New iStanford Release with Library App | Information Center - 0 views
Robyn Jay on 18 Oct 10"iTunesU, 5-SURE and Emergency Tiles), but of special note are two major, Libraries-specific enhancements: 1. A Library "tile", which allows you to search library holdings via SearchWorks from your iPhone. 2. A Library "Places" overlay in the Maps tile. The iStanford interface looks like this (note the library tile in the bottom left corner): The Library tile takes you straight to a search box, powered by SearchWorks' index and relevancy ranking. Search results show book covers, author, title and availability. iStanford screenshot of SearchWorks search result Individual item records provide additional information, including item location and availability status, as well as links to any online versions. iStanford screenshot of map with There is also an Advanced Search option, and an "Ask A Librarian" page, with integrated email and phone numbers for Campus libraries. The new Maps tile now has a "Places" button in the bottom right corner of the screen, which provides a link to Libraries or Residential and Dining. The Libraries "place" provides a list (or map) of campus libraries. Individual library links include contact information, a link to hours, and a link to the library's web site."