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Emile Burgess

Free Bible Memory System & iPhone App | Scripture Typer - 2 views

    I plan to recommend this to my confirmation classes and my congregation at large.
Sallie Draper

Daily Bible Clip - 2 views

    ABOUT: A brief Bible "clip" to read, learn and take to heart... today. Current series: "100 Bible verses in 1 year." 1 daily e-mail @ 2 verses per week x 1 year equals 100 verses. The only Bible you truly have is the one you carry between your ears. (For memorization tips, click here.) Based on the book: "100 Bible Verses" by Robert J Morgan. "Daily Bible Clip" is written by Pastor Michael Ewart 

Do E-Books Make It Harder to Remember What You Just Read? | Healthland | - 2 views

    Some research suggests that on-line reading (and learning) is not as memorable as reading hard copy. Learning strategies will need to be adjusted.
Emile Burgess

MemStash - Stop forgetting. Remember anything. - 1 views

    Emails and/or texts you something you highlight in a browser at certain intervals until you memorize it. Pushes to Evernote too.
Jason Schmidt

How to Create RSS / XML Feed for Podcasts - 1 views

    How-to document for setting up RSS feeds for podcasting.
    In order to help some of my struggling reading students, I'm having my students record our week's memory work in GarageBand, then distributing it as a podcast. Students and parents can subscribe to the feed and use this auditory support to help with memorization. This page is the tutorial that I'm using to set up the feed.
Sallie Draper

Granny's Bible Dojo on the App Store on iTunes - 0 views

    Learn the books of the bible by breaking their names on simulated karate boards. Granny is your trainer!
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