This site directly sells a service. I got a dedicated domain name for it, but must wait until my webhosting people are in the office to get it active. For now, you can use this link.
The birth sign is the place where the sun makes its transit through the Zodiac during the year. To find your astrological sign, select your birth month and date.
Large Collection of JavaScript source code. This site features excellent reference material for JavaScript, including a script archive that is easily accessed from the homepage. is always a good place to start because it provides a general overview with links to other resources. The MySQL article on explains the basics you need to learn SQL code to use with your MySQL database. (hosted at allows professors to publicly rate students. Compare notes with other professors before you select a graduate student, award a fellowship, or provide a recommendation.
Do I have to have a fancy HTML editor? No; matter of fact, you can instantly create your own HTML page just by using your favorite text editor (such as "Notepad" in Windows).
I help people decide on personally meaningful last names after marriage, divorce, baby, etc. Man's last name is no longer one size fits all! See