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nathan hall

Career Branding Tools for Job-Seekers - Westhill Consulting Employment & Career Builder - 1 views

    LinkedIn profile. You must have a profile on LinkedIn no matter if you are a professional -- or an aspiring professional --, a business-oriented networking site that be made up of millions of skilled professionals from everywhere in the world, on behalf of hundreds of industries from more than 200 countries. When you enter, you can make a profile that can work as both a resume and an introduction to your career brand. Once your profile is finished, you then build networks with other members, getting acquaint with to new people via the people in your network. Personal Website. No matter where you are in the world, such as Jakarta Indonesia in SE Asia, Florida in USA, or maybe Sydney in Australia. One of the greatest ways to build and promote your career brand is by developing a professional Website that presents your key accomplishments. At a least, you must buy a domain name based on your and publish your resume. Even well, advertise your career portfolio, content-rich articles, and other keyword-filled resources that will lead potential employers searching for someone with your qualifications straight to your site. Read more in my article at Westhill Consulting Career and Employment, Australia. Twitter account.Each day, more and more individuals and businesses are tweeting information, ideas, links, and more -- all in fewer than 140 characters per tweet (message). Twitter, a networking and micro-blogging site, enables people to connect and communicate -- developing both a following of people as well as following the tweets of others. Tweeting key information, resources, and other professional advice -- while building a following -- is a very easy way to build your career brand. Professional blog. If you are a decent writer and can commit to writing regularly, creating a professional blog is a great tool for building your career brand where employers can review y
Wera Nowicki

How to Tailor Your CV to get more Interviews - 1 views

If you were proceeding for an interview at a big City law firm in Jakarta Indonesia, it is doubtful you would turn up wearing sandals, swimming trunks and a tee shirt. Similarly, if you were going ...

westhill consulting and employment Australia: how to tailor your CV get more interviews

started by Wera Nowicki on 15 Sep 14 no follow-up yet
thomas lloyd

Avoid Deceit and Evaluate your Job Offer - 3 views

Evaluate the basics: Not only does the salary categorize as a critical factor of the job offer however other matters are also very important to think through like the type of contract, the proba...

Westhill Consulting Career and Employment avoid deceit evaluate your job offer

started by thomas lloyd on 12 Sep 14 no follow-up yet
thomas lloyd

Avoid Deceit in Salary Negotiation by these Do's and Don'ts - 1 views

    DO your homework and review: Most people has nothing to say when they are questioned about their salary expectations. It's better to do your research concerning what the market rate for your potential position is instead of formulate an unprepared response. When researching, go through Westhill Consulting Career and Employment, Australia to find more about the salary levels for your profession and in the region. You may furthermore communicate with recruiters and contact people in your network of friends and colleagues who would be keen to share salary information with you to avoid scam and fraud. Applying all that salary cleverness as a starting point, you can squeeze it rendering on your own experience and qualifications and come up with a slimmer range that you can positively tone to the potential employer. DON'T say yes too soon: Taking the offer put forward immediately is unwise. Typically fresh graduates and job-seekers that are moving to a different geographical location make this error. Considering the salary offered against your actual worth is vital. Do not say yes except you feel that the offer is contemplative of the worth you will offer to the firm. Not talking might make you to feel underpaid, and receive lower increases and a sluggish salary growth as you move up the career ladder leaving you stressed and discouraged. DO think about other benefits: Talking about salary alone and disregard other benefits is also a usual error while negotiating salaries. Other factors must be well-thought-out such as insurance coverage, the preference of flexible work timings, maternity and paternity leave, paid vacation days etc. These aspects have monetary value devoted to them and should be grossed up with the salary figure to amount the value of your package.
thomas lloyd

