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Carla Arena

Interesting stuff - 82 views

Hi, Marina, It's It's a lot of fun! marina couri wrote: > Hey victor, what is the site for animoto? > kss >

gabriela anjos

High Techpectations: Spontaneous Advice - 0 views

  • What's a simple way to start infusing your curriculum with technology? What's a good starting point? Do you have a fav collab project? Courtesy of my Twitter Network: Suggest they take a part of their curriculum that they know well.... & consider if it could be made more collaborative, interactive, or personal for the students... then the tech tools are a win...  Need a GREAT project? Use Glogster to create and publish a WOW multimedia poster on any academic topic!  I've been thinking a lot about NETS-making tech "transparent and routine."  For tech neophytes, it's got to be non-threatening. so I've used GoogleGroups and GoogleDocs for out-of-class discussion and collaboration. As a language teacher, has been invaluable with connecting my students to native speakers.  Also, wikis & google earth Every faculty member has account-didn't support browser bkmrks when gave new machines-made em use del.icall summer collaboration and planning was done on wiki or google docs-all tech supprt documentation on wiki-students/teachers add  Visit ISTE student profiles. Pick a unit to enhance w/them. See  We start many a noobie on sharing online bookmarks, understanding how to share and access others bookmarks and subscribe to them. Use technology to reach it?  Sometimes I think when they see how well the objective is reached, and how engaged the students are We use wikis & google tools a LOT for collab started as tchr driven switched 2 stud recommend gaggle too Blogs would be my top suggestion... very collaborative.. easy learning curve... lots of possibilities.  My teachers found the collaboration to be a powerful and easily integrated project. locating images for a timeline project? posting a question of the day on a class blog? recording and sharing language mp3s? I started last year with podcasting and posted their work on the web, just like students in my class do. This year I showed teachers how to post and use a ning. They LOVED it. I call it Facebook for teachers. Set up Google Apps for Ed acct. for older students. Demonstrate the powerful uses of apps. Learn to organize Start with wikispaces. Look for other examples. Keep it simple & collborative. Kids work in teams to build wiki. Maybe info one? I'd say using tools such as Voki and Voicethread have been a good start for me :o)  Tchers have 2 start by letting go of the idea that they are "integratin tech" change to using tool for effective instruct ,that in response casts to gcast, post assign 2 wiki let kids discuss, storytelling 4 slide...feel post coming on:) The easiest way for this writing teacher is to pick a topic, any topic, and podcast students another starting point is to use VoiceThread to accomplish that.or start blogging and ask them to share their poetry (quick, simple success) then post that online. Have them drop poems into PPT Poetry then put it online with VoiceThread and invite feedback from other teachers' students on the poems, serious or fun. Take them to and let them use the story mapper or to map a poem, story, nonfiction text Do something simple that can be successful and allow person to see tech can support and make easier initially...find easy web sites that kids can do (my background is EC) that excite them. Find place so they communik8 (such as ask an expert) Online enviros such as nings or wikis offer the most flexibility for just about any kind of content; images, video, audio,text basic start would be w digital camera and bulletin bd then putting pics into projects, especially w a technophobe....take a look at what is happening and see what could be done w tech--morning messages, sign in on the computer, parent notes etc. I think that there is incredible power in planning learning with other teachers, and inviting student input :-) I think wikis are an easy way in for teachers. they understand the collaborative nature of them. So do kids I think blogging is a simple way to start for humanities teachers. It's writing for an audience. That makes sense to teacher
    • gabriela anjos
      Good hints on how to add more tech richness to our curriculum
    Some good hints on how to add techrichness to our curriculum!
mbarek Akaddar

Top 10 sites for Creating Digital Magazines and Newspapers by David Kapuler - 12 views

