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Fitness Dada

The Sweet and Tangy American Sweet Corn Salad Recipe - Fitness Dada - 0 views

    Salad plays a pivotal role in every meal. It adds a crunch of green to the meal. Indian meals are simply incomplete without the healthy salad recipes. We all consume a lot of food items on a daily basis and none of them are as crucial as salad.
Fitness Dada

Try out the sunny and cheerful Avocado, Mozzarella pasta and tomato salad recipe - Fitn... - 0 views

    Are you looking forward to eat healthy salad to feel energetic? What can be better than salads? Salad recipes superbly add fibre to the food while reducing constipation and body cholesterol. If you consume salad rich in fibre, just before the meal, you will end up consuming less amount of calorie.
Prakruti Ayurvedic Health Resort

Why choose Ayurveda for achievable New Year health resolutions? - 0 views

It is no news that on 1st January gyms as well as health and fitness clubs witness maximum number of subscriptions. Through New Year health resolutions everyone wants to get fit, stay healthy, lose...

new year health resolutions health resolutions weight loss tips diet tips for health panchakarma treatment ayurvedic spa

started by Prakruti Ayurvedic Health Resort on 30 Jan 16 no follow-up yet
Josh Racku

Cake Recipes for Kids - Delicious Recipes, Healthy Desserts - 0 views

    Cake recipes for kids should be easy to find, but it's not and a few of them that you find are actually healthy and delicious at the same time. But isn't that what we are all looking for in food, sweets, juices? Since I was little, I was a sugar maniac, bu...

Manuka Honey, Ginger Tumeric Shots Recipe - 0 views

    Manuka honey ginger turmeric shot is an easy and quick preparation that you can convert into ice cubes for use later. To make this healthy drink for the best effect, you need only a handful of ingredients and a blender.
jad guru

Nutritional Tips - 0 views

    Healthy Recipes for Weight Loss
aranya sk

Healthy Breakfast Recipes - Which You Can Cook Yourself Easily - 0 views

    Breakfast is a very significant part of your entire day's nutrition as it is your body's first energy source. Eating in the morning is important, since your stomach is depleted of fuel after a long sleep. You might have a busy day ahead and not have the time for proper lunch.
Robert Peil

Scrumptious Blueberry Recipes For That Lip Smacking Moment! - 0 views

    I love healthy blueberries, and here I found an awesome collection of treats. I recommend browsing this site - if just to whet your appetite with the stunning photos hidden here!
Michelle Rodulfo

Mika Ono: 5 Healthy Eating Tips From Traditional Chinese Medicine (PHOTOS) - 0 views

    Here are five tips on healthy eating according to the East Asian tradition, which I explored while writing Ancient Wisdom, Modern Kitchen: Recipes from the East for Health, Healing and Long Life (Da Capo Lifelong), with Chinese medicine experts Yuan Wang, L.Ac., and Warren Sheir, L.Ac.
aranya sk

Delicious Top 6 Healthy Breakfast Recipes - 0 views

    Standing before the mirror, have you ever been petulant to the creator for not blessing you with sound health and perfect figure? Everyone on earth has the right to enjoy life and yet it is an exclusive privilege of those who posses sound health.

Healthy Food Tips: How to Reduce Salt in Food - 0 views

    question of our daily life and we all are struggling to stay healthy and one of the important thing is how to reduce sugar and salt from our food is also very vital thing. The excess amount of salt is very harmful to the body. Same time salt is also very essential for our body but how to take it in limited quantities. Lets have a perfect answer to your question how to reduce salt in food. Check it out
Hicham Deselva

Top 7 Smoothie Recipes For Weight Loss - 1 views

    Healthy food ;; FOOD FOR WEIGHT LOSS
Prakruti Ayurvedic Health Resort

Ayurvedic recipes of Pat Vadya by Dr. Suyog Dandekar - 0 views

    Watch Dr Suyog Dandekar make delicious Ayurvedic Recipies of Pat Vadya on Well known Marathi TV show aamhi Saare khavayye Starring Prashant Damle

This Summer, Be Cool With Refreshing Litchi Recipes! - 1 views

    After mangoes, litchis are the second most popular summer delight. Litchi is a juicy tropical and subtropical fruit. It is a natural refresher packed with various health benefits. Litchi prevents growth of cancer cells, and is low on calories and it contains no cholesterol or saturated fats.
Herrin Gruber

Low Fat Healthy Banana Muffins Recipe - 0 views

    Do you want to know how to make low carb and low fat banana muffins? You are at the perfect place where you can get the delicious recipe for it.
Mike Hudson

Basil Cottage Cheese Dip - 0 views

    Try this dip, it is very easy to prepare and it tastes really good.

Pineapple Carrot Ginger Juice Recipe, Benefits and More - 0 views

    Have you ever attending a thirst-quenching cocktail with some kind of naturally energetic or health boost? Welcome the Pineapple Carrot Ginger Juice that gives a delightful cuisine and taste with most of the healthy nutrients required in a human diet. This juice should be taken on a sunny day when you want something that will not take up much of your tummy space but will replenish your nutrients. Also, it's very convenient to prepare in home!

Tonic Greens Review - How to Incorporate Tonic Greens into Your Daily Routine! - 1 views

Visit our Facebook page and groups: - https://w...

started by kanibi on 10 Aug 24 no follow-up yet

Non Acidic Fruits-Non Acidic Foods (High Alkaline Foods) - 0 views

    Hyper-Booster Your Health & Enjoy an Alkalizing Lifestyle with Healthy, Delicious and Mouth-Watering Recipes...
Marie Flores

Health Benefits of Berries, Healthy Berry recipes - 0 views

    By: Bel Marra Health | Wednesday, May 20, 2015 Colorful, bit-size and oh-so sweet, berries are delicious and highly beneficial. They may be small in size, but berries really pack a punch when it comes to improving your health. And there is a berry out there for everyone, with different textures, flavors and dessert possibilities!
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