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Jobs for English teachers in Indonesia - Westhill Consulting Employment & Career Builder - 1 views

    With a population of approximately 238 million people spread over 17,508 islands along the equator, Indonesia is the world's fourth most populous country and represents a fast-growing market for English teachers. Those looking to teach English in Indonesia will encounter an entrancing combination of lush, volcanic landscapes; beautiful beaches and thousands of years of history and culture. The country is also known for the warm hospitality of its people, most of whom are Muslim. English teachers in Indonesia, especially Jakarta, can find teaching jobs year round. Although most interviews are conducted in advance over the phone and via e-mail, some schools prefer to interview in person. Instructors are typically responsible for their own airfare and housing expense, though some schools do provide assistance in these areas. Most live in apartments recently vacated by previous teachers, and many room with coworkers. Watch out for scams in this area. A generous salary affords English teachers the opportunity to live a comfortable lifestyle, while saving 250-300 USD per month. Schools offer approximately 20 to 25 hours of work per week, leaving plenty of time to travel and explore Indonesia's exquisite beauty and vibrant, bustling cities. Those without a bachelor's degree can find limited opportunities to teach in Indonesia, but a four-year degree is preferred. TEFL certification is required. Most of those teaching English in Indonesia will find jobs in the major cities of Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Bandung, and Surabaya. There are teaching opportunities on the island of Bali; however, its popularity means the local job market is more competitive. Westhill Consulting Career & Employment Australia agrees with the above blog but we would like to give a warning that some of these jobs are illegal. Be careful!

Top Tips for Business Negotiations in SouthEast Asia - 1 views

started by cindy lam on 25 Mar 14 no follow-up yet

Get Your Motorcycle License Before Coming to South East Asia - 1 views

started by thomas lloyd on 21 Mar 14 no follow-up yet

Applying for academic posts in Southeast Asia: checklist - 2 views

    Westhill Consulting Career & Employment based in Australia, thank the guardian for the following comments Do your research Collaborating with an overseas university first is a great way to get to know them if you are considering moving abroad. Paul Matsudaira started his career at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the US, before accepting the position as head of biological sciences atNational University of Singapore in 2009. While he was still at MIT, Matsudaira taught biology to students from two Singaporean universities via an online videolink. He also travelled to Singapore several times in the summer holidays to teach at study camps. He says his family really enjoyed their trips to Singapore, and this made it much easier for him to make the decision about accepting the offer of a full-time post. Go for it wholeheartedly Once you have made the decision to move, make sure it is a clean break. Matsudaira says the biggest mistake he saw others making was expats not really committing to the move. Warning, it can be very stressful trying to run parallel lives - particularly across different time zones. It can also lead your new employers to question your commitment to the job. He said a "go for broke" attitude is essential to succeed. Don't be put off by the paperwork Job interviews often take place in London. The employing university liaises with the immigration department and it usually takes less than four weeks for a work permit to be issued. Pay In general HK/south-east Asian universities pay better than European institutions and about the same as US universities, but tax is much lower. Check for allowances Academics with children should also check on the availability and costs of places at international schools and whether the employer provides any education allowance. Look into accommodation Accommodation is very expensive in many of south-east Asia's densely populated cities so colleges often provide it as part of the package. But if living

Southeast Asia Rig Market Challenge - 1 views

    By 25 active operators in Southeast Asia with 46 rigs, the contracting conditions have been challenging due to the collapse in crude oil prices while exploration and production spending have pressured both utilization and day rates in the region INTRODUCTION Southeast Asia is rich with hydrocarbon resources. The region is made up of Brunei, Burma, Cambodia, Timor-Leste, Jakarta Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. According to Shell, the Indonesia oil industry and what subsequently became Royal Dutch Shell are closely connected. Shell discovered commercial quantities of crude oil in Sumatra just over 100 years ago. Moreover, Shell was the first to bring a drilling rig to the region and the first to discover oil off of Brunei in 1958. Today there are about 25 operators active in Southeast Asia with 46 rigs (Jack Ups, Semis and Drillships) currently contracted. Forty one of the contracted rigs are drilling, and five are waiting on location or in shipyards. In addition to the rigs that are contracted in the region, there are eight cold stacked units, nine ready stacked units, and one unit in the shipyard without a contract for a total supply of 64 rigs. Thus, total utilization in the region is 72% and ready utilization is 84%. While indications are that Jack-Up Market fundamentals have begun to stabilize. Southeast Asia only has eight semisubmersibles actively drilling in its waters (one other is contracted but not currently working). Four are off Malaysia, two are off Vietnam, one is off the Jakarta Peninsula, and another is off Myanmar. However, the drilling Jack Up count is significantly higher at 31 (four others are contracted but not currently working). Malaysia has the highest Jack Up count at twelve, followed by Vietnam with seven, Thailand with five, Indonesia with four, Brunei Darussalam with two, and East Timor with one. There are also two Drill ships working in the region. One is off Malaysia and the other is of

