Mindfulness Exercises - 0 views
Health, Weight & Fitness on 05 Jun 14Mindfulness ExercisesSit down for 3 hours and a half to meditate, relax your……. WHAT??? OK, OK, I am joking. The truth is that you don't need to sit down to meditate that long, or to meditate at all to practice mindfulness. There are several small actions that you can do during a day to practice it, whether you are a meditator or not. You can do most of these mindfulness exercises wherever you are, at any given moment. They are very simple, but incredibly powerful. While you are doing these exercises (or any mindfulness exercises) your mind will tend to wander and that's completely OK. It's not that you have a bad mind or anything like that. It's just that your mind is undisciplined or uneducated in this. So, while you are practicing don't beat yourself too hard if in the middle of the exercise you started to think about the bills that you have to pay or the text message that you had to send. Just when you notice that you are wandering, accept it and go back to the exercise without feeling of anger or being discouraged.