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Sallie Draper

Using technology in the classroom requires experience and guidance, report finds - The ... - 1 views

    Thanks Ryan Rosenthal for sharing this article - Ryan says ... Interesting article talking about a small study that was done in Canada. I liked how they said that most tech instruction in the schools they looked at was focused on how to use the tech not on higher order thinking. It also mentions that the teachers on the forefront of tech teaching are not the new teachers but the ones with experience under their belt. Those teachers know how to handle the classroom and are therefore more comfortable taking the challenge of managing the students as they use tech. 

How Companies Learn Your Secrets - - 0 views

    Understanding our habits and those of others . . How might Christians and churches better use life events, like pregnancies, as opportunities for the Gospel? Target figures out who's pregnant to influence their buying habits. How might we "gentle as dove wise as serpent" ambassadors of Christ act and speak to make the most of opportunities to present the best free offer every conceived . . . salvation? Note that the article is a plug for the author's full length treatment of "habits".
Sallie Draper

Video Stickers: How to Attach Help Videos to Physical Objects - 0 views

    Great idea and great explanation of how to do it! I'm thinking this would be useful in museums, but why not in everyday places?

How to Open a Pub File on a Mac | - 2 views

  • How to convert (for free!) a variety of document formats to PDF including and not restricted to MS Publisher .pub files.
Jason Schmidt

Google Groups - 4 views

    I started this Google Group for participants in my EDT 6801 class through MLC. This group is meant to connect Google users of all kinds in our WELS schools to learn more about how these powerful tools can be used with effective teaching to meet the needs of our students and to preach Christ crucified to a dying world.
Jason Schmidt

Guest blogger series | How to make a Pizza box Chalkboard and Whiteboard Easel - whip up - 3 views

    This was shared in the class I'm currently teaching for MLC. I loved the find so much, I wanted to share it with everyone! H/T to Janna Reinhard for the tip!
Jason Schmidt

How to Create RSS / XML Feed for Podcasts - 1 views

    How-to document for setting up RSS feeds for podcasting.
    In order to help some of my struggling reading students, I'm having my students record our week's memory work in GarageBand, then distributing it as a podcast. Students and parents can subscribe to the feed and use this auditory support to help with memorization. This page is the tutorial that I'm using to set up the feed.
Jason Schmidt

How to Disable Sign Into Chrome? - 1 views

    Ran into an issue with students signing in to Chrome on shared computers. This causes major issues when new students log in to the same machine on a shared account. I will be testing this workaround to remove the screen and hopefully avoid the issue in the future!
Jason Schmidt

How To Make Digital Flashcards With Google Docs Spreadsheets [Web & iOS/Android] - 0 views

    How to use Google Docs to create custom flash cards. Use with any Internet-enabled device. Sweet!
    Lots of applications for school, catechism, personal study, foreign language...the applications are endless! Very cool.
Sallie Draper

"Insider presentation tips from Nancy Duarte" - The Forge - Episode 29 (HD) - YouTube - 0 views

    On this episode of The Forge we chat with Nancy Duarte about the concepts in her book 'Resonate.' Learn how to create powerful and engaging presentations. Nancy talks about how Steve Job's iPhone launch presentation and Martin Luther King's I have a dream speak have similar elements.
Emile Burgess - 1 views

    Free e-book. "Social media is no longer a new buzzword, an emerging trend, or some passing fad. It has taken a premier role in how we live and interact with each other. Social media has gone through its growing pains and is now a vital part of business marketing for companies large and small. "In this book, we'll cover how social media can help you build your brand, connect with new and existing customers, and improve your customer service before, during, and after customer transactions. Included are some of the most up-to-date tips on getting the most from your social networks. Social media is no longer a trend, it's an important part of your business."

How to use Google Spreadsheet to Quickly Build Teaching Resources | Teachers Training I... - 2 views

    Part of a series on how to use Google Apps in the classroom, both for students and teachers.
Sallie Draper

Video Stickers: How to Attach Help Videos to Physical Objects - 0 views

    Very creative use of QR codes and excellent steps for doing this "right".

How to Bring the Start Menu Back in Windows 8 - 2 views

    If anybody is looking to update to Windows 8 and wants the start menu back, this might help.
Jason Winget

How to Create Your Own Digital Church Bulletins | Faithlife Blog - 3 views

    Haven't tested this out yet, but seems like a great feature. Looks like it is a free and paid service level thing. I was skeptical of Proclaim's price to value ratio, but the more we use it the more it seems to be worth the monthly/annual expense.
Jason Winget

11 Reasons to Keep Screens out of the Sanctuary - 0 views

    An interesting take on the topic. Not really 11, many are about how hard it is to sing with the displays. I have noticed that in some congregations we visit. I post this not to endorse the 11, but so that those of us that may be advocating for such technology understand the level of despise that may come with the displays from some members.
Emile Burgess

Dear parents: Here's how to protect your kids from porn. You're welcome. | Blogs | Life... - 1 views

  • Most social media, including Instagram, Snapchat and others have no parental controls
  • The truth is, you could hide a search for inappropriate things, and I would never know. But, I love you a ton, and I know that looking at those pictures can really mess with the way God has wired us as men. I want you to know that you can be honest if you ever bump into these kinds of things. It’s every guy’s battle, and I’m in this with you.” This creates an open dialogue, and everything that we keep in the light is easier to deal with. Sin can’t survive in the light.
    The article is mostly an interview with Covenant Eyes, who makes accountability software and recently produced a free e-book for parents. I downloaded it to check it out and ended up reading the first four chapters just today. Chapters are short and include discussion questions. For a non-WELS resource, so far they do a fairly good job of being gospel-centered/grace-driven. Looks like a great resource.

How to Moderate a Brainstorming Session - 3 views

    Brainstorming is a powerful but underutilized tool in Christian ministry, education, and in the body of Christ in general. This article gives practical guidance for moderating a secular brainstorming session. What solutions might we Christians discover when we steep our hearts and minds in God's Word, prayerfully gather, inviting the Creator-Spirit to open our eyes and minds to see the creative opportunies which God's challenges ("obstacles") occasion.
Emile Burgess

LastPass - Automatic Log Off Preferences - 2 views

    Wondered how to have my LastPass extension log off automatically after a certain duration of time, etc. Otherwise, if someone stole my laptop, I'd still be logged in to LP and they'd have access to all my passwords. Good, simple options in LP Preferences...
Gail Potratz

About The Licenses - Creative Commons - 2 views

    This little 3 minute video is a great way to introduce Copyright and Creative Commons to middle/upper graders. Simple enough to get started with how these two, CR and CC, work together for good.
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