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Barbara Newell

Black Tourmaline Madagascar. Transforms by HighEnergyCrystals - 0 views

    manifesting crystals, healing crystals, abundance crystals, spiritual crystals, tourmaline madagascar crystal, metaphysical crystals, clear quartz crystals, crystals for manifesting, crystals for love, prosperity crystals
Barbara Newell

Astounding Joy Healing and Happiness Clear by HighEnergyCrystals - 0 views

    clear quartz crystal, love crystal, crystals for manifesting, crystals for healing, metaphysical crystals, joy crystal, soul crystal, healing crystal, manifesting crystal, crystal for the soul, spiritual crystal, crystal for happiness
Barbara Newell

Natural Citrine Crystal Congo Africa. Pocket by HighEnergyCrystals - 1 views

    healing crystal, metaphysical crystal, spiritual crystal, citrine crystal, manifesting citrine, wealth crystal, abundance crystal, crystals for manifesting, crystals for abundance, crystals for money
Barbara Newell

Surrounding Myself in Light and Love - Clear Quartz Crystal Point for Healing and Manif... - 0 views

    clear quartz crystal, healing crystals, crystals for manifesting, metaphysical crystals, spiritual crystals, crystals for healing, crystals for love, love crystals, this crystal is made for me, this crystal is calling me, powerful crystals
Barbara Newell

Black Tourmaline Madagascar. Transforms by HighEnergyCrystals - 0 views

    black tourmaline crystal, crystals for abundance, healing crystals, spiritual crystals, metaphysical crystals, clear quartz crystal, abundance crystals, crystals for healing, crystals for love, crystal for manifesting
Barbara Newell

Natural Citrine Crystal Congo Abundance by HighEnergyCrystals - 1 views

    healing crystals, spiritual crystals, prosperity crystals, metaphysical crystals, natural citrine crystal, crystals for manifesting, crystals for abundance, crystals for healing, crystals for love
Barbara Newell

FInding and Living My Soul's Path Crystal by HighEnergyCrystals - 0 views

    spiritual crystals, healing crystals, natural citrine crystal, crystals for healing, crystals for abundance, crystals for manifesting, most beautiful crystals, life changing crystals, best healing crystals, crystals to change your life, amazing crystal
Barbara Newell

Finding My Life Partner Soulmate Crystal by HighEnergyCrystals - 0 views

    rose quartz crystal, clear quartz crystal, natural citrine crystal, crystals for manifesting, healing crystals, metaphysical crystals, crystals for love, this crystal is made for me, this crystal is calling me, amazing crystal, powerful crystals, best crystals ever
Trivedi Master Wellness

Nervous Breakdown: Cope Up With It - 1 views

To put it essentially, nervous breakdown happens when an individual breaks down under pressure or stress. It is similar to all the circuits going haywire bringing about physical, mental and enthusi...

nervous breakdown The Trivedi Effect Mahendra Trivedi Trivedi Effect Alice Branton

started by Trivedi Master Wellness on 07 Jan 15 no follow-up yet

Spiritual Benefits of Yoga in Your Daily Life. - 0 views

    Yoga is not just a physical exercise it is a manifestation of the positive physical & mental energies. Yoga is one of the oldest spiritual, psychological, and physical practices in this world. In today's lifestyle when there is no schedule of sleeping, eating, exercise the body easily degraded in all dimensions.
Aline Ohannessian

Announcing the NEW Masters Gathering 2012 with Harrison Klein* - 0 views

    Join 30 of the world's most powerful trainers, visionaries, healers and manifesters on your own personal mastermind team.
Jass Brown

Religion and Spirituality: Hinduism- The March of the Gods - 0 views

    A traditional number quoted for the number of gods and goddesses in the ancient Hindu scriptures is 330 million. As there is no record of any cosmic census, it must be assumed that is such an extraordinary figure is aimed at making a philosophical point - that the number of gods that man can create is infinite. For those who have little familiarity with the Indian philosophy, this might be interpreted as an extreme form of polytheism. But in reality, all the Hindu gods are manifestations of the one divine godhead - the Brahman.
Elyse Mayors

Miami Dentist Explores Holistic Wellness - 0 views

    The non-physical affects the physical. Emotions, thoughts, and stress may each have a profound affect on the human body. Holistic wellness recognizes this connection between the physical and non-physical. Holistic dentistry focuses on these connections and how they are manifested in the health of the teeth and gums. To learn more, visit this article on the Miami Dentist Blog!

Top 10 Best Foods for Mental Health - - 0 views

    Best Mood Foods, good for mental health: 1. Fatty Fish To this regard, fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, and sardines contain a high amount of omega-3 fatty acids, particularly EPA and DHA, which are vital in the brain. These are important for the growth of cells in the brain and for nerves; they are vital for enhancing brain function and alleviating the signs and manifestations of depression and anxiety. 2. Berries Norms rich fruit, for examples, blueberries, strawberry, and blackberries, contain anti-oxidants and flavonoids, especially vitamin c. These assist in the reduction of oxidative stress and inflammation of the mind in cases of dementia. Consumption of berries was found to put the consumer in a better position to use his or her brain effectively and also helped reduce the chances of developing depression.
vijay kumar

Stress Management Technique Reviews - 0 views

    Formerly you are cloudless near the desired outcomes, try to put that tune into a few retarded affirmations that reverberate the experience of what you necessary to create. Weighty: ever use time edgy; avow the outcome as already existent and apportion. "I hump and get my embody completely," would be alter than, "I necessity to copulate and endure my body" This helps to performance your head head to anticipate the statements, and that consequently helps manifest them into actuality.

Work life balance can be easily achieved. Here is how you can do it - 2 views

Work life balance is a daunting task for most of them and here are few simple steps that will help those suffering to bring about a balance between their work and family life. 1) Self-Management Su...

Work life balance Stress Management higher consciousness

started by anonymous on 03 Jan 15 no follow-up yet
Catherine Plano

Why is my stuff coming up? - 0 views

Have you ever been in a place in life where you were so happy, a place of bliss and a place where everything is going perfect, then, all of a sudden stuff comes up… feelings and emotions from past ...

attention awareness belief beliefs brain science coaching leadership skills techniques consciousness creation effective emotion emotions empowerment feeling feelings happiness health human l

started by Catherine Plano on 25 Nov 15 no follow-up yet

West Nile And The Eyes -Port Charlotte. Venice, North Port, FL | Community Eye Center - 0 views

    Did you know that West Nile Virus can result in lesions to the part of the eye which gives us our sharp, central vision? With the recently issued mosquito-borne illness advisory, Community Eye Center (CEC) seeks to inform about eye manifestations of the West Nile Virus. Late last week, health the Florida Department of Health Charlotte County issued a mosquito-borne illness advisory. The advisory arose after a recently confirmed human case of West Nile Virus. Often, patients will present no symptoms of the West Nile Virus. But, in about 20% of cases, those infected may develop a fever and other symptoms including headaches, body aches, joint pains, vomiting, diarrhea or rash. In rare cases, West Nile can develop into a potentially life-threatening disease that affects the central nervous system.
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