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  What is screening ? Screening is looking for cancer before a person has any symptoms. This can help find cancer at an early stage. When abnormal tissue or cancer is found early, it may b...

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started by lifelinelab on 07 Dec 18 no follow-up yet

 Tuberc - 0 views

  Tuberculous bacilli  was discovered  more than a 100 Years ago, however, it still remains a major health problem. Presently about 33 % of the world population is suffering from t...

Bestpathologylabs bestpathlabnearme Bestdiagnosticlab diagnosticcenternearme bestdiagnosticcenternearme diagnosticcenter bloodtestathome bloodtestathomenearme bloodonlinetest onlinebloodtest onlinebloodtestlabindelhi thyroidtestathome thyroidtestlabnearme

started by lifelinelab on 04 Dec 18 no follow-up yet

Understanding Role of BRCA I & BCRA II mutations - 0 views

About 12 percent of women in the general population will develop breast cancer sometime during their lives. By contrast, 55 to 65 percent of women who inherit a harmful BRCA1 mutation and around 4...

Bestpathologylabs bestpathlabnearme Bestdiagnosticlab diagnosticcenternearme bestdiagnosticcenternearme diagnosticcenter bloodtestathome bloodtestathomenearme bloodonlinetest onlinebloodtest onlinebloodtestlabindelhi thyroidtestathome thyroidtestlabnearme

started by lifelinelab on 16 Nov 18 no follow-up yet

Thyroid a butt - 0 views

Thyroid a butterfly shaped gland in front of the neck is responsible for secreting the thyroid hormones. The thyroid hormones have wide ranging functions affecting almost all parts of the body. ...

Bestpathologylabs bestpathlabnearme Bestdiagnosticlab diagnosticcenternearme bestdiagnosticcenternearme diagnosticcenter bloodtestathome bloodtestathomenearme bloodonlinetest onlinebloodtest onlinebloodtestlabindelhi thyroidtestathome thyroidtestlabnearme

started by lifelinelab on 11 Dec 18 no follow-up yet

Billionaire | Life Of Luxury - 0 views

    Life Of Luxury - I AM RICH | Billionaire Lifestyle Visualization | Money Affirmations | Luxury Lifestyle Motivation Visualize your billionaire lifestyle that you deserve! Life Of Luxury 4K watch this every night before you sleep, 1-2 times daily for best results. Repeat the money affirmations that you hear AND Visualize your billionaire lifestyle. Close your eyes and picture your dream life, I Am a Billionaire: Affirmations for Money, Riches and the Luxury Life ... Whatever way you define your luxurious life, You have a massive and powerful destiny to achieve your billionaire lifestyle. In This Video, You'll See The Life Of A Billionaire's Lifestyle. The Millionaire & Billionaire Lifestyle Is Rich and Full Of Luxury Things! Join Us To Witness The Entrepreneur Life and Lifestyle, You Won't Want To Miss This Amazing Showing Of The Millionaire Luxury Lifestyle That You Can Achieve One Day. The Life Of A Billionaire Is Truly Amazing To See. This Will Be Conducted In A Motivational Documentary That Was Created In 2021. Make Sure You Subscribe, To Always Check Up On The Updated Lifestyles! billionaire lifestyle, luxury lifestyle, life of billionaires

Tonic Greens Immune Support - The Role of Antioxidants in Tonic Greens and Their Impact... - 1 views

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started by kanibi on 12 Aug 24 no follow-up yet
aranya sk

5 Foods Rich In Protein To Help You Loose Weight - 0 views

    Research reveals that eating foods rich in protein reduces appetite and hence loose weight. According to the research, foods rich in protein release a peptide compound (PYY3-36) in our body that reduce our appetite by as much as one-third within a 24hour period.
Sourav RC

Zinc Mineral: Foods Rich with Zinc - 0 views

    Zinc mineral has some major health benefits. Foods rich with zinc help to balance blood sugar levels. Zinc also helps to balance metabolic rate. That means the way we create and use up energy. Another benefit of zinc mineral is that it supports optimal taste and smell. Zinc deficiency impairs the sense of taste and smell. Zinc mineral also promotes optimal immune function and important for a healthy immune system.

Health Benefits of Brown Rice - 0 views

    Brown rice is a rich source of anti oxidants which offers protection from various health issues. The brown rice is rich in manganese, magnesium, phosphorous, iron and selenium. These nutrients facilitate energy production, induce DNA repair in damaged cells, protect from free radicals, detoxify the potentially harmful molecules and helps prevention of various serious diseases.
JoAnn Lennon

Best Foods for Your Hair, Skin, and Nails | Pure Edge Nutrition - 0 views

    The secret to having amazing hair, skin, and nails is to eat a balanced diet, rich in healthy foods. Start up for fall-make sure to eat right to get your hair and nails looking their best, and your skin feeling refreshed!ProteinBelieve it or not, your hair, skin, and nails are made up mostly of protein! This means your hair NEEDS protein to grow correctly. When you eat a protein-rich diet, your hair will grow and your nails will be stronger. You might also see your skin starting to feel softer and look brighter.IronToo little iron can lead to hair loss, because iron helps cells carry oxygen to the hair follicles. Lean meats like clams, oysters, pork, beef, and fish are great sources of iron.
aranya sk