Seizing opportunities for South East Asia's oil and gas industry - 1 views

  • Since 2010, South-East Asia has consolidated its position as an important contributor to the global downstream market with Petronas' recent announcement of its plan to build the new RAPID facility in Malaysia one further example of the region's growing importance. In reality the timing couldn't be better - as populations across Asia continue to grow, the demand for fuel will grow exponentially, offering oil & gas operators a real opportunity to make a significant contribution to the region's continued economic development. However, with this growing demand comes additional pressures, and with the sector still vulnerable to fluctuating oil prices, operators can ill-afford to rest on their laurels. The need to ensure their operations are as productive as possible and that cost inefficiencies are stripped out from the very outset, is arguably more important than ever before. Minimizing operational costs When it comes to new projects oil & gas operators have traditionally been good at minimizing their CAPEX spend. However, there has been much less focus given to limiting the cost of operation of their assets. With maintenance costs typically responsible for 20-30% of the overall OPEX expenditure, this is one area where the downstream sector in South-East Asia is increasingly focusing its attention. According to some analysts the costs incurred across the globe in maintaining the next generation of oil & gas assets could equate to $0.75 trillion highlighting the scale of the prize that could be on offer here. For a typical refinery the operational expenditure is principally dictated by three prime factors: the quantum of work carried out on the asset, the efficiency at which it can be delivered and the agreed cost rate of the resource used. In each instance there is an opportunity to significantly reduce cost outlay by focusing on a range of inter

Misconceptions about Teaching Abroad - 1 views

    by Diane Jacoutot of Fallacy #1: I will be teaching English as a foreign language Not necessarily. Whilst there are a number of English Language schools that exist solely to teach English language to non-native English speakers, there is a very large and important category of schools that teach a full curriculum of all subjects. These schools, known as international schools, use various curricula such as the US, UK, Canadian, Australian and International Baccalaureate and teach all subjects in English. Whilst some of the pupils may not be native English speakers, they are still expected to learn all or most subjects such as Maths, Science, Geography, Art and Physical Education, in English. In fact, a TEFL (teaching English as a Foreign Language) certificate is not required to work in International schools. They require approximately the same qualifications you would need to teach at home in a state-funded school. Fallacy #2: I can teach anywhere I want Teachers wishing to work overseas must meet regulations on two very different levels - teacher certification and immigration. Many teachers think that because they are qualified to teach at home, they can teach abroad and this is not always true. Each country has rules and requirements for the required training and experience and they might not match with your home country. For instance, teachers in South Africa without a 3 or 4 year teaching diploma will likely not be able to teach in the UAE. British Special Needs teachers without a university degree or certificate in Special Needs cannot teach Special Needs students in the Middle East or Asia. In Thailand and China, teachers must have 2 years of experience to teach at all at international schools. And teachers without a teacher training degree such as a Bachelors of Education, Masters of Education, Higher Diploma in Education or Post Graduate Certificate in Education, can usually only work in English Language (TEFL) schools, not in Internati

What You Need To Know: Westhill Consulting Career and Employment Tips - 1 views

  • It might start with Bali. That seems to be the entry point for many people into South-East Asia, their first taste of this incredible part of the world. You drink a few Bintangs, laugh at five people on a scooter, enjoy the food, get a little feel for the atmosphere - that mix of crazy and traditional, chaos and peace, commercialism and religion - and you're hooked. So for those wanting to extend their South-East Asian experience, to get more out of it than the Western enclaves of Kuta, this is your guide. First bit of advice: don't be afraid. You've probably heard some scams of dodgy goings on in South-East Asia, of protests in Thailand, of land mines in Cambodia, of scary roads in Vietnam and military juntas in Myanmar - but you're really not in that much danger. Don't, in general take minor complaints to the police as this will usually end up with you paying more than you have lost. While the chance of finding yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time does exist, in general South-East Asian countries are incredibly friendly places, and mostly quite safe. You'll be met with smiles rather than machine guns. You'll be treated with respect. For more details check this out:

South-East Asia beginners: what you need to know By Ben Groundwater - 1 views

    It might start with Bali. That seems to be the entry point for many people into South-East Asia, their first taste of this incredible part of the world. You drink a few Bintangs, laugh at five people on a scooter, enjoy the food, get a little feel for the atmosphere - that mix of crazy and traditional, chaos and peace, commercialism and religion - and you're hooked. So for those wanting to extend their South-East Asian experience, to get more out of it than the Western enclaves of Kuta, this is your guide. First bit of advice: don't be afraid. You've probably heard some scams of dodgy goings on in South-East Asia, of protests in Thailand, of land mines in Cambodia, of scary roads in Vietnam and military juntas in Myanmar - but you're really not in that much danger. Don't, in general take minor complaints to the police as this will usually end up with you paying more than you have lost. While the chance of finding yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time does exist, in general South-East Asian countries are incredibly friendly places, and mostly quite safe. You'll be met with smiles rather than machine guns. You'll be treated with respect. If this is your first trip to South-East Asia, you're probably wondering where to go. Do you relax on a beach in Thailand? Or hit up Angkor Wat? Do you go island-hopping in Halong Bay? Or temple-hopping in Luang Prabang? It's a tough decision, but with a few weeks you can cover a lot of ground. Budget airlines mean it's possible to skip from place to place by air, to go from Hanoi to Siem Reap to Phuket to KL and Jakarta all in a regular-sized holiday from work. Of course this leaves little time for cultural immersion, but if your priority is to see the big attractions then you can do it all on a reasonable budget. Independent travel is simple in South-East Asia, with extensive networks of buses and trains which needn't be booked in advance. These buses and trains range from the comfortable to the hellish - t

Westhill Consulting & Employment: How to Determine the Right Career for You - 1 views

    Westhill Consulting & Employment: How to Determine the Right Career for You Determine the Right Career for You Love what you do. This is one of the secrets in order to become successful. It isn't a perfect career if what it does is simply an answer to your needs and wants but it must also be something that you are passionate about. Find your perfect career in three easy steps. Know what your dream is Picture yourself in the future, what are you doing by then? What is it that you want to become? And most especially, what is the thing that you love doing the most? Your answers will help you land on the industry and job types that fit you the most. Determine your strengths and skills. Think and process things on your mind many times so you'll figure out where you can put your best career qualities to good use. Note all your accomplishments that may be able to help you improve your profile. Aside from this will lead you to your perfect career and dream job, it will also boost your confidence. Research on careers that can identify to the things that you love doing; this will help you on decision making. You have the choice to either take a free career test or consult a career chart that you can find in many career websites. And you can also find a wealth of information, from description of positions to salary range in these career websites. Discover all the possibilities. Find job openings that suit your interests. Do not limit your job search to newspaper ads and online jobs databases and job fairs and networking events will also help. There are also unpopular ways of getting job prospects but it will be also as effective as the traditional ones, if not more. Conquer the hurdles. The most obvious hurdles that you need to face during your job search are: maybe you have the record of a job hopper, or maybe you have always wanted to be in a career that does not fit your current skills. It will be impossible to cover up career inconsistencies in

Former Calif. Scandal City Manager Won't Contest 69 Criminal Counts - 1 views

    According to allegation, Robert Rizzo, the former city administrator of Bell, Calif., could have been the king of swindling public sector employees not so long ago. Today, Rizzo just pleaded no contest to 69 counts in his corruption trial, according to a Los Angeles County District Attorney's office press release. And he's likely to get the "the longest prison term for public corruption" - the judge says 10 to 12 years - in the area since 2000. Came in no more than a week before a jury was to be chosen, Rizzo's plea was a surprise to everyone counting the DA. "An open plea", this is what the DA's office calls the move to the presiding judge and was not a negotiated settlement. According to the DA's statement Rizzo was part of an alleged corruption ring that reportedly included his one-time deputy and co-defendant, former assistant city manager Angela Spaccia. On Monday, her trial is scheduled to start. Furthermore, five former Bell elected officials - including a mayor, vice-mayor, and three council members - were already found guilty in March. The reports say the ring was as brazen as it was large. The five ex-officials paid themselves salaries topping off at $100,000 yearly in a city of 35,000 people, 25 percent of whom lived underneath the poverty line. An audit had found that the officials unlawfully raised local taxes and fees to fund their salaries. They were pikers as compared to what allegedly went on somewhere else. According to the report, Rizzo's paycheck reached a $1.5 million peak in a year when he had 107 vacation days and 36 sick days. His salary before he resigned in July 2010 was just under what must have seemed in comparison a paltry $800,000, according to the DA's office. Putting it into context, that's about twice what the President of the United States makes. According to television station KTLA, Rizzo was charged with a variety of schemes that cost the city millions of dollars, including writi

Westhill Consulting & Employment: Career Consulting - 0 views

    We have our own professionals that can help you with your career choice; you can contact us or go directly to our office and talk to our consultants. In decades we are considered as a leading validated, non-critical, behavioral analysis that will emphasize an individual's strengths and capabilities in the work environment.

