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Emile Burgess

Worship/Choir Planning 2012-2013 Template - 5 views

    We're using a GoogleDoc Spreadsheet to plan our singing/ensemble schedule for 2012-13. If you're interested in customizing it for yourself, just open the doc, go to File > Make a copy, and name your copy.
Emile Burgess

Your Plan on the App Store - 1 views

    Working on emergency preparedness plans for our family and found this app. Looks very useful.
Sallie Draper - Online Teacher Lesson Planning - 5 views

    I love Planbook. I have used it for the past two years and am going to link worksheets to it this year so students can have them at home.
Jason Winget - 2 views

    steps to developing a technology plan
Emile Burgess

Free Bible Memory System & iPhone App | Scripture Typer - 2 views

    I plan to recommend this to my confirmation classes and my congregation at large.
Jason Winget

How to Determine Your Church's Digital Direction - ChurchMag - 1 views

    I 100% agree with this article, they nailed it. This is what we have seen in our church over the last decade and I am seeing with other churches I am working on developing a plan too.

101 +1 Social Media Tactics for Nonprofits - Online Fundraising, Advocacy, an... - 4 views

    Finally! A book aimed at helping non-profits identify usable communication strategies for social media engage based on case studies (i.e. examples). Many congregations and schools forget to sets goals and plan for internal and external communications and nurture let alone plug into the potential of social media to grow the kingdom of the Lord. As I recall, "Engage!" isn't simply the command of a fictional Star Trek captain, it's the command of the real Captain of the stars . . .

Technology Integration in Education - Facilitating the Use of Technology in the Classroom - 2 views

  • . Technology Integration in Education is a site that does away with the hours of searching the net for the right resources for you. TIE is the Facebook or Linkedin of Education. It is the site to go to network with educators and professionals around the world in order to share best practices when it comes to teaching with technology. TIE is the site that allows members to form groups around ideas, resources and skills. It provides a place where best educational videos can be shared. It provides tutorials in the form or Podcasts or live webinars that give members the opportunity to share some of the multiple resources they could use in order to achieve different objectives. There is a constant streaming of news articles from most of the major educational technology magazines available in one location. In essence, everything an educator could need to integrate technology in their daily teaching can be found in this one location. Well know companies as well as start-up companies now have a single location where educators can go in order to see everything. This centralized location dramatically cuts down on the research and planning time and provides a way for companies to attract prospective clients to their company in one centralized location. Educators are able to blog and discuss their teaching as well as the products used in an open and friendly atmosphere. The opportunities are endless.Join us at
Jason Schmidt

Coaching in and out of the classroom: 6th graders and Voki - 2 views

    Great example of using Voki in the classroom. This blog post also outlines a lesson plan or two to help get you started.
Sallie Draper

Free e-book downloads from Internet Evangelism Day - 2 views

    Some are free only on May 15th so plan to return then
Sallie Draper

The Christ in Media Institute < Bethany Lutheran College | Promoting production and dis... - 0 views

    Planning a Media in World Missions conference in 2012
Sallie Draper

2016 Plan and Budget For Copyright Compliance | The Copyright Coach - 2 views

    Interested to know how well reviewed this is by other WELS people.........anyone read this system and recommend it?

Teaching the Controversy: Why the Creationism Vs. Evolution Debate Should Stay Out of S... - 1 views

    Wow. Also check out the comments. I plan to use this in class to show the students that there is still persecution of Christians when they try to proclaim "The foolishness of God."
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