Why Candidates Fail to Make an Impression in Interviews - 1 views

    Poor preparation: Candidates who come to an interview understanding insufficiently about the company, the industry and maybe the role are in a poor situation to match with well-prepared professionals who will devote the compressed interview time exactly putting themselves for the employer's precise requirements. Employers intend to know you are curious, energetic, resourceful and inspired and what clearer verification of that than coming completely prepared and with sharp understandings into the employer and their brand/positioning/problems/news etc. If you have prepared right you will be able to hit the ground running in the interview with answers that show how you are exceptionally placed to increase value from the get-go given the company's specific culture (maybe you are from outside the country, Indonesian from Jakarta or American from the USA), positioning, objectives, circumstances and situation. Showing a negative attitude: Many polls conducted by Westhill Consulting Career and Employment, Australia have uncovered that attitude takes a vital share in defining character and persuading the employment decision. Warning indications of bad attitudes that are positive to reject by a possible employer involve badmouthing former bosses, companies and colleagues; self-justifying or foully equivocal answers to key interview questions; or openly aggressive answers, posture and demeanor. Keep in mind people hire experienced people they consider they will actually like working with and who will extend a good optimistic atmosphere inside the organization and to exterior clients and stakeholders. Employers are highly aware that negative attitudes are very spreadable and are very different from being interested to applicants with less than an exemplary attitude regarding work, life and themselves. Absence of enthusiasm in the company: Some things can estrange an employer more than an applicant
deborah gould

Important documents for Expat to avoid hoax and misrepresentation - Westhill Consulting... - 1 views

    As an expat in Indonesia is a godsend. You acquire an above average income with a comparatively low cost of living and an extra of tropical paradise not very distant from anywhere you live. Dealing with bureaucracy in this country could be excruciating, on the other hand as long as you have all the legal documents, you'd be secure. Westhill Consulting Career and Employmen, Australia's five important documents you should know: Indonesian Visa Avoid swindle and think of that the normal fee for 60 days visa is USD 45, for many entries (12 months) is USD 100. Nonetheless if you apply for VITAS (Temporary Stay Permit Visa), it will charge you USD 50 (6 months), USD 100 (12 months), USD 175 (24 months). IMTA - Work Permit Warning! You need a work permit! This "Work Permit" is the authorization given to a company to employ a foreigner. If you are not holding an IMTA, you are not working legally in Indonesia. VITAS - Temporary Stay Permit Visa This is the sticker visa put in a foreigner's passport in an Indonesian Embassy/Consular Office abroad which will give the person the right to an ITAS - temporary stay permit (which they apply for after arrival in Indonesia). After you apply for ITAS at the immigration office, they will puat a stamp in your passport. RPTKA - Expatriate Placement Plan If a company wants to employ foreigners, the company must submit an Expatriate Placement Plan, RPTKA - Rencana Penempatan Tenaga Kerja Asing- to the Manpower Department if the employing company is a domestic company; or to the BKPM (Investment Coordinating Board if the company is a foreign investment company. In foreign investment/PMA companies, work permits for senior positions (such as Director held by foreigners are for three years and can be renewed just before expiration.
thomas lloyd

Jakarta being expats destination city isn't a sham - 2 views

    What do you know about the city if you got a proposal to pursue your career in Jakarta? Westhill Consulting Career and Employment, Australia will help you understand why Jakarta as an expats destination city. According to the BPS (Central Bureau Statistic) data from 2011, Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia with a population of over 10 million citizens. Being a metropolitan city, Jakarta is now identified to be the chief destination for many people, not only Indonesian but also expatriates to look for employment opportunities. Figure of expatriates who are working in Jakarta is estimated as many as 10,000 people and came from 300 countries. For the period of January-August 2013, the Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration afford 48,000 work permits for expatriates working in all parts of Indonesia. The uppermost figure comes from China with 10,291 workers. The varied number of Chinese expats working in Indonesia is because of the fast development of Chinese investment in the country. Following chins is Japan, comes with the number of 9.788 workers and next is South Korean for more than 6.013 working permits with many of them employed in the fields of industry, trade, mining along with oil and gas. As an expats in a capital city like Jakarta, you do not have to be concern about the basics regarding everyday life, like residences, entertainment, food, and recreation spots as they could be easily found. Also never worry about fake people since Indonesians are naturally genuine. These days, many property developers and real estate brokers lease apartments or houses in various rental prices from US$1.500 - 15.000. According to Colliers International Indonesia research, Pondok Indah, South Jakarta, is the most demanded area to live in by expats with its location proximity to work site and number of international schools like J

