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Nik Peachey

The Digital Classroom - Lessons in Digital Literacy - 5 views

    A collection of lesson plans based around infographics for developing critical thinking skills and digital literacy.
    A collection of lesson plans based around infographics for developing critical thinking skills and digital literacy.
Nik Peachey

Thinking Critically through Digital Media | - 3 views

    In a world where anyone with an internet connection can access, create and share information, opinions and beliefs, it has become increasingly important that students are not only able to assess the credibility of sources but also to look more deeply at the underlying motivations, beliefs and bias of the creator.
Susan Oxnevad

10 Free Tools for Everyday Research - 3 views

    As educators we are faced with the challenge of teaching students to efficiently use the Internet to find and use information. Searching for information and making sense of it is a process that involves critical thinking and it is an important skill. Fortunately, there are many free digital tools available to help students efficiently sift through an overwhelming abundance of web content to find the relevant and reliable information they need. This post will explore some digital resources to provide educators with tools to help all students become savvy searchers and independent learners.
David Wetzel

How to Integrate Wolfram Alpha into Science and Math Classes - 2 views

    What is Wolfram Alpha? It is a supercomputing brain. It provides calculates and provides comprehensive answers to most any science or math question. Unlike other search sources, you and your students can ask questions in plain language or various forms of abbreviated notation. Contrary to popular belief, Wolfram Alpha is not a search engine. Unlike popular search engines, which simply retrieve documents based on keyword searches, Wolfram computes answers based on known models of human knowledge. It provides answers which are complete with data and algorithms, representing real-world knowledge.
Maria da Luz Delfino

Top News - Seven skills students desperately need - 0 views

    At an education forum hosted by SETDA, keynote speaker Tony Wagner explained why teaching to the test is a mistake--and he listed seven 'survival skills' every student should have before graduating.
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