      RSS |Blogs|Forums|Register|Sign-In K-12 Blueprint   Digital Learning Environments Top 10 sites for Creating Digital Magazines and Newspapers by David Kapuler September 13, 2010 print ShareThis rss While creating digital magazines or newspapers can be done in a word processor, there are dedicated sites that elevate this art to a whole new level. Top 10 sites for Creating Digital Magazines/Newspapers 1. Issuu  - One of the most popular and successful online digital magazine creators/publishers around, with a very nice user interface. 2. Yudu  - Upload a document or PDF to create an online magazine that can be emailed our or embedded into a site. 3. Openzine  - Very user friendly site with an abundance of templates and layouts to create a professional-looking magazine and share online. 4. NewsCred  - Create a terrific looking online newspaper in 5 minutes, similar to Openzine. 5. Scribd  - A very popular Web 2.0 site for creating online content and publishing. 6 Fodey  - A fun site to create a newspaper and then download to print out or put on a blog or site. 7. Zinepal  - A great way to bring the news to students by "clipping" online articles. This is a wonderful site for those making the move to ebook readers. 8.   - A fantastic site to turn Twitter into an online readable magazine. 9.  - Is a news aggregator that puts online news in one customizable place. 10. Crayon - Create a professional-looking newspaper with this nice online creator. There are several options to choose from, so it has a bit of a higher learning curve.  David Kapuler is an educational consultant with more than 10 years of experience working in the K-12 environment. For more information about his work, contact him at and read his blog at SPONSORED LINKS       print ShareThis rss .      Leave a Comment:   Text Onl
Maggie Verster

Using Mobile Technologies to Promote Children's Learning (pdf ebook) - 7 views

    The report Pockets of Potential: Using Mobile Technologies to Promote Children's Learning, by Cooney Center Industry Fellow Carly Shuler, makes the case that our nation's leaders should not overlook the role mobile technologies can play, if well deployed, in building human capital and in helping to stimulate valuable innovation. As Sesame Street has proven over four decades of remarkable work, exposure to research-tested educational media starting early in life can accelerate children's skills, while producing enduring economic benefi ts to society. Pockets of Potential argues that despite legitimate public concern about the "disruptive track record" of mobile devices in schools, there is reason to be excited about their potential. As an analysis of key industry trends, opportunities, and challenges, including small-scale studies of academic and industry projects, the paper recommends a series of urgent action steps for key sectors to consider. Of particular note are the promising innovations developed by an international group of mobile technology thought leaders - from Silicon Valley to Seoul to sub-Saharan Africa - whose pioneering work is featured in this report and its appendices. The report joins a series of studies the Cooney Center has undertaken since launching one year ago. We hope to stimulate a new debate that will lead industry, funders, scholars, and caregivers to consider how the devices children now rely upon as their social currency may one day help them learn essential skills needed for success. As Mrs. Cooney recently noted, "Now is the time to turn the new media that children have a natural attraction to into learning tools that will build their knowledge and broaden their perspectives." Unless we do, the gulf between what children do informally and in school will widen, diminishing the educational opportunities all of our children need and deserve.
Gilmar Mattos

Tech Thoughts By Jen » Blog Archive » A Long Time Ago……… - 0 views

    What I am going to share here will probably be the most personal thing I have ever shared on my blog. Only 3 other people know of this and some who are skeptics will dismiss me right away. But - I promise if you stick with me to the very end, it will make sense AND it will be woven into Tech. A long time ago, a pastor I trusted was into meditation and he was leading several people through them. Being the skeptic (yes, even though my faith is strong, I still have doubts at times) I decided to give it a try. What I am sharing next was what I saw. I was sitting on a fountain and there was a gentle man sitting next to me and we began to talk about what I was afraid of. He asked me if I was ready to conquer some of my fears and I said "Yes". He advised me to look up - and there floating above me were planks with words on them….words with the fears that I indeed was dealing with. And the closest one said "Dogs". I was able to easily reach up and grab it. As I gave the gentle man the plank, I said "But I am not really afraid of dogs" and his response was "sometimes you have to go for the easy before you can go for the hard." He then asked me if I wanted to fly and I said yes and suddenly we were flying through the sky…….yet, I continually looked toward the fountain, toward the ground, toward the certain. He finally asked if I wanted to return and we returned to the fountain. He laid his head in his hands and began to cry. When I asked him why, his response was "Jennifer, I want you to fly, yet you always wish to return to where it is safe." What I am sharing with you is true - and I still deal with my fears and my wanting to be safe - but today - I want to take those 2 stories and weave them, if I may, into what our teachers are dealing with in regards to being open to tech. In the last few weeks, I have had several conversations with tech coordinators, integratrators, evangelists, ambassadors - whatever you want to call
    Very interesting reading. I feel that many of you are with wings and flying high, even if sometimes we question things and just want to go back to the ground. This is totally natural, questioning, trying, feeling on the verge of giving up, giving another chance, trying a different approach...
Katia Falcomer