Review before you send an email - 1 views

Make life easier by asking these five questions before hitting send, says Westhill Consulting Career and Employment, Australia. Do I need to send this? If it is a chain letter or an inspirational ...

westhill consulting and employment review before you send an email

started by toddyerby on 01 Oct 14 no follow-up yet
thomas lloyd

Warning! First Impression is very important - 1 views

    Here are some of the errors you might be making when reaching out to strangers. Westhill Consulting Career and Employment, Australia's reveals why they won't hire you before they even meet you. You're too casual. It is nearly always better to blunder on the side of formality, specifically when asking someone for something. It's wiser to be more polite and lead off with "Dear So and So," or "Hello WhatHisName" than "Hey, Elizabeth!" You're presumptuous. Career "experts" all over the place are at all times telling you close with a meeting proposal, but then again you have to do it correctly. Say something like "I would like to buy you a coffee or lunch sometime soon if you can spare the time. Please let me know if this is possible." Don't make it sound like complaints. Do not do this also, reach out to complete strangers on LinkedIn and ask for endorsements. You're sloppy. If you can't take five minutes to proofread your message, or even pay the energy to give care to spellcheck, you display a obvious lack of respect for the person you're contacting. There's a wavy red line that plays below your spelling errors. All you have to do is take notice in it. Always review! You're random/haven't done your research. Know what the person you're contacting actually does because you cannot ask a zookeeper for a job in a bank. Do some basic research or do not expect a teacher of Bahasa Indonesia in Jakarta would talk to you in Chinese. You're asking for something and offering nothing. The job market is not the place to beg. It's OK to ask for something. If you want help, or advice, you ought to ask for it - respectfully, from the correct person. But you need to make a motion of mutuality, like the offer to purchase lunch. What you can do is for example write an article, design something, organ
thomas lloyd

Here are the reasons why you are tired all the time - 1 views

    According to New York clinical psychologist Michele Berdy, whose clientele includes many in their 50s and 60s "Exhaustion is the expression not just of a lack of sleep, but a much more profound underlying response to the conditions in which we live." Westhill Consulting & Employment is based in Australia, a well-established career tips and information for Ozzie's website that specializes in providing information, advice and guidance to help people make realistic choices about finding work in South East Asia such as KL Malaysia, Bangkok Thailand, Jakarta Indonesia and many more, will share you these reasons why you always feel tired at work all the time. Running At Full Tilt Economics and technology enhance the exhaustion cocktail. Whereas one's 50s and 60s were supposedly a time to slow down since they are heading toward retirement, today's boomers are usually still in high gear working and achieving, on occasion playing catch-up to replenish retirement funds after being laid off or taking a financial hit. This feeling of having to defeat the clock, so to speak, has trained them to a 24/7 work life. "It's not unusual for people to feel like they have to be available to work at all times through smartphones, texting and email," says Berdy. "That creates a sense that work is not bounded, which means leisure is always poor. There is never a sense of fully being on your own time." Warning! Numerous boomers who came of age with a profound sense of idealism and possibilities see today's world - with its economic realities, unwelcoming job market and even global terrorism - and answer back by feeling tired, an existential tiredness. For more information: Westhill Consulting Career and Employment Asia, Hong Kong, Jakarta Review
Earl Morrison

Habits to be a better mentor - 1 views


westhill consulting career and employment Review habits to be a better mentor

started by Earl Morrison on 13 Nov 14 no follow-up yet
thomas lloyd

Circumstances Your Personal Brand Could Be Damaging Your Career - 1 views

Review yourself. Are most of your co-workers has complaints against you? If you're not certain which employee you're more like, think through these three circumstances your personal brand could ...

