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Alex Halavais

Web Prog - 1-1: Course Syllabus - 0 views

shared by Alex Halavais on 21 Jan 09 - Cached
  • joining the group
    • Alex Halavais
      Here's a sticky note to share with everyone.
  • joining the group
    • Alex Halavais
      Hey everyone. If you are a member of the group, you can see what others have to say about pages on the web!
    • Lee Howard
      Just wondering if you have specific page numbers of the textbook you want us to read. Do you want us to do all the exercises in the book?
    • Alex Halavais
      Ha, I didn't see this hiding up here. It's up to you which (and whether) you want to do the exercizes in the book. The advantage of the book, I think, is that it provides a nice structured approach, it gets you started on the right foot right away, and it focusses on what is important. The downside is that there is some "fluff." Sometime we all need a bit of fluff. So, the long and the short of it is, if I were in your shoes, I would work through the book quickly. Some of what is covered there is also covered in my lectures. In fact, I think this is the largest amount of overlap I have ever had between a text and the lectures. But I suspect you will need more depth in some cases than you get from the lectures. You might try watching the lectures, and then working through the section of the book. It's probably too much to actually "read" during a week (yikes) but it is highly skimable. And there will be an opportunity to return to it, as we move into some of the programming.
    • Monica Aversa
      For challenge webprog-1-b: Question about the syllabus (and a suggestion) Question: I've been submitting challenges through adding bookmarks on Diigo; however, I used sticky notes on this one. Do you have a preference of how we submit challenges? Thanks. Suggestion: Very thorough lecture, but in future ones, it might be helpful to mention in computer requirements that Mac users need at least OS X 10.4 to access Firefox, Firebug, etc.
    • Monica Aversa
      Challenge for webprog-1-b: question #2 If we want to improve our grade on one of the challenges, are we allowed to redo it?
    • Alex Halavais
      Monica: Need to bookmark as well as sticky. I find the assignments according to the tag, so if it's not tagged, I won't find it. Firefox, Firebug, Firezilla, etc. are all available for 10.4 and before. Just google, e.g., "Firefox earlier releases." They may not have the same features as the most recent version. In practice, you can survive without any of these; they are just nice to have. As for your last question: the grade on an assignment is binary: either you get all the points or you don't. If you didn't, you'll need to send me a note when you redo it, so I can recheck it. If it's still before the deadline, you can rec. full points. If it is after the deadline, you get reduced points.
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • A simple comment in the code indicating where you found a particular snippet is enough.
    • Lee Howard
      Can you cite where in the book you can find out where in the code to place this acknowledgment?
    • Alex Halavais
      In the lecture 2-1 (coming soon!) I touch briefly on this. Generally, you just provide a short comment (see the last question on p. 6 of the book) near where you are borrowing code or ideas.
  • t will be added to the Completed page, at that point, with the associated number of points
    • Caruso  Nicholas L
      I just clicked the Completed page and it failed to load. Is this a page that will eventually be up? Will grades also be posted in Blackboard as well as the Completed page?
    • Alex Halavais
      Eventually up (soon I hope). And I do not love Blackboard, so no duplication there. They aren't grades, so much as a record of who is doing what.
    • Alex Halavais
      I lied :). Now up on Blackboard, by popular demand.
  • bookmark a particular URL
    • Caruso  Nicholas L
      For challenge 1-b it says to make sure we bookmark our question. How do we bookmark a highlighted comment? Do we just use the entire URL and you would seek out our question(s)?
    • Alex Halavais
      Is this the question you are bookmarking? If so, I think the world is going to expload. Yes, you should bookmark the page you are making the comment on (this one) and be sure to tag it webprog-1-b.
  • database-backed
    • Starr Andrew
