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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Hoving Allan

2More - webprog-3-4 - Uploaded by halavais - 0 views

    Here's a video comment on this "most important segmet so far" - in which "pitch" and "catch" sail over my head. Guess that makes me the monkey in the middle.
    Anyone with insight into Tiny WIki out there?

Free automatic popular PHP scripts installer - 0 views

    I am documenting this to keep it academically honest. I admit that the devilish character depicted on this website is disturbing.
    I have reached my level of incompetence as far as programming is concerned. I have to use other smarts now. Since prof has already made reference to laziness being a virtue and other folks who have kindly done this stuff before, I am now searching for sample PHP Wiki code that I can adapt for this Challenge.

PHP tricks - Google Book Search - 0 views

    cruft? or uncruft?
    I've been exploring Google Book Search (I met with some members of the team recently) and I find many other people aren't aware of it. I was hoping to be able to find and browse an O'Reilly book here, but I see they don't fully participate in the program. There are, however, many books offering a Limited Preview, so hopefully others will find this bookmark of value.
2More - webprog-3-1 - Uploaded by halavais - 0 views

    Googled Xampp for Mac and came up with something called Saw a security warning in the documentation. Wondered if I could trust the site and the software.
    anybody already using this on a Mac OSx?

Stylesheet governance question - 0 views

    Trying to properly bookmark my Viddler comments to Module 2.
    btw, I am commenting as "barackberry" (I had problems with my original login)
1More - webprog-2-2 - Uploaded by halavais - 0 views

    Trying to properly bookmark my Viddler comments for Module 2.

Chili for a Ben's-Style Half-Smoke with Menu - 0 views

    Is it a new trend now to have a little vertical "Feedback" tab on the left or right side of a web page? I've been noticing it all over in the past couple of weeks.
    This adds the menu bar to the Recipe with CSS. I tried to include a comment in the code crediting the site where I found it.

A horizontal menu with css - 0 views

    This was a simple, easy-to-follow tutorial on creating a horizontal menu with CSS. I attempted to credit the website in the comments field within the code.

Chili for a Ben's-Style Half-Smoke with CSS - 0 views

    nutso: a misplaced semi-colon can mess you up big-time
    Did a for the recipe; linked to a style sheet; added background color; added border and changed style of list; changed link color (but don't know why viewed link color doesn't change).

Cheat Sheet Round-Up: Ajax, CSS, LaTeX, Ruby... | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine - 0 views

    How can I tell if anyone else has previously bookmarked this?
    Here's an interesting site I encountered looking for CSS cheat sheets. I'm not sure how useful it might be, it because the entry is dated 2006. But the eye-candy on the page attracted me.

DoKashiteru, 2025 - 0 views

    very catchy, no?
    full selection of this music from ccmixter, a Creative Commons audio site

Custom Wordpress Themes - 0 views

    cool custom Wordpress theme design
    I'm becoming interested in how folks using Wordpress and other blogs have such distinctive designs. Turns out there are people/companies that are now designing custom templates (is that an oxymoron?). Here's one I just found, Monochrome Pro from Graph Paper Press

Yahoo! Web Hosting: Everything You Need for a Professional Site - 0 views

    Some people collect coins or stamps. Imelda Marcos collected shoes. I collect domain names and have been registering different ones for over a decade. No, I'm not a squatter, but I did take 18 months before there was a Kerry-Edwards ticket. They didn't offer to buy it. But I did sell to some guy for $15K; he hasn't done anything with it. I've used Network Solutions,, GoDaddy and Yahoo! Domains. If I'm maintaining a site myself, I usually stick to Yahoo! because it's dumbed down and easy to use. I have a Web Hosting Starter account there for my personal site It takes a few extra clicks to get where I need to go to manage the files, but I haven't had too much trouble with it. You can upload files directly (no other FTP client needed). And there's none of that DNS stuff I sometimes run into that totally confuses me.
    Review of Yahoo! Web Hosting

Introduction: Allan Hoving - 0 views

    with minimal tags and no links, per assignment
    My introduction

Ben's-Style Chili for Half-Smoke - 0 views

    On the site where I found this, one person commented: "That looks like a turd on a bun."
    Recipe for a Ben's-Style Chili Half-Smoke, which Obama sampled from the famous DC eatery.
    closed it. thanks!

Media Angst: Searching for Profitable Business Models - DealBook Blog - - 0 views

    the title says it all

Welcome to Shop to Earn | Shop to Earth! Shop for Clothing, Shoes, Handbags, Makeup, Fr... - 0 views

    support your favorite web sites by transacting your online purchases through them
    potential new business model

search the web for any song in the world - 0 views

    touted as possible pandora killer

Twittermaven: How would you spend $20M? - 0 views

    so much neat stuff out there, but what's the revenue model?
1 - 19 of 19
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