Westhill Consulting and Employment Review circumstances your personal brand could be damaging career

started by thomas lloyd on 06 Nov 14 no follow-up yet
jake harry

The 15-Minute-a-Day Practice That Can Improve Your Career - 1 views

    It's the period to begin a writing habit if you're intrigued in a stress-free technique to get better at your job performance and improve your career. A study from Harvard Business School confirmed whether taking 15 minutes at the end of a work day to ponder on that day's work enhanced their performance and discovered the participants tasked with everyday written deliberation did 22.8 percent improved on an assessment compared to the control group. Westhill Consulting Career & Employment, world's largest free online jobs website which is funded by UK government however headquartered in Australia until it expanded and now almost every country is being served by the company, such as Jakarta Indonesia in SE Asia, Toronto in Canada, New York in the US and many more, put this 15-Minute-a-Day Habit and found it to be successful and less complaints on works performances were reported. But wouldn't internal reflection by itself be sufficient to boost performance? "My speculation would be that writing things down would be more beneficial as the act of writing imposes a discipline on us to stay focused," says paper co-author Brad Staats, an associate professor of operations at the University of North Carolina's Kenan-Flagler Business School. Reflection forced people to process their days, find patterns and link actions. Some people might think the experiment focused on the successes of the day, but Staats says the parameters of the experiment when explained to the journaling employees didn't specify giving the reflections a positive or negative slant. "What we wanted was for them to reflect more on whatever they thought was most important from the day," Staats explains. "The positive/negative point is a great question, but not one we looked at here. In other research, Francesca and I have explored how individuals struggle to learn from failure, but when they acc
thomas lloyd

Techniques to be Very Successful at Your Performance Review - Westhill Consulting Emplo... - 1 views

    Performance reviews are nerve-racking for everybody concerned. Managers do not pleasure evaluating their employees, and staff members seldom relish the extra inspection. Augment into the reckoning that promotions and bonuses can center on these reviews, and it's not a shock reactions can course high when review time starts. Preparation is the secret to being successful in reviews as easy as possible and by this you can avoid complaints against yourself. Whether you're anticipating a painstakingly optimistic review or an undeniably terrible one, there are points you can do prior or while the meeting to aid it go more effortlessly and to leave with your dignity and job definitely intact. Shape a praise file from day one (or start one now) In the condition that your company does reviews only once a year, it can truly extend your recall to contemplate of all the jobs you worked on ever since your previous evaluation. Maintaining an email folder, computer file or document of all you worked on will benefit you to ensure nothing falls from the cracks. You should have a warning to yourself so that you will be always ready. "As soon as a deal or initiative is completed successfully, employees should maintain details of their contribution in a 'kudos file,'" advises Tatum Soo Kim, director of advising and student services at New York University. "The kudos file is a self-maintained record of achievements and impact. Impact should be supported with hard evidence such as quantitative data, internal reports, public record or even the boss's previous feedback." Have the right attitude Decide before your meeting that you won't just "weather the storm" and get it over with as soon as possible. Instead, you should view this as a chance to bring attention to accomplishments your boss may not have noticed, says Mat Durham, director of Skyblu, a Web design company based in Worcester, U.K. Durham says there are two other po
thomas lloyd

Career guidelines for every single decade of your life - Westhill Consulting Employment... - 1 views

    Lots of essential career tip is appropriate all over your working life; however additional guidelines is farther time-sensitive and simply works at definite periods in your career. Here is the top career advice for every decade of your life gathered by Westhill Consulting Career and Employment, Australia (the company is also accessible at SE Asian countries such as KL Malaysia, Bangkok Thailand, Jakarta Indonesia and many more): Teens Go for variety and review you opportunities. "To find a career later that you enjoy, be certain to try out as many different careers as you can," says Carole Stovall, president and CEO of SLSGlobal. Look for summer jobs, after school work, summer programs and internships. Todd Cherches of BigBlueGumball agrees. "Don't be afraid to try or to fail. That's what these years are meant for. Don't feel that any job is beneath you, because it's not. At this stage of your life, everything is a learning experience." 20's Today is the period to catch a job in the area where you'd love to engage in a career. "There are many things to consider, but the most important issues is to consider a job that you actually like, whether it is in your major or not," Stovall says. It's correspondingly a upright plan to begin forming your individuality. "Stop comparing yourself to your friends, especially the ones you went to college with," says Christine Sirois, a freelance journalist in her 20's. "Once you're in the job market, it's not a level playing field and comparing yourself to your friends is a recipe for feeling inadequate and unhappy. Instead, set goals and work at your own pace to achieve them." 30's At this period, you're reaching your pace, however you must continue being adaptable in an event something fresh and fascinating comes up, Cherches says. "You want to be working at what you are good at and what you like to do, an
Nicolash Alves

