"Luckily there are many sites that now provide audio files under a creative commons licence. You can use these freely, as long as you attribute the original source. Sometimes you can even licence them to use commercially if you wish."
It is a web based tool designed for learners and educators. Four tools that inspire creative, fun ideas - a mindmapper, a cartoon creator, a movie editor and an audio application
Strategies and techniques are provided for integrating podcasts lessons to promote the benefits of greater student engagement and alternative assessment.
As this article from Webdesigner Depot aptly puts it, "Infographics can be a great way to quickly reference information." Infographics take advantage of the adage, "A picture is worth a thousand words," and the can give broader appeal to a message by tapping into the appetites of visually-oriented consumers.\n\nI find infographics particularly useful to help explain difficult or complex topics, and frequently make use of graphics applications like "mindmaps" in my own work. In fact, I wish my primary field would embrace more creative ways of conveying information to consumers and students. The legal world might be surprised to discover how much more interesting and informative the information would be.\n\nThis article contains infographics aimed primarily at web designers and those with a fairly advanced knowledge of technology. However, there are a number of infographics, such as no. 14, which I think do an excellent job of explaining how different social media outlets can be used by a business to attain different marketing goals. It takes no particular technical skill to understand the information displayed in no. 14, which is what makes it a good infographic for anyone.\n\nIf you are interested in this topic professionally, or you just want to look at some interesting graphics that convey information, check out the article. It's worth a look.