Smashwords - Job Hunting Tips -a book by Westhill Consulting Employment - 1 views

    Consider your network first; try asking relatives, friends, professors, classmates, co-workers at summer jobs, and others. Meet new people and take the opportunity of using the conversation to ask them and make them aware that you are in a job search.

Westhill Consulting & Employment: Job Hunting Tips - 1 views

    Westhill Consulting & Employment: Job Hunting Tips Consider your network first; try asking relatives, friends, professors, classmates, co-workers at summer jobs, and others. Meet new people and take the opportunity of using the conversation to ask them and make them aware that you are in a job search. Learn about their jobs or their organizations, and to get the names of others who might be useful in your job search.Your resume is very important. Make you resume is easy to read and the most important details stand out. Be certain to distribute it to employers, yes apply for more than one industry, you like to work for. Being prepared all the time can take you far, make sure to have a copy of your resume at all time but always be certain that your resume is always updated. You will never know if you will be called for a last minute interview. Have a habit of updating your database daily. Take note of all the employers you contact, the date you sent your résumé, any contact made, people you talk to, and notes about those contacts. Take note of opportunities as soon as you hear them; better keep a notepad at all times. Also a "to do" list can help so that you can organize your list of priorities and keep you focused on finding that perfect job. Source:

Westhill Consulting & Employment Interview Questions - 0 views

    Westhill Consulting & Employment interview details: interview questions and interview reviews posted anonymously by Westhill Consulting & Employment interview candidates.

About Westhill Consulting And Employment - 0 views

    Our vision To teach the world of money literacy by making the people realize the importance of work. Our mission Westhill Consulting & Employment's is to empower employment. We are determined to systematize the entire world's human capital data and make it meaningful for the society. Our strateg...

Smashwords - About Westhill Consulting And Employment -a book by Westhill Consulting Em... - 0 views

    Westhill Consulting & Employment is world's largest free online jobs website. The website is funded by UK government until it expanded and now almost every country is being served by Westhill Consulting & Employment. Westhill Consulting & Employment is a free service to assist job seekers into employment and connect employers with quality staff.

Westhill Consulting Career and Employment Find a Job in a Recovering Economy - 4 views

    Westhill Consulting & Employment - Welcome to Westhill Consulting & Employment where you can find a job that will click for you!
    Find a job in a recovering economy simply by not giving up on finding one. Maintain a positive attitude and knock on doors instead of waiting for an opportunity to knock on yours. Find opportunities, grab the job, be aggressive and apply to varieties of companies. The more jobs you apply to, the more likely you are of getting one. Update your social media profiles and career network pages. Notify your personal and professional network that you're on the market, refer to Westhill Consulting Career and Employment, Australia, and let them know what you're good at. You will never guess how powerful word of mouth is, so make sure that when you talk with people who might be able to help, let them know what kind of work you are interested in. About 70 percent of jobs are never put on a job board, meaning, they're filled via personal recommendations and connections so make use of these in every way you possibly can. This way you can also avoid scams since these are all from personal connections. Highlight something in your resume or interview that makes you stand out from the crowd of applicants, may it be a certification in your field or a volunteer job from your past employment. If the job situation really feels unwelcoming, consider changing your field to an area that is flourishing. For more info:

Westhill Consulting & Employment - 0 views

    Westhill Consulting & Employment is a free service to assist job seekers into employment and connect employers with quality staff. Job Services providers of various... more " Westhill Consulting & Employment is a free service to assist job seekers into employment and connect employers with quality staff.

Westhill Consulting & Employment - 0 views

    What is Westhill Consulting & Employment? Westhill Consulting & Employment is world's largest free online jobs website. The website is funded by UK government until it expanded and now almost every country is being served by Westhill Consulting & Employment. Westhill Consulting & Employment is a free service to assist job seekers into employment and connect employers with quality staff.
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