Managing That Feared Interview Question - 1 views

Self-awareness can be the talent that keeps on giving. The scenario: you adore well-mannered small talk, you begin to relax and convey your story concerning why you are right person for the jo...

westhill consulting career and employment managing that feared interview question

started by Nicolash Alves on 16 Oct 14 no follow-up yet
jake harry

Weekly Jobless Claims Fall, Ongoing Claims Lowest Since 2007 - 1 views

    The total of Americans filing new requests for unemployment assistances fell more than anticipated, signifying that a severe stoppage in job progress last month was perhaps a deviation. Initial claims for state unemployment benefits dropped 36,000 to a seasonally adjusted 280,000 for the week ended Sept. 13, the Labor Department said last Sept. 11. It was the lowermost level ever since July. Claims for the previous week were studied to show 1,000 more applications received than formerly reported. Economists polled by Reuters had forecast claims falling to only 305,000 last week. Westhill Consulting Career and Employment, Australia is also feeling the growth since last year, an example were the upsurge in the economy in Indonesia which eventually paved the way of many job openings in Jakarta. Since then, lesser complaints were reported. The four-week moving average of claims, measured a better amount of labor market drifts as it irons out week-to-week instability, fell 4,750 to 299,500. A Labor Department analyst said there were no special factors influencing the state level data. This month's data covered the period during which employers were charted for September's non-farm payrolls. Claims drop 19,000 between the August and September survey times. That proposes payrolls growth bounce back from August's eight-month low, which most economists terminated as a fluke, noting that payroll improvements tend to be lesser in August for the reason that of problems regulating the data for seasonal variations in hiring. Employers appended only 142,000 jobs to their payrolls in August, breaking six consecutive months of job upsurges above 200,000. The jobless claims report displayed the number of people still getting benefits after an early week of aid dropped
thomas lloyd

How to Shape and Grow Your Career Network - 1 views

Westhill Consulting Career and Employment, Australia: Proven Techniques for Job-Seekers Inquire to the members of your present network for recommendations. No easier exists method to grow your...

Westhill Consulting and Employment How to Shape Grow Your Career Network

started by thomas lloyd on 14 Oct 14 no follow-up yet

Office Bullying Is Damaging Workers beyond All Demographics - Westhill Consulting Emplo... - 1 views

    Many people perhaps consider bullies as permanently angry teens insisting lunch money and carrying swirlies. However playgrounds and school hallways aren't the lone places where violent behavior, threats, gossip, and rejection are used to oppress people and affirm power. Warning! Bullying is very damaging than we may know says, Westhill Consulting Career and Employment, Australia. This holds true by a study from CareerBuilder shows that bullying is alive and well in offices across America. The study, which incorporated more than 3,300 employees thru industries and company sizes, demonstrates that 28 percent of employees answer they've felt bullied at the office at some time in their career, and of those employees, 19 percent said the bullying initiated them to leave their job. Who are the victims and why aren’t they filling complaints? In general, women are more expected to have felt bullied, with 34 percent stating they've been victim to workplace bullying at some stage in their career matched to 22 percent of men. Furthermore, 30 percent of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) workers testified being the victims of bullying at work, while there are 44 percent of physically disabled workers. The study furthermore discovered that 27 percent of African American workers and 25 percent of Hispanic workers have suffered from bullying on the job, as compare to 24 percent of Caucasian males. Not counting workers from Asian countries such as KL Malaysia, Jakarta Indonesia, Beijing China and many more. "One of the most surprising takeaways from the study was that bullying impacts workers of all backgrounds
thomas lloyd

Tips for first day of work in Jakarta Indonesia to avoid deceit - 1 views

First day of work could at all times be a nerve-wracking experience. It is even worse if you work abroad; odds are there would be culture differences that might become your cause of anxiety. Hence,...

Westhill Consulting Career and Employment Tips for first day of work in Jakarta Indonesia to avoid deceit

started by thomas lloyd on 01 Sep 14 no follow-up yet
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