      You mention MySQL for the db backend. Can you give a list of what we'd need to download from the MySQL site? There appear to be several options. My brain hurts.
    • Alex Halavais
      You need not download anything :). That was easy... The database will be on a server.
  • shell account
    • Kuban  Ellise J
      what exaclty is a "shell account". I looked it up on Wikipedia (, but can you try to explain it in English aka understandable terms?
    • Alex Halavais
      As it turns out, we probably won't need to access a shell account. Basically, this allows you to directly log in to a server computer, and move around it. You generally have shell access to your own computer (on Windows machines, look under accessories or Run: Command; on OSX, the program is called "Terminal.") This is generally the only way to directly run programs or access detailed information about a web server. Otherwise, you are limited to FTP, which really is just used to copy files to and from the server.
    • Kuban  Ellise J
      Thanks, this actually spawned another question, but relating to Diigo. I had no notification (or none that I could see) or anything that you had responded to my sticky note. Is there something I'm missing or should I just remember to check back. Thanks
    • Kuban  Ellise J
      and in turn, can you tag sticky-notes? here is my fake tag webprog-1-b
    • Alex Halavais
      Yeah, you *should* be able to tag notes, but I guess (for the 1-b, for example), you just have to retag the page...
  • There is a textbook recommended for the course, Head First HTML with CSS & XHTML.
    • Zebeck Jillian
      I am wondering how far along we should be in the book during the first two modules?
    • Alex Halavais
      Done. It's a pretty quick read. Really, my lectures are a kind of "Cliff Notes" (I guess that's now "Sparc Notes"?) of the book. You won't have a test, but you will find the book helpful in filling in the gaps as you create stuff.
  • create or modify a simple application on the web
  • (if any)
    • Marie Shanahan
      Hi Prof. Halavais. You mentioned in the opening syllabus video that you deliberately designed this ICM class to be an "open course," meaning it is open to others who are not tuition-paying QU students. Why make your class materials part of the "creative commons"? I'm also curious to know how QU officials feel about "open courses."
    • Alex Halavais
      That's probably a longer question than I can answer. I think there is a mixed feeling about it, and some at QU think we should charge people for knowledge. I guess I'll turn that around and ask: what is it you are paying for when you pay tuition?
    • Marie Shanahan
      When I finally finish paying tuition, I'll have that oh-so-valuable piece of paper that says I have a master's degree, right? Tuition also helps to pay you, my professor!
  • form of web server (LAMP
    • Tedd Fox
      Are we going to learn the commands that we may have to use on occasion?
    • Alex Halavais
      Well, initially I had planned on doing more of this. In the sixth module, we briefly touch on what's available to a user via the *nix "shell," if those are the sort of commands you are thinking of. But I've aleady packpeddled quite a bit from my initial plans.
    I have highlighted the question :-)
  • ...5 more comments...
    What pages of the textbook will we need to read in the first module? Should we do the exercises in the book? Also, can you cite how to acknowledge others' work within code?
    Questions re: the course/syllabus: I just clicked the Completed page and it failed to load. Is this a page that will eventually be up? Will grades also be posted in Blackboard as well as the Completed page? Second, on the 1-b challenge page it said to bookmark our questions...I'm a little confused as to the expectations. To be safe, I commented on/highlighted on the syllabus page and am now bookmarking the Syllabus page as well. Are we supposed to do both for this challenge?
    Question on MySQL downloads
    More of a general question towards the course in trouble if I really have no prior experience writing code/HTML/web programming? I'm a bit nervous to be honest.
    Question about the Head First HTML textbook...
    To satisfy challege 1-B, I have asked a good question about the course under the SCHEDULE section. There is a sticky note attached to the words "if any."
    I have highlighted the question :-)
Alex Halavais