"I'll Work If You Give Me Candy" | Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... - 2 views

  • “I’ll Work If You Give Me Candy” Filed under classroom practice Students were working on an assignment a couple of weeks ago. “Jack” (who faces a lot of challenges at home, and has been having some difficulties at school), however, was not. I went over to him and asked how it was going, and if he had some questions about what he needed to do. “I’ll work if you give me some candy,” he replied. I told him that wasn’t going to happen, that he was better than that, and that he needed to get to work. I knew that he didn’t like me “bugging him,” and we had made an arrangement a couple of months ago that when he was in this kind of mood I would leave him alone for a few minutes. Often, after that period of time, he would get focused without needing any additional intervention. A few minutes later, though, and Jack still wasn’t doing the assignment. I went over to him to check-in. “I’ll work if you give me some candy,” he repeated. I asked him to go outside where we could talk privately. I asked him if he felt that eating helped him to concentrate. He said yes, it did. I said, “Jack, I want you to be successful.   We all have things that help us concentrate — with me, it’s important to be in a quiet place.   You know there’s a class rule against eating in class, and I certainly don’t feel comfortable with your eating candy. But how about if I give you the option of bringing something besides candy to school and, if you’re having a hard time concentrating, as long as it doesn’t happen too often, you can have the option to eat while you’re working? How does that sound?” He eagerly agreed, we shook hands on the deal, and he went back to class and focused on his work. He’s been working hard since that time, and has not eaten anything in class since we made our agreement. But his knowing that he has the option to do so, I believe, has been a key part of the solution. This is similar to the option I’ve given some students to leave the room when they feel like they’re going to “blow”  — as long as they remain directly outside the door (see When A “Good” Class Goes “Bad” (And Back To “Good” Again!). All of us, particularly students who have family lives which are often out-of-control, function better when we feel we do have a certain level of control over…something. I have individual “deals” with many students in my class, and everybody knows it (we talk pretty explicitly about everybody being different, having different talents and different needs).  Only very, very ocassionally will students actually exercise the power they have in these deals.   Some might think these kinds of arrangements would prompt charges of unfairness from other students.  Surprisingly enough, in my five years of teaching, that has never occurred.  The students who don’t need these deals to focus understand why some do,  and everybody else understands because they have their own special arrangments with me. What kinds of individual “deals” have you made with students in your classes? addthis_url = ''; addthis_title = '%26%238220%3BI%26%238217%3Bll+Work+If+You+Give+Me+Candy%26%238221%3B'; addthis_pub = '';
Nik Peachey

Nik's Quick Shout: Survey Results: Mobile learning for ELT - 2 views

    The purpose of the survey was to ascertain the level of awareness and openness to mobile learning among English language teachers. I also wanted to find out to what degree and how teachers were already using mobile learning both in their teaching and and professional development and to establish whether they would be willing to pay for and use mobile content. The survey also collected information about the teachers' existing access to mobile services and the kinds of device they are using to get access to mobile Internet.
Eric G. Young

