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Emile Burgess

ManualsLib - Makes it easy to find manuals online! - 0 views

    Bookmark or download owner's manuals. Lots of alternatives of course, such as any bookmarking tool, but if you want a dedicated web app for owner's manuals, this one would work.
Sallie Draper

YouVersion Users Bookmark More Than 20 Million Passages | YouVersion - 0 views

    Top 10 bookmarked verses in the YouVersion Bible

Symbaloo - 2 views

    Called a "personal internet desktop", Symbaloo is a way to graphically show your bookmarks. bookmarks can be linked with this service - I see a lot of good uses, especially for lower grades if this were set as the home page of an Internet browser.

19Pencils - Quick and Easy Tools - 1 views

    Visual bookmarking and allows the addition of various other tools - nice for the classroom

One Room School: The Relationship School - - 1 views

    One Room School advantages which Christian school teachers and champions need to herald. Bookmark and read this NYTimes article. Teacher student relationships are more important to effective learning than physical resources. Are our classroom strategies still based on the Prussian model? or are we leveaging the strengths and wisdom of the One Room School?
Jason Schmidt

Intel Engage: October 2010 - Intel Teach Live Recap - ... - 0 views

    Want to learn more about Diigo and social bookmarking? Here are some excellent resources from Intel
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