Top 3 Calcium Rich Foods for Your Toddler - 0 views

    What is Calcium? Calcium is a mineral that is extremely valuable for our body. Primarily for kids it is very important to have lots of calcium, vitamins and minerals. Among all the minerals, iron and calcium are very crucial. For the better growth of their bones, it is advised to mothers to give them calcium rich foods.
thinkahol *

Why More Equality? | The Equality Trust - 0 views

    Why More Equality? Our thirty years research shows that: 1) In rich countries, a smaller gap between rich and poor means a happier, healthier, and more successful population. Just look at the US, the UK, Portugal, and New Zealand in the top right of this graph, doing much worse than Japan, Sweden or Norway in the bottom left.
Sourav RC

Health Benefits of Coconut - 0 views

    The coconut is known as a wonder food. Rich with many healthy compounds it is easily one of the healthiest foods around. Here are the health benefits of coconut. In the past there were a misconception about coconut and many people used to think that it's not very good for health. But recent studies show us that both coconut and coconut oil are great for our health. Coconut has a high energy value and it is also rich in potassium, sodium, manganese and sulphur. Adding to that the protein in the coconut contains almost all the amino acids.
Derek Martin

Excited about New PRP Anti-Ageing Treatment - At Special Introductory Offer - 0 views

    At LaNu MediSpa, we're so excited to introduce our new anti-ageing treatment known in the beauty sector as the "Vampire Facelift" - a safe, non toxic hypoallergenic treatment that wait for it uses your own blood! PRP stands for Platelets Rich Plasma & involves high concentration of blood platelets and a small volume of Plasma. To share our excitement we have an introductory offer of €390 (normal price €490). This special offer is running until the 31st October, contact us on 041 980 3000 and talk to Virginia. Transform your beauty this halloween. Ladies if it's good enough for Kim Kardashian & Angelina Jolie it most certainly is good enough for you!
    At LaNu MediSpa, we're so excited to introduce our new anti-ageing treatment known in the beauty sector as the "Vampire Facelift" - a safe, non toxic hypoallergenic treatment that wait for it uses your own blood! PRP stands for Platelets Rich Plasma & involves high concentration of blood platelets and a small volume of Plasma. To share our excitement we have an introductory offer of €390 (normal price €490). This special offer is running until the 31st October, contact us on 041 980 3000 and talk to Virginia. Transform your beauty this halloween. Ladies if it's good enough for Kim Kardashian & Angelina Jolie it most certainly is good enough for you!

CBD Tincture 1200MG | Full Spectrum Strawberry | CBD | Good CBD Shop - 0 views

    DRPS Strawberry CBD Full Spectrum Tincture Packed with flavor, Full Spectrum PCR tinctures by Good CBD are a high-quality Phytocannabinoid rich-Distillate. The U.S. grown industrial hemp that we use contains a full spectrum of naturally occurring cannabinoids and terpenes. Our products are formulated using a Phytocannabinoid rich distillate we are able to provide the highest quality PCR extract. Good CBD tinctures may be utilized as a daily herbal supplement. Experience the difference offered by the superior ingredients and techniques that come with Full Spectrum PCR Oil by Good CBD.

Tonic Greens Ingredients - Why Tonic Greens Ingredients Are Perfect for Daily Detox! - 1 views

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started by kanibi on 13 Aug 24 no follow-up yet
islam mahrous

Nutrition Concepts between Being right and being wrong - 0 views

There are right concepts for Nutrition Concepts like:- Carbonated soft drinks increase weight: Some people linked between over weighting and drinking soft drinks … One box of carbonated soft d...

Nutrition Concepts between right and being wrong

started by islam mahrous on 24 Jul 12 no follow-up yet
Tom Willis

Coping With Addictions During the Holiday Season - 0 views

    Talk to your family. Instead of one big gathering where arguments are as likely as gifts and rich food, your family could support you by arranging for smaller groups at any one time. If there are family members who are unsupportive of your struggle or who do not understand your addiction issues, it may just be necessary to avoid their company until you are sure of your success.
    Talk to your family. Instead of one big gathering where arguments are as likely as gifts and rich food, your family could support you by arranging for smaller groups at any one time. If there are family members who are unsupportive of your struggle or who do not understand your addiction issues, it may just be necessary to avoid their company until you are sure of your success.
Dale Watson

How can diets act as Antidepressants - 0 views

Depression is a widespread disease these days most of the people suffering from due to various reasons. While most of the people simply walk up to a psychologist and take up prescribed medicines kn...

Depression medicines antidepressants

started by Dale Watson on 19 Jul 13 no follow-up yet
Sourav RC

Facts About Potassium and Potassium Rich Foods List - 0 views

    Potassium is a trace mineral, just like the manganese, essential for various functions of the body. Along with Sodium and Chloride, Potassium forms the electrolyte family of minerals. They are called electrolyte because when dissolve in water they conduct electricity. The proper amount and distribution of electrolytes in the body is essential for health. Most of the Potassium in our body store within the cells and regulates the activity of muscles and nerves.
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