuff. But they were once technologies for my grandfather. By the same logic, CDs, the web, Mylar, cell phones, and GPS are authentic technologies for me – but not my kids! They’ll have their own technologies, invented in the last five minutes.
    • Elizabeth Hughes
      This is saying is it always a good thing to have technology in your life, what would happen if you didnt have in your life.
  • 1) everything that’s already in the world when you’re born is just normal; 2) anything that gets invented between then and before you turn thirty is incredibly exciting and creative and with any luck you can make a career out of it; 3) anything that gets invented after you’re thirty is against the natural order of things and the beginning of the end of civilisation as we know it until it’s been around for about ten years when it gradually turns out to be alright really.
    • Elizabeth Hughes
      this is showing how people would be different if technology was not present in their life. How people would act different and how people life are normal or not with then. Just like feed is this Violte that there talking about.
    This article is about how people act when the technology in their life doesn't work. This is like feed because sometimes the feed doesnt work and people go crazy.
Elizabeth Hughes

Are you being overprotective with your kids? - 1 views

    This article is about if parents over protect their kids and what happens when they do and how do the kids turn up in the end. Questions that are being raised are why do parents do this to their kids, is this a good thing, are we putting to much pressure on our kids too? Just like in Feed is Titus parents overprocting him from the outside world, by buying him new a new car and fighting his battles for him.
Christina Chan

Pope Warns of Alienation Risk in Social Networks - - 0 views

  • He said the possibilities of new media and social networks offered "a great opportunity," but warned of the risks of depersonalization, alienation, self-indulgence, and the dangers of having more virtual friends than real ones.
  • He urged users of social networks to ask themselves "Who is my 'neighbor' in this new world?" and avoid the danger of always being available online but being "less present to those whom we encounter in our everyday life."
  • He said social networking can help "dialogue, exchange, solidarity and the creation of positive relations" but he also offered a list of warnings.
    In this article by the New York Times the Pope warns the mass majority of the people that social networks can dehumanize people. People are becoming more addicted to the virtual world. Questions it raises are that: 1) Will technology & robots one day perhaps replace human beings? 2) Do you think Americans are spending too much time websurfing the internet instead of seeing friends & getting daily exercise?
    I can connect to Feed because in the book Titus is blinded by everything related to media & all these cool gadgets & the Pope is highlighting all the negative effects like depersonalization, alientation, self-indulgence, & the dangers of having more virtual friends than real ones."
Jett Ankermann

Genetically Engineered Food - Global Issues - 0 views

  • there is a growing wave of concern from citizens, farmers and scientists who question the way the research is currently being handled by a few large, profit-hungry corporations.
    • Jett Ankermann
      This relates to the book "Feed" as everything that exists in the natural world now is owned by large corporations in the future.
  • This is a very young and untested technology and may not be the answer just yet.
    • Jett Ankermann
      Unlike in "Feed" there is still a chance that genetically engineered food won't make it big in the present.
  • There is also the issue of do we actually need genetically engineered food, given that agriculture in small biodiverse farms are actually very productive.
    • Jett Ankermann
      Unlike the running out of fossil fuels for gas, it doesn't seem as necessary to change the way food is made since it is still productive. However, the advancement of technology still considers something that either does or does not need to be done.
Nathan Nast

The invention of the Internet has had negative effects on our civilization « ... - 1 views

  • People also use the Internet to steal other people’s money or spread bad things like gossips or unfounded criticisms.
    • Nathan Nast
      This also connects to the high school, where cyber bulling is a big problem.
  • When children went home, some of them go straight to their room to start their computers instead of having a chat with their parents.
    • Nathan Nast
      This is one example of kids not having a good relationship with their family. This is related to the feed because both kids don't have a good relationship with their parents, due to the amount of internet.
  • We rely on it to communicate instead of talking to each other, and our relationship between each other become distant
    • Nathan Nast
      What will happen if our relationships become more and more distant? I believe relationships will become viral.
    This is a good article showing how kids plug into the internet. It also talks about how criminals can get more information.
Elizabeth Hughes

New Studies Link Cell Phone Use to Cancer and Other Maladies - 1 views

  • Newly released studies in 2008 and 2009, compiled at the Environmental Working Group,2 have linked cell phone use to brain cancer, salivary gland tumors, behavioral problems, migraines and vertigo, and more. These newer studies show that use of a cell phone for ten years or longer can have serious impacts on a person's health by raising the chances of problems many-fold.
    • Elizabeth Hughes
      People are using cell phones every day where every they need it. People even use it if it will cause them illnesses. When will people stop or will be ever will? This connects to the Feed because even though people are annoyed with the Feed they still use it to get their point across.
  • phone use to brain cancer, salivary gland tumors,
  • These were largely due to research such as one in which Danish children who use cell phones often were shown to have an 80% higher risk of emotional and hyperactivity problems. Mothers who use cell phones heavily during pregnancy had the same risks.
    • Elizabeth Hughes
      Again even little kids are using cell phone now anyone is using it. When will enough be enough. Or will it ever be.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Cell phone users should keep the phone as far from their bodies as possible when talking. Use a headset, speaker, or other device to distance yourself from the phone. Limit your total use of the phone as much as possible and definitely do not let your children have their own cell phone.
    • Elizabeth Hughes
      People are beginning to do this. Use other devices then just then cell phone to get communications across. Should kids have their own cell phones? Wonder if people will notice if the feed is not good enough for the people.
    This article is about how new studies are being formed that using a cell phone can lead to cancer and other illnesses. Questions that are being raised are can it really lead to brain cancer, salivary gland tumors and other behavioral problems. Wish 87% of the United States using cell phones today what can happen to our future.
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