Let Infographics Convey Information More Clearly Than Words Alone - 8 views

    As this article from Webdesigner Depot aptly puts it, "Infographics can be a great way to quickly reference information." Infographics take advantage of the adage, "A picture is worth a thousand words," and the can give broader appeal to a message by tapping into the appetites of visually-oriented consumers.\n\nI find infographics particularly useful to help explain difficult or complex topics, and frequently make use of graphics applications like "mindmaps" in my own work. In fact, I wish my primary field would embrace more creative ways of conveying information to consumers and students. The legal world might be surprised to discover how much more interesting and informative the information would be.\n\nThis article contains infographics aimed primarily at web designers and those with a fairly advanced knowledge of technology. However, there are a number of infographics, such as no. 14, which I think do an excellent job of explaining how different social media outlets can be used by a business to attain different marketing goals. It takes no particular technical skill to understand the information displayed in no. 14, which is what makes it a good infographic for anyone.\n\nIf you are interested in this topic professionally, or you just want to look at some interesting graphics that convey information, check out the article. It's worth a look.

30+ Open Wikis Every Educator Should Know About | Edudemic - 9 views

    Are you interested in being a part of a dynamic digital environment capable of changing the world of education? There are wikis out there that are just waiting for you to join and offer up your $.02. From wikis on teaching in the United Kingdom to art to web 2.0 tools, there's a wiki for everyone.

    The list of wikis below is just a smattering of some of the best open wikis available today. They were all nominated by teachers and administrators from around the world during this year's Edublogs awards. If you're not familiar with wikis, they're quite simply a website developed collaboratively by a community of users, allowing any user to add and edit content. That's the official Wikipedia definition. What better place to get a proper definition, right? Anyway, check out each one of these terrific wikis today and do your best to join or at least monitor what's happening on them. Enjoy!
    #ukedchat Information Wiki Site
    21st Century Skills for Teachers
    Art Online Studio
    Daring Tech Wiki
    Digitally Speaking.
    Ed Camp
    Educational Origami
    Flat Classroom Project
    Greetings From The World
    ICT Magic Show
    iPad in Education
    Mr Hanson's Online Class
David Wetzel

Top 5 Search Tools for Finding Flickr Images for Use in Education - 4 views

    The top five search tools for finding Flickr images are designed to help teachers and students locate just the right image for use in any subject area and project. Without these tools finding the right image on this image hosting site is often an impossible, or at least a tedious, task. The value of this site is its ability to provide digital pictures which are often impossible for a teacher to obtain any other way. Like everything else on the internet, trying to find something is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. This where the top five search tools become valuable resources for teachers and students trying to find images comes into play. These search engines are specifically designed to search the more than three billion pictures on the Flickr hosting site.
Lauri Brady

Home - Water Planet Challenge - 3 views

    "Welcome to the premiere online destination where middle and high school students can dare to change the world. Together, we can spark our youth's natural curiosity to help protect, restore and preserve our water planet. With a growing library of vibrant, awe-inspiring videos, educator lesson plans, and service learning materials, we can encourage students to become engaged and involved in affecting global change. We encourage you to share your ideas and resources for helping to make this site interactive and ultimately stocked with the richest and widest array of educational materials best suited to reach youth and help them become aware and involved in affecting change around the world."
Maggie Verster

Tapiohka a learning social networking site with facilities for class mangement and reso... - 0 views

    "Today's tech-savvy students spend hours upon hours sharing information with friends through social networks like Facebook. We wanted to bring this form of interaction to education. Tapiohka is a free, hosted solution that provides easy access to class information with tools that facilitate sharing and collaboration. We look to differentiate ourselves by bringing the focus on students learning from each other and not just from their teachers and textbooks. We completed our first phase of development last month and Tapiohka is now available and completely free to users. Currently, a teacher can create a class and provide their students with secure access to class information, schedule and resources. Students can collaborate with their fellow classmates within a platform that enables the easy sharing of resources and the ability to create discussions and form study groups."
antonio branco

Online Degree: Education at Walden University - 0 views

    Master of science (M.S.) in Instructional Design an Technology.This program will teach you to apply theory, research, crativity, and problem-solving skills to a variety of technology applications in order to improve performance. You will also learn how to develop the analysis, design, and evaluation skills to assess, create, and manage training materials. These skills combined will offer you the ability to support technological advancemente and training in educational istitutions and corporate training classroom. Through your coursewoek, you will gain the experience needed to be efficient an effective using technology and multimedia tools.

Pocket : Queue - 5 views

shared by anonymous on 09 Oct 13 - No Cached
    • anonymous
      This is an excellent idea for a district to implement. Teaching teaches how to curate content online to align it with state standards. Does it take time? Yes. But, instead of playing outside consultants and companies to do this, a special committee of well trained and motivated teachers can come together and do this. They can pay them extra for this position. I think this will even motivate more teachers to get digitally ready when they see their colleagues getting payed extra for this kind of stuff. 
  • created an in-house wiki to manage its growing assortment of digital curricula and lessons.
  • dividing material into grade and subject areas, it helps educators unpack state standards and places them into bite-size expectations for what teachers should teach.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Rather than relying on individual educators to sift through endless material, many districts and states are helping to curate and catalog such resources, serving as the librarians of the digital age.
  • "This is curated by teachers, not by someone on the 70th floor of a New York City high-rise. It's simple, but powerful: Teachers tend to trust other teachers."
  • The goal is to provide materials that meld with a teacher's normal workflow-and not to become yet another website to visit. "We're trying to curate good content, letting them know it's been reviewed and meets our standards, while also being mindful that there are a lot of resources out there,"
David Wetzel

How to Create Screencasts for Teaching and Learning Using Jing - 11 views

    Have you ever wanted to create short "how to" video for your students to use for homework, remembering facts, and solving math problems. How often have your students stated, "I could not complete the homework assignment, because I could not remember the steps and no one could help me." Well the answer is to create a screencast or video for posting on your class wiki or blog for students to view at home or anywhere else they have web access.
dani lyra

10 Free Text to Speech Tools for Educators - 15 views

    m introducing you to a set of awesome tools that allow users to easily select any part of a text and hear it in the voice and accent they  want. These tools can be very helpful for language teachers. Students can use them to impprove their pronunciation and develop their reading skills. All these tools are easy to use and above all free of charge. Most of these tools are extensions that you can install on your browser.


    Proud to be Leader in Cop2 organized in SMILE :) project  managed by European Schoolnet . I tried to describe here my top 10 Social Media Curation tools to develop a PLN . Please add your feed-back and add comments with your  favorite startups to build a PLN here
Desiree Noland

How to Create Fillable Forms with MS Word 2010 - 4 views

    Creating forms with Microsoft Word is easy, but the challenge comes in when you decide to create fillable forms with options that you can send to people and have them fill out digitally. Whether you need a form for gathering information about people or if you are trying to take a survey to test out user response to software or a new product, MS Word has the solution for you.
David Wetzel

Top 10 Online Tools for Teaching Science and Math - 4 views

    Why use Web 2.0 tools in science and math classes? The primary reason is they facilitate access to input and interaction with content through reading, writing, listening, and speaking. These tools offer enormous advantages for science and math teachers, in terms of helping their students learn using Web 2.0 tools. For example: * Most of these tools can be edited from any computer connected to the Internet. Teachers can add, edit and delete information even during class time. * Students learn how to use these tools for academic purposes and, at the same time, can transfer their use to their personal lives and future professional careers. * RSS feeds allow students to access all the desired research information on one page. * Students learn to be autonomous in their learning process.
Geoffrey Smith

WordStash :: Vocabulary Learning, Dictionary Exploring, Mind Expanding - 13 views

    Word Stash is a free service that describes itself as "half vocabulary builder, half dictionary, and full awesome." Word Stash is pretty true to its self-description. At its most basic Word Stash is a dictionary that provides contextual examples to support the definitions offered. For many words, Word Stash provides an audio pronunciation.  The vocabulary builder aspect of Word Stash lies in the fact that users can create accounts in which they create and save lists of words to study. Users can create as many lists as they like and expand existing lists as they go. Word Stash provides short quizzes based on the words a user puts into a list. In creating the study quizzes, Word Stash uses a spaced repetition algorithm to present users with words based upon how often they answer correctly or incorrectly. To create a list of words users simply need to click "stash" anytime they view a word in the Word Stash dictionary. Users can also share lists and study other users' shared lists. 
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