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Benjamin Jörissen

SUNY Oswego - Editorial: The Components of Authentic Learning (Journal of Authentic Lea... - 0 views

  • "authentic learning" is relatively recent, the idea of learning in contexts that promote real-life applications of knowledge
  • learning in contexts that promote real-life applications of knowledge
  • Approaches that focus on such authentic tasks include project-based learning, the case method, problem-based learning, cognitive apprenticeship (Collins, Brown, & Newman, 1989), situated learning, constructive learning environments (Jonassen, 1999), collaborative problem solving (Nelson, 1999), and goal-based scenarios (Schank, Berman, & MacPerson, 1999).
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • Renzulli, Gentry, and Reis (2004) identified four criteria
  • investigate a real-life problem
  • problem needed to be open-ended
  • devise solutions that change people's actions, beliefs, or attitudes
  • targeted a real audience beyond the classroom
  • Callison and Lamb (2004)
  • authentic learning occurred at the intersection of workplace information problems, personal information needs, and academic information problems or tasks
  • Authentic Learning Involves Problems Rooted in the Real World
  • Authentic Learning through Inquiry and Thinking Skills
  • Authentic Learning Occurs through Discourse among a Community of Learners
  • Learners are Empowered through Authentic Learning
Joachim Niemeier

The state of social learning and some thoughts for the future of L&D in 2010 - 2 views

    Five different categories of social learning:\n 1. Formal Structured Learning\n 2. Personal Directed Learning\n 3. Group Directed Learning\n 4. Intra-Organisational Learning\n 5. Accidental & Serendipitous Learning\n
Syed Amjad Ali

Why E-Learning - A simple analysis - 0 views

    E-Learning industry is witnessing tremendous growth in terms of revenue and application. It has become a synonym for many of the learning requirements in corporates, academics and government institutions. To provide most suitable learning solutions, industry experts exploring and inventing creative methods and approaches such as Custom Learning Solutions, Rapid Learning Solutions, Gamifications, Instructor Led Training programs and blend of these methods and approaches.
Benjamin Jörissen

12 eLearning Predictions for 2009 - 0 views

  • #1 - "Self-Directed Learning" Increases
  • eLearning 2.0 Grows
  • rapid growth in the use of wikis for content presentation
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • growth in discussions and social networks for collaborative learning
  • organizations who try to create big eLearning 2.0 Strategies will move much slower than organizations who adopt easy to use tools and make tactical use of these tools
  • Pressure for Social Learning Solutions in Corporate Learning
    Social learning solutions like social homework help provided by Cramster; CampusBug, Grockit, TutorVista, EduFire, English Cafe, and the list goes on and on. What will happen to about 20% of the workplace learning professionals is that some VP/C level in your company will have their teenager or college age kid use one of these services and tell them about it. They will they proceed to wonder why you aren't doing something similar.

E-Learning Award D-ELINA 2010: Ausschreibung gestartet - 0 views

    Ab sofort kann man sich für den E-Learning Wettbewerb D-ELINA anmelden. Prämiert werden erfolgreiche und erfolgversprechende innovative Konzepte und Lernszenarien, die beispielhaft digitale Technologien und Tools integrieren (E-Learning). Es gibt Geld- und Sachpreise zu gewinnen. Bewerben können sich junge Berufstätige, Studierende und Schüler. Auch in diesem Jahr wird wieder ein Sonderpreis für etablierte Anwender vergeben. Die Ausschreibung läuft noch bis zum 30.11.2009!
Syed Amjad Ali

E-Learning and Blended Learning - 0 views

    It is difficult to find one simple solutions for a complex issues. The expectations with regards to performance at work place or at home are complex; we need a blend of various learning solutions to resolve these complex issues. In such a scenario, Blended learning offers a greater chance of success.
Benjamin Jörissen

Wikis as a Tool for Collaborative Course Management - 0 views

  • In today’s Web 2.0 world, wikis have emerged as a tool that may complement or replace the use of traditional course management systems as a tool for disseminating course information.  Because of a wiki’s collaborative nature, its use also allows students to participate in the process of course management, information sharing, and content creation.
  • Traditional course management systems such as Blackboard, Moodle, or WebCT
  • are often document-centered
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • This paper describes best practices for using a collaborative web application known as a wiki to augment a traditional course management system.
  • y introducing a wiki for collaborative course management, students also learn to interact with a real world tool, enabling them to accomplish some tasks that would be more cumbersome if not impossible using a traditional course management system.
  • Wikis are useful for students to share their class notes (O’Neill, 2005; Guth, 2007). O’Neill proposes that “the instructor places skeletal lecture notes onto a wiki site, and students flesh them out with materials they have learned in class...” 
  • Maloney (2007) suggests that today’s course management systems are not being used to their fullest potential. Because they are “built around the … course, not the … student,”
  • “The role that the systems play most often is like that of an advanced photocopier
  • a next-generation CMS must be centered around the student’s learning, not the course’s administration
  • In one project, each group set up its own wiki page to chronicle work and share materials with other group members. A template provides the structure for students to enter their names and tasks completed.
  • To promote collaboration, two or three students are assigned specific dates throughout the semester to post their notes from class to the wiki. To ensure that they were posted in a timely fashion, students had to complete their wiki notes prior to the start of the following class. Classmates then reviewed these “Wikipedia-style” notes pages, and added information that they learned but the original authors may have omitted.
  • The instructor provided a template containing the class date, space for the contributors to enter their names, and a blank page below for the notes.
    JOLT - Journal of Online Learning and Teaching
Joachim Niemeier

Praxisleitfaden: Web 2.0 für Lern- und Wissensmanagement in kleinen und mittl... - 4 views

    Sicher nicht nur für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen interessant ist dieser Praxisleitfaden der erläutert, wie Unternehmen Werkzeuge des Web 2.0 nutzbringend zum Lernen einsetzen. Der Leitfaden beschreibt die wichtigsten Tools, die das Lernen leichter und effizienter machen: Blogs, Twitter, Mikroblogs, Wikis, virtuelle Klassenräume, Videokonferenzsysteme und persönliche Lernumgebungen. Ein weiteres Kapitel zählt Möglichkeiten auf, klassische E-Learning-Anwendungen mit Web 2.0-Instrumenten zu verbinden.
James OReilly

Virtual Learning Quality - Mastering ISO 9001 Quality Processes In Virtual Worlds - 0 views

    ISO 9001 implementation for virtual learning & teaching
James OReilly

Virtual Workshop: Designing for Mobile Learning - 1 views

    "Designing Mobile Learning: Principles and Practices "
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