Web Programming - 0 views

  • new son
    • Chere B
    • Alex Halavais
      Thanks :)
  • Although I try to track on everything you submit via Diigo or on the web or via email to me, the only official way to submit is to bookmark your project using the appropriate tag.
    • Sorteberg  Matthew T
      I just want to be sure that all the work I've done, including my bookmarks for webprog-1-a have been seen. I am missing grades for work that I've done in 1-a and 1-b...I'm sure it's hard to keep track of everything. Thank You!
    • Alex Halavais
      Matt, I try to check every day, but sometimes I go a couple of days without. If I'm still missing something of your, and it shows up in your collected bookmarks, let me know and I'll do a quick audit, making sure all your bookmarks (assuming they meet the standards of the challenge) show up in the gradebook.
  • current standard
    • Sarah-Jane Bolling
      Who ultimately decides what new coding practices are? Do they have pow-wows every X amount of years to discuss the evolution of code? How long before they become mainstream and accepted by all browsers and designers/programmers alike?
    • Alex Halavais
      It's complicated. W3C is considered the standards issueing group, and yes, they pretty much continually talk about what needs to happen in the next standard. In that, it's a bit like the video standards, with the MPEG group deciding what should be included as part of an MPEG-2 or MPEG-6 standard. However, it's also the case that there is a bit more variability in how well browsers follow that standard. As the book suggests, it's much better today than it was a few years back, when you would have effectively had to design different sites for each browser. There are still some oddities in Internet Explorer that you will likely have to design hacks for, but it's not like it used to be.
    Question about work.
    Question about work.
 Mark Zaniewski

Web Programming :: 2-2: Text Mess - 0 views

    This is the section of lecture 2-2: Text Mess that I added a comment to. I hope you will check out the link I added if you are interested in how you can incorporate what you know about design aesthetics to what you are learning about CSS.
  • ...1 more comment...
    Added video comment.
    I added a comment on video 2-2 re: the div tag.
    Question on video at around 23:30: While different browsers don't all support the same features, will they at least support basics like flow and positioning in like fashion? I recently had a heck of a time with a positioning difference between Firefox and IE, and I still wonder if it was my code, or the way IE dealt with it.
Pat Salvas

Web Programming :: 2-3: Columnated - 0 views

    Getting columnated is a little tricky for beginners like myself. In lecture 2-3: Columnated, I added a comment with a link to a site that lays out the fundamentals of the language used. I think this would be especially helpful to someone who aspires to be a web producer because a producer needs to speak in html and css language. The link is
  • ...3 more comments...
    Viddler Comment @ 28:43. I'm having some issues when using the "#" for divs on Smultron (on a Mac).
    I found that the "margin: auto;" tag does not work in IE7. I looked for a work around, but it appears that inline styles may be the only way. Thanks Microsoft. :-)
    Viddler comment at 7:56. I am not sure if I bookmarked this correctly, at all!
    There is a comment and link on the third video, second module for challenge 2-b. It may be found at 1:24. Thanks.
    Made a few comments regarding photoshop and other aspects to the 2-column layout. Long lecture, but helpful in understanding the layout neccessities.
Chere B - webprog-2-2 - Uploaded by halavais - 0 views

    Lecture 2-2 question
Pat Salvas

Web Programming :: 3-2: Date Sensitive - 0 views

    On the 3-2 video, I posted a question about using if/else VS. switch around the 23:45 mark. This is for challenge 3-b. Thanks.
    A comment I placed on the Lecture 3-2 video...
    Tagged a few comments in here on the time lecture. seems like the easiest of all the php stuff.

Web Programming :: 2-1: What Style - 0 views

    Made video comment.
    I made a comment on video 2-1...
Caruso  Nicholas L

Lecture 5-2 comment... - 0 views

    A comment I placed on Video Lecture 5-2...
Chere B - webprog-2-1 - Uploaded by halavais - 0 views

    Viddler lecture comment - Protecting brand fonts
Katie McLaughlin

My 2:45 pop culture reference - 0 views

    Question asked on movie timeline around 17 minute mark...
  • ...2 more comments...
    For challenge 3-b, I added a link of a video that further explains client-side VS. server-side programming. If you're confused about it (or need a refresher from mod. 1), this should be helpful.
    I like this! Stopping a lecture in between to post my comments is definitely on the cool, geeky side of ICM :D I may steal this idea for my classes, Dr. H!
    This method of drawing out the program steps is one of the best solutions for creating a program. My flow charts are usually not this complicated, but I have found them to be very helpful in creating the solution. It helps determine the switched ans loops required to complete the task - I typically will detail what type of loop i need between steps (where the arrows go). Doing one of these charts actually helped me solve the Fibonacci challenge
    At 02:45 I point out something that perhaps doesn't fall under the category of worthwhile to our lesson, but whatever -- Rosie the Robot (of 'Jetsons' fame) would never need instructions on how to make a PB&J sandwich. She would make it with love, too. Also, she could not make 50,000 because she'd get tired.
Caruso  Nicholas L

6-b Comment - 0 views

    I place a comment/link on this page above the YouTube video ( It's a great site that has more general info regarding the use of Ajax with php, forms, and browsers. Good for newbies like myself!
Sarah-Jane Bolling

Web Programming :: 4-2: Get it? - 0 views

    Added question to video.
Alex Halavais

Syllabus Question 2 - 0 views

  • Jing.
    • Chere B
      When attempting to download Jing I received the following error message: 16 bit MS-DOS subsystem; The NTVDM CPU has encountered illegal instruction. Can anyone tell me what this means and how to get around it?
    • Alex Halavais
      :/ beats me. All I can find on the web is "try the application again." It may just not like your system for some reason. There are some other free screen recorders out there, but I haven't had a lot of experience with them, unfortunately.
  • Notepad++
    • Chere B
      When I download Notepad ++ do I need to download the Binary files and the source files in order for it to work?
    • Alex Halavais
      You should just need the binaries...
  • For the Mac, you might want to try Text Wrangler
    • Zebeck Jillian
      Is there a way to view the text you are working with in Text Wrangler as if it was on the web? I know you can with Text Edit on the Mac? I guess I don't see the value of TextWrangler, yet...
    • Alex Halavais
      You can always view the file you are working on in a browser... Nothing wrong with TextEdit (as long as you change to Plain Text).
    Hi Dr. Halavais. How do I get a web host? I'm having trouble seeing if I have one.
  • ...1 more comment...
    Questions about web-view using TextWrangler
    I have a couple questions. They are highlighted within the sticky notes in the text regarding downloading problems also: When downloading Notepad++ do I need both the binary and the source files? When I attempted to download Jing I received the following error message: The NTVDM CPU has encountered illegal instruction. Can anyone tell me what this means and how to get around it?
    Questions about web-view using TextWrangler
Pat Salvas - webprog-2-1 - Uploaded by halavais - 0 views

    At first, I was messing this up, but I think I caught on by the end. I think its is very much like Diigo, but for videos. Very easy to use once I realized that what I was doing was incorrect and not what the site was giving me back as wrong.At first, I was messing this up, but I think I caught on by the end. I think its is very much like Diigo, but for videos. Very easy to use once I realized that what I was doing was incorrect and not what the site was giving me back as wrong.
    At first, I was messing this up, but I think I caught on by the end. I think its is very much like Diigo, but for videos. Very easy to use once I realized that what I was doing was incorrect and not what the site was giving me back as wrong.
Bryan Dumelin

Web Programming :: 5-1: Javascript - 0 views

    I asked 2 questions related to Javascript.
    At the 17:23 mark in the first video of the JavaScript module, I asked if Professor Halavais could clarify some text on the screen. However, the text may have been blurred out deliberately since the surrounding text is fuzzy but not as bad. Just don't want to miss any important steps!
    Its interesting that javascript is fading off the design of html pages, yet it is becoming a key tool for flash programming...maybe javascript was just misplaced in the early development of the web.
Katie McLaughlin

I link to color values during lecture 2-1 @ 23:09 - 0 views

    Further explanation regarding why we dive into CSS without thoroughly understanding it first.
    At 23:09 I link to a page that lists the various CSS color values and displays their various hues.
Marie Shanahan

Stylesheet governance question - 0 views

    This should take you to the comment I made on the Viddler timeline.
  • ...1 more comment...
    Trying to properly bookmark my Viddler comments to Module 2.
    btw, I am commenting as "barackberry" (I had problems with my original login)
    Question about calling in multiple stylesheets at 10:21 on the timeline.
Garrett Karen

Viddler Comment - 0 views

    A very minor error in